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The story that will be performed today is about people who underestimate time and one

Scene 1

(an incoming phone call is heard from a cell phone)

Cynthia : Jessy? What's he calling about? Just pick up.

Jessy : hello Cyn, how are you?

Cynthia : Good news, how are you and what's up?

Jessy : I'm fine too thanks, so my purpose in calling is to invite you to our class reunion
on Saturday the 13th of this month, are you available?

Cynthia : I think so, who's coming?

Jessy : Seriously, there will be me, Tasya, Nida, Sarah, Alodia and the event will be
held at RSOUYI café at 18:00 don't be late.

Cynthia : Okay, Jes, thanks for the info.

Jessy : Yes, Cyn, we look forward to seeing you.


After that day came the day the reunion event will begin, where the reunion event will be
held at the RSOUYI café at 18.00.

Scene 2:

(CAFÉ SCENE: Jessy enters the café and sits down)

Jessy : Where are the people, are they late? Even though the event starts in 20 minutes.

Not long after, Nida arrived at the café and immediately approached Jessy who was

Nida : jessyy!!!

Jesyy : Nidaaa!!! It's been so long since we met, how are you?

Nida : I'm fine, how are you?

Jessy : I'm fine, let's sit down first.


Tasya suddenly came to surprise Nida and Jessy.

Tasya : DORRR!!!!!

Jessy : When did you come?

Nida : Yes, the bag just surprised me.

Tasya : I just arrived, I surprised you guys on purpose ahaha.

Jesyy : How are you Tasya?

Tasya : I'm fine, how about you two?

Nida & Jessy : We're fine.

Tasya : ahaha you guys are so compact

Jessy : Let's sit in our bags while waiting for the others.
Scene 3:


Then Alodia and Sarah also arrived at the café.

Sarah : Where's Jessy?

Alodia : Let's try to find her who knows she's inside.


Jessy, who accidentally saw Alodia and Sarah who were confused, immediately called
them both.

Jessy : Alodia, Sarah

Sarah : It's Jessy.

Alodia : Yes, it's Jessy, let's go get her.

Scene 4:

Jessy : Sarah, Alodia it's been a long time since we've seen you guys, how are you?

Sarah : We're fine.

Alodia : How about you guys?

Nida : We're fine, but when do we start the show?

Jessy : We're still waiting for one more person.

Nida : Who are we waiting for again?

Jessy : Yesterday I invited Cynthia too, so we're waiting for her.

Nida : Cynthia who is often late, isn't she?

Jessy : Yes, I called her yesterday.

Tasya : Try calling her, I'm afraid she won't be able to make it.

Jessy : Okay, I'll try to call.

Scene 5:

(Scene Cynthia at home)


While 1 hour ago

Cynthia : The day feels so fast, ouh yes I forgot today there is a reunion event at 18:00
while it's 17.05 I'm relaxed, it's still a long time too.

Cynthia takes the cell phone

Cynthia : Scroll Tiktok first deh


Cynthia was so cool that she forgot the time where it was already 17:55.

Scene 6:

* telephone ringing sound from jessy

Cynthia : Hello jes what's up?

Jessy : Where are you Cyn? The others are waiting for you.


When Cynthia looked at the clock she immediately felt panic because she forgot the time
and finally she turned to Jessy.

Cynthia : I'm on my way jes, you wait for me.

Jessy : Be careful, we'll wait.

Cynthia immediately panicked to be ready.

Scene 7

(Scene café)

Tasya : How did he come?

Jessy : We can, but we have to wait for him, he's just about to leave.

Nida : Then I'll order some food first, I'm so hungry, anyone?

Alodia : I'll have a cappuccino.

Nida : Okay, wait.

Scene 8:


After almost an hour of waiting, Cynthia finally came.

Cythia : Hello everyone, have you been waiting a long time? Sorry
Tasya : Where have you been Cyn, we've been waiting for you here for an hour.

Nida : Yes, Cyn.

Jessy : Where have you been Cyn, I guess your house isn't far from here.

Cynthia : Yes, sorry everyone, actually when Jessy called earlier I was just getting ready.

Nida : You're not at school, you're always late.

Sarah : You can't keep underestimating the time Cyn.

Alodia : That's right "time is money"

Cynthia : I'm sorry, guys, because of me you've been waiting a long time.

Jessy : Already, instead of all of us judging, let's just start the show.

Tasya : But before that we apologize for judging you Cyn.

Cynthia : It's okay, it's my fault anyway, let's start the show.

Everyone Let's get started.

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