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06/09/2023, 19:45 Current & Circuits

Current & Circuits

Electric Circuits

An electric circuit is a path for electric charge to flow (electrons) along. Like all electrical devices,
portable phones contain electric circuits contain electric circuits. In order for an electric circuit to
work, an energy source, components and a complete loop(s) is needed.


A current is a flow of charge - when wires are connected to a power source (battery) completing a
circuit, electrons flow through the metal wires. The charge is essentially the flow of electrons per
second. Currents flow from - to +.

Charge = Current. x Time

Coulombs (C) = Amps (A) x Seconds(S) - The units of measure

The symbol for charge, which is measured in coulombs, is Q. Therefore we write this in symbols as:

I = Q/t

• Current is measured in amps (A) and is measured by ammeters

--> e.g - 1 amp = 1 coulomb per second
--> Ammeters are placed in series with the component it is measuring
• Voltage is measured in volts (V) and is measured by voltmeters
--> Voltmeters are placed parallel to the component it is measuring

Batteries push charge around a circuit. It is electrons that flow around a circuit and they are found in
metal wires

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06/09/2023, 19:45 Current & Circuits

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