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A STELLA-II teaching simulation of the dynamics of action model

Article in Behavior Research Methods · June 1995

DOI: 10.3758/BF03204740


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3 authors, including:

Justin Tumlinson
University of Exeter


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Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers
1995,27 (2), 244-250

A STELLA-II teaching simulation

of the dynamics of action model
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
Netrex, Inc., Southfield, Michigan

Although the Atkinson and Birch (1970) dynamics of action model of behavior is included in many
textbooks, the details of the model are left out. To facilitate the teaching of the full theory, the concep-
tual model is outlined, research findings are reviewed, and a simulation model using STELlA-II is pre-
sented. STELlA-II, an icon-based program, provides a visual representation of the model that students
can follow, with graphical and tabular output and animation of the rise and fall of parameter values.

In 1970,-Atkinson and Birch published the dynamics stabilized, would be represented by a horizontal line, nei-
of action theory, a model of behavior and its underlying ther rising nor falling through time (see Figure 1). How-
motivation. The first computer simulation of that theory ever, as time passes, the tendency to eat the doughnut in-
was written by Seltzer (1973) and Seltzer and Sawusch creases as a result of the instigating force arising from
(1974) in FORTRAN IV-G. In 1975, Bongort completed the immediate stimulus situation (the presence of the
a version ofthe dynamics of action written in FORTRAN doughnut, its proximity to the writer) as well as previous
IV, incorporating OSIRIS subroutines. In 1986, D. 1. experience with fresh doughnuts. The instigating force is
Atkinson published a version in BASIC. It is the purpose high (the slope of the line is steep) because the doughnut
of this article to present a conceptual simulation of the is appealing; the force would be lower (the slope of the
dynamics ofaction theory done with STELLA-II, a prod- line would be flatter) if the doughnut were stale.
uct of High Performance, Inc., a version that can be used But let us also imagine that the person is on a diet and
for teaching purposes. knows that eating the doughnut will reverse previous
weight loss. This knowledge creates an inhibitory force
THE DYNAMICS OF ACTION THEORY (I) that increases a negaction tendency (N) not to eat the
doughnut. Again, the resultant action tendency (BAR-T)
In the dynamics of action theory, behavior is concep- is equal to the action tendency minus the negaction ten-
tualized as a stream; one behavior or activity flows into dency (T - N). As long as the resultant tendency to eat
the next, and the sequence of activities is determined by the doughnut is less than the resultant tendency to type
forces below the surface: instigating forces, inhibitory on the computer, the doughnut will remain on its plate.
forces, forces of resistance, and consummatory forces. However, a force of resistance (R) is working to reduce
Each activity is represented by its resultant action ten- the negaction tendency. The resistance value ofthe dough-
dency (T or BAR-T), the algebraic combination of the nut (r) is high because it is fresh and aromatic; it is very
positive action tendency (T) and the negative action ten- tempting. R is equal to r times N; that is, the force of re-
dency or negaction tendency (N): BAR-T = T - N. The sistance is higher for a fresh doughnut than for a stale one
instigating force (F) causes the action tendency (T) to (higher r) and is higher when one is seriously dieting
rise through time. For example, let us imagine a person (higher N). As is illustrated in Figure 1, given enough time,
sitting at a computer and working on an article; to that the person will reach for the doughnut and begin to eat
person's right is a fresh doughnut. The ongoing activity (at the point where the line representing BAR- T for eat-
consists oftyping on the computer, which, because it has ing crosses the line representing the BAR- T for writing).
When an activity has been initiated, the consummatory
force (C) is applied. One will not continue eating dough-
Work on this project was supported by an Organized Research grant
through Northern Arizona University. We wish to thank Anne Brom- nuts forever; at some point, one's hunger is satisfied and
ley, Ann Beck, and Randi Reppen for their editorial assistance. Re- the tendency to eat decreases. The consummatory value
quests for reprints and for copies of the data files to be used with (c) of eating doughnuts is greater than the c value of eat-
STELLA-II should be addressed to V. Blankenship, Department of ing celery; eating a doughnut satisfies and, therefore,
Psychology, Northern Arizona University, Box 15106, Flagstaff, AZ
86011 (e-mail: STELLA-II may be pur-
decreases one's hunger at a faster rate than eating celery
chased from High Performance Systems, Inc.,45 Lyme Road, Hanover does. Also, the rate at which one is eating (BAR-T) de-
NH 03755. termines the satisfaction of the hunger: C = c- BAR-T.

Copyright 1995 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 244


ED action tendencies, the one just coming on and the one

just going off, and avoid quick reversals of the two ac-
tivities, a condition referred to as behavioral chatter.

l;' 120

Studies ofMeasurement Issues
The FORTRAN IV version of the dynamics of action
80 theory has been used in a number of studies to generate

J 80

and explore research hypotheses. The first uses of the
simulation were to simulate the measurement ofthe stream
of behavior (Birch, 1972), to model risk-taking behavior
(Reynolds, 1974), and to explore the effect of thoughts
on action (Birch, 1. W. Atkinson, & Bongort, 1974). To
0+-....." " " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , challenge the applicability of classical reliability theory
50 100
assumptions (i.e., internal consistency) to the thematic
apperceptive test (TAT) measure of achievement moti-
Figure 1. A FORTRAN simulation of two activities: writing an ar- vation,1. W. Atkinson, Bongort, and Price (1977) ran a
ticle and eating a doughnut. Changes in behavior occur when the top
line representing the strength of tendency to write an article (TWA),
series of simulations depicting the time spent thinking
for example, is crossed by the second line representing the strength of about achievement themes in response to cues (TAT pic-
tendency to eat a doughnut (fED). The stream of behavior is pro- tures) of varying strengths. Their results indicated that
jected to the top horizontal line. simulated individuals could be correctly identified as
high or low in motivation even though the simulated test
results were low in internal consistency.
The change in action tendency, AT, at each time unit Reuman, 1. W. Atkinson, and Gallop (1986) simulated
equals F-C. The change in negaction, AN, at each time the behavior of90 individuals by assuming three motives
unit equals 1- R. (achievement, affiliation, and other) and one ability (arith-
A few more concepts must be explained before we can metic). Using these personality parameters, they simulated
fully understand the computer simulation models. Selec- nine behaviors, such as latency to perform an achieve-
tive attention refers to the person's concentration on the ment task and time spent affiliating, to address two com-
ongoing activity (looking at the computer screen), and pelling issues in psychology: the consistency ofbehavior
the fact that the full (100%) instigating and inhibitory (Mischel, 1968) and the adequacy of factor analysis as a
forces ofthe doughnut are not applied. Selective attention method for discovering the underlying personality struc-
can be set at any value greater than 0 and less than 1. If ture of behavioral data. Reuman (1982) used dynamics
the doughnut were on top of the computer, almost in the of action simulations to model empirical results, show-
line of sight, selective attention would be high (perhaps ing that subjects who are high in behavioral variability
.9). If it was almost out of sight, perpendicular to the line (who change more often in a constant environment)
of sight, selective attention would be low (perhaps .2). write TAT stories that are high in construct validity, even
Displacement and substitution are concepts that refer though the stories are low in internal consistency.
to families of activities. The stimulus ofthe doughnut in-
stigates eating the doughnut; through displacement, it Studies ofAchievement Behavior
also may instigate drinking a glass of milk if those have 1. W. Atkinson and Birch (1974) applied the dynamics
been associated in the past. For another person, eating of action theory to achievement behavior by coordinating
doughnuts may be associated with drinking coffee, and the concepts of instigating force and inhibitory force to
drinking coffee is instigated through displacement. Sub- tendencies to succeed and to avoid failure, respectively. The
stitution is shared consummatory force among related instigating force was equated to the tendency to achieve
activities. Eating the doughnut will also satisfy the per- success, which is defined as the product of the motive to
son's tendency to eat a sticky bun. succeed times the incentive value of success times the
Finally, we have consummatory lags. It is assumed subjective probability of success (1. W. Atkinson, 1957).
that the full force of consummation (satisfaction) does The inhibitory force was equated to the tendency to avoid
not occur immediately. It takes some amount of time for failure, which is defined as the product of the motive to
the person's blood sugar to rise. This is the initiation lag, avoid failure times the incentive value offailure times the
the number oftime units between starting to eat the dough- subjective probability of failing. This changed the static
nut and application of the full consummatory force. The model of achievement motivation to a dynamic model in
cessation lag refers to the fact that the person will con- which the instantaneous resultant tendency to achieve was
tinue to experience a decrease in hunger (decrease in ac- the result of the interaction of the instigation and in-
tion tendency) after finishing the doughnut. Both the ini- hibitory forces in the situation. Kuhl and Blankenship
tiation lag and the cessation lag serve to separate the two (1979a, 1979b) investigated the effects of individual dif-

Action Tendency 1

inhibitory Force 1 Reslstl"'" Force 1

BART Write Article

Action Tendency 2

inhibitory Force 2 Resistlnee Force 2

Domin..,.,. Consurnrnltory Log

Action Tendency 3

Consu""""tory Log

inhibitory Force 3 Reslstlnee Force 3

Figure 2. A STELLA-ll icon-based program of the dynamics of action showing three activ-
ities: eating a doughnut (Action Tendency 1), drinking milk (Action Tendency 2), and writing
an article (Action Tendency 3). A displacement relationship exists between eating a doughnut
and drinking milk; it is programmed into the instigating fOrces 1 and 2. The four converters to
the right ofthe model contain the three ghosts of the BARfs, which determine Dominance. The
dominance state (I, 2, or 3) is fed back to the three activities on the left by ghosts ofDominance.
The ghost of Dominance aIllodetermines Consummatory Lag (illustrated at lower right).

ferences in achievement motivation, focusing on changes offailure, since they would have to overcome the effects
in risk preference through time. Empirical results sup- of resistance. Blankenship (1987) reported empirical sup-
ported the dynamics of action predictions that subjects port for that assumption. Subjects with high fear of fail-
with low achievement motivation would eventually move ure took longer to go to an achievement task following an
(over successive trials) to more difficult tasks, but that anxiety-producing manipulation (the apparent breakdown
their movement would be slower than that ofsubjects with of a computer) than subjects with low fear offailure.
high achievement motivation. Houtmans (1989) and Slade The consummatory value of achieving has been equated
and Rush (1991) have also examined this phenomenon. by 1. W. Atkinson and Birch (1974,1978) to success and
The application of achievement motivation to the dy- failure outcomes. Revelle and Michaels (1976) used that
namics of action also "uncoupled" the effects of the mo- relationship to explain changes in risk preference through
tive to achieve success and the motive to avoid failure time. Kuhl and Blankenship (1979a, 1979b) elaborated on
and led to the prediction that people with high fear of that interpretation, and Blankenship (1982) explored the
failure, if faced with an achievement task, would even- relative consummatory value of success and failure, con-
tually engage in the achievement activity. However, it cluding that the consummatory value of success at an
should take them much longer than people with low fear easy task is greater than the consummatory value of sue-

1: DART E.t DorM. 2: BART Drlnk Mitt 3: BART'M'lt. ArUcle c:rm:r:::J icons that can be clicked and placed on a palette in a for-
mat similar to MacDraw and MacPaint.
Because of its user-friendly interface, STELLA is
being used by a wide range of students in a wide variety

il 95.00
1\ .c-
,J;J\ if
\;V \
of content areas. For example, it has been used in grade
schools and high schools to teach students systems think-
ing, the ability "to understand the behavior of complex
phenomena over time" (Mandinach & Cline, 1992). Hop-
kins (1992) used STELLA to teach Hamlet to high school

}l ·10.00 ~I/ students, modeling the changes in motivation experi-

enced by Hamlet as he learned about his Uncle Claudius'
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
Page I rkn. 5:30 PM 611/93 actions. In describing the enthusiasm of her students,

I: OomIMnC:'
Hopkins noted that "The use of precise numbers to talk
about psychological motives and human responses had
given them power, had given them a system to commu-
nicate with" (p. 94). Niedderer, Schecker, and Bethge

I: 2.00
I (1991) used STELLA to teach physics and found that it
helped high school students increase "qualitative concep-

I 1'1
tual reasoning" when they created iconic models of lab-
oratory problems (p. 92). In a university honors class, com-
puter simulation ofthe Rescorla-Wagner model oflearning,
done with STELLA-II, allowed students to critique expla-
r. 0.00 nations of complex phenomena, such as transswitching
0.00 50.00 100.00 '50.00 200.00
Page 1 Tim. 7:52 AM 611193 (Blankenship, Schorie, Shaw, & Tumlinson, 1994).
In this simulation of the dynamics of action, the ele-
Figure 3. STELLA-II simulations of three activities: eating a ments of STELLA that will be used are reservoirs, in-
doughnut, drinking milk, and writing an article. In the top graph, the
flows (and outflows), and converters. The action tendency
strength of tendency for each of the three activities is plotted as a func-
tion of time, and the activity represented by the top line is dominant. and the negaction tendency will be represented as reser-
The bottom graph is a plot of dominance state over time. When dom- voirs (rectangles) that are fed by the instigating force (an
inance state equals 3, writing an article is the dominant activity. inflow) and the-inhibitory force (an inflow), respectively.
When dominance equals 1, eating a doughnut is dominant. Domi- STELLA is designed for time series modeling, and has
nance state 2 represents drinking milk.
built-in finite difference equations. At each change in time
(dt) the set amount of instigating force flows into the ac-
tion tendency reservoir. Correspondingly, inhibitory force
cess at a difficult task. Blankenship (1986) also explored flows into the negaction tendency reservoir.
the effects of substitution on changes in risk preference. The outflows for the action tendency and the negac-
Blankenship (1992) used the dynamics ofaction to gen- tion tendency are the consummatory force and the force
erate hypotheses about persistence at achieve~ent task~ of of resistance, respectively. Whereas the force of resis-
varying difficulty levels. Although dynamics of action tance decreases the negaction tendency at each dt, the
simulations could not model all of the experimental re- consummatory force decreases the action tendency only
sults, the theory did receive support from ~ifferential pe~­ if the activity is ongoing. In the simplest case, an activ-
sistence of subjects with low resultant achievement moti- ity is ongoing when it is dominant (has the highest re-
vation; they persisted longer at the easy task than at the sultant tendency of all activities).
difficult task, whereas subjects with high achievement BAR- T, the resultant action tendency, is represented
motivation spent more time at the difficult task than at the by a converter (a circle) that is connected to the action ten-
easy task. This finding can be explained by the dynamics dency reservoir and to the negaction reservoir. By click-
of action model, but it is contrary to predictions. from ing behind the converter, the programmer is able to
Atkinson's earlier risk-taking model (1. W. Atkinson, define BART_EaCDonut (for example) as [Action_
1957). Tendency_1 - Negaction_Tendency_1]. In the case with
three activities (see Figure 2), dominance is determined
STELLA-ll, A TEACIDNG SIMULATION through the comparison ofvalues for BART for Eat Dough-
nut Drink Milk, and Write Article. One of the features
We denote the STELLA-II simulation a teaching tool of STELLA, which allows for less cluttered diagrams, is
because of its icon-oriented model-building capabilities, the creation ofghosts to duplicate parameters. Dominance
which facilitate the visualizing ofthe model. The acronym is determined by the logical sequence:
STELLA stands for Systems Thinking, Experiential
Learning Laboratory, with Animation (High Performance [If (BART_EaCDonut >= BART_Drink_Milk)
Systems, Inc., 1990). It is currentl?' ava~lable for the and (BART_EaCDonut >= BART_Write_Article)
Macintosh computer and for DOS WIth Windows, It has then I

ActIonTondenc:y 1

0--0 Cansummotory log

hhlbitory Force Z R_.nco Force Z

ActIon Tondency3

BART Write Artlde

_.nce Force 3

Figure 4. A STELLA-II program showing three activities: eating a doughnut, eating a sticky
bun, and writingan article. A substitution relationship existsbetween eating a doughnut and eat-
ing a sticky bun; it is programmed into the consummatory forces 1 and 2. As in Figure 2, ghosts
of the BARfs determine Dominance, which is fed back to the three activities as ghosts. The ghost
of Dominance also determines Consummatory_Lag.

else if (BART_DrinlcMilk>=BART_EaCDonut) drinking milk. This, and the concept of selective atten-
and (BART_Drink_Milk>= BART_Write_Article) tion, the idea that the full InstigatingForcel will only
then 2 be applied if the activity is dominant, are programmed
else 3]. for Instigating_Force_2 with the following algorithm:

In this portion ofthe diagram, the BARTs are represented [IfDominance=2 then 1.0 + (0.6*0.2*2.0)
by ghosts (the converter circles are lighter). Subsequently, else if Dominance=1 then (0.6*1.0) + (0.2*2.0)
the value for Dominance is transferred back to the three
else (0.6*1.0) + (0.6*0.2*2.0)].
activity diagrams as a ghost. In programming with ghosts,
anything that is changed on the "living" counterpart (e.g., To interpret this logical sequence, bear in mind that the
the original Dominance converter) is automatically instigating force for activity 2 (drink milk) is 1.0 and the in-
changed on its ghost. stigating force for activity 1 (eat doughnut) is 2.0. The se-
lective attention is set at 0.6, and the displacement rela-
Displacement and Selective Attention tionship is set at 0.2. If Dominance = 2 (drinking milk is
Because the doughnut is associated with drinking milk dominant) the activity gets its full instigating force (1.0)
in the past, InstigatingForce T for eating the doughnut plus 0.2 displacement from the instigating force for ac-
also displaces or adds to the Instigating_Force_2 for tivity 1 (2.0), which is not dominant and therefore is re-

I: BART Ell Donul 2: DART Ell SUCky e", 3: eAAT """Il. Arllcl. the initiation consummatory lag and the cessation con-
summatory lag. The full consummatory force is not ap-
~' I 180.00
plied until after the activity has been dominant 10 time
units, and the consummatory force does not go off until
10 time units after the activity goes out of dominance.
For example, Consummatory_Force_I, which has a con-
~I I 85.00+-----t----+-k'l--r--+-+--t'---~
summatory value(c) of 0.02, is defined as

[If Consummatory_Lag= 1
then (0.02*BART_Eat_Donut)
il 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
else 0].
P.,.1 Tim. 5:26 PM 6/7/93

The force of resistance is determined in a slightly dif-

I: Domlnlnt. c:mrr:::J
L 4.00 ferent way from the consummatory force. As mentioned
previously, the Resistance_Force_1 is decreasing the Ne-
gaction_Tendency_1 at all times, not just when the ac-
tivity is dominant. Further, it is determined by the fol-
lowing function:
L 2.00
, I Negaction_Tendency_l)].
The resistance value (r), equal to 0.1, is multiplied by
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
whichever is smaller, the action tendency or the negac-
Page I Tim. 7:58 AM 617/93 tion tendency (see 1. WAtkinson & Birch, 1970, p. 239).
Figure 5. STELLA-II simulations of three activities: eating a
doughnut, eating a sticky bun, and writing an article. In the top Substitution
graph, strength of tendency is plotted over time. In the bottom graph, Two activities that are associated with each other can
dominance state is plotted. When dominance equals 3, writing an ar- also have a substitution relationship. Whereas displace-
ticle is dominant and ongoing. When dominance equals 1, eating a ment is indirect instigating force, substitution is indirect
doughnut is dominant. ITdominance were equal to 2, eating a sticky
bun would be dominant; however, substitution keeps tbe eating ofa
consummatory force. Take the example of the sticky bun,
sticky bun from becoming dominant. which is sitting on a nearby table. (See Figures 4 and 5.)
When the doughnut is being eaten, the consummatory
force that is decreasing the tendency to eat the doughnut
ceiving only 0.6 selective attention. If Dominance = 1 is also indirectly decreasing the tendency to eat the sticky
(eating doughnut is dominant) drinking milk gets 0.6 of bun. Substitution from activity 1 to activity 2 is formu-
its instigating force (because of selective attention) plus lated as follows:
0.2 displacement from the full instigating force for ac- [If Consummatory_Lag=2
tivity 1 (2.0). If, however, Dominance = 3 (writing arti-
cle is dominant), the instigation from both activity 1 and then (0.01 *BART_EaCSticky_Bun)
activity 2 is 0.6 of the full force (selective attention) and else if Consummatory_Lag=1
the displacement from activity 1 is 0.2 times 2.0. As is then (0.2*0.02*BART_EaCDonut)
shown in Figure 3, our simulated person takes a sip of
else 0].
milk at time unit 115 and a longer drink at time unit 147.
Selective attention is also applied to the inhibitory force. In other words, if activity 2 (Eat Sticky Bun) is domi-
If the activity is dominant, it gets its full inhibitory force; nant, the consummatory value (c = 0.01) is applied to
if not, it gets a fraction (in this case 0.6). BART_EaCSticky_Bun. If, as is the case in this simula-
tion, activity 1 is dominant, the consummatory force that
Consummatory Lags is substituted from activity 1 is 0.2 (the substitution value)
Consummatory force is also contingent on the domi- times 0.02 (the consummatory value, c, of eating the
nance status of the activity, but delayed by a number of doughnut) times BART_EaCDonut. If writing is the
time units. Thus, a connector from the ghost ofDominance dominant activity, no consummatory force (direct or in-
to the Consummatory_Lag converter defines the Consum- direct) is applied to activity 2. In this simulation, because
matory_Lag as [DELAY(Dominance, 10)]. The DELAY the consummatory force from eating the doughnut is ap-
function in STELLA is one of many built-in functions plied indirectly to eating the sticky bun during a substan-
with preset arguments. In this case, the value of Domi- tial portion of the time, eating the sticky bun never be-
nance is taken from 10 time units before the current time comes the dominant activity. (There is no displacement
unit. (In other words, the current value of Dominance is relationship between eating the doughnut and eating the
delayed 10 time units.) This serves the purposes of both sticky bun in this simulation.)

CONCLUSIONS BONGORT, K. (1975). Most recent revision of computer program for

dynamics ofaction [computer program]. Ann Arbor: University of
We believe that the STELLA-II simulation of the dy- Michigan.
namics ofaction theory will facilitate the teaching of the [Computer software manual]. Hanover, NH: Author.
model in undergraduate and graduate motivation and HOPKINS, P. L. (1992). Simulating Hamlet in the classroom. System Dy-
personality classes. Several textbooks currently include namics Review, 8, 91-98.
the model (Hoyenga & Hoyenga, 1984; Klein, 1982; HOUTMANS, M. J. M. (1989). The influence ofexternal rewards and
performance feedback on dynamic aspects of task motivation. Nij-
Reeve, 1992; Weiner, 1985), and the coverage would be megen: Instituut voor Orthopedogogiek.
more complete if the STELLA-II simulations were pre- HOYENGA, K. B., & HOYENGA, K. T. (1984). Motivational explanations
sented as a class demonstration or as a part of a labora- ofbehavior: Evolutionary, physiological, and cognitive ideas. Mon-
tory exercise for all students. Giving students experience terey, CA: Brooks/Cole.
KLEIN, S. B. (1982). Motivation: Biosocial approaches. New York:
in choosing parameter values to model the amount of McGraw-Hill.
time spent at achievement tasks of varying difficulty KUHL, J., & BLANKENSHIP, V. (1979a). Behavioral change in a constant
level, for example, would give students practice in con- environment: Shift to more difficult tasks with constant probability
ceptual thought. ofsuccess. Journal ofPersonality & Social Psychology, 37, 551-563.
KUHL, J., & BLANKENSHIP, V. (1979b). The dynamic theory of achieve-
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