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Analyzing a Visual

Name: Daivid Picture: The Power of discipline (drawing)

Fill out the following chart for your picture that pertains to The Kite Runner.

The Visual
My Observations
First Impression of the Visual
It looks like progress of someone�s journey working out.
Description of the work; be objective!
The first on the top left is always taking care of himself, going to the gym
regularly, and has always had good nutritional habits. Two years later, you can see
the improvements he has made. The guy on the bottom left is someone with bad
nutritional habit, however he started working on himself and you can clearly see
that he struggles at the beginning.

Use of colour and shading.

The pink and purple clothes show that they are at the gym or working out.

Focal Point (image that is given prominence)

The focal point is at the center, it shows the transformations of everyone. Their
before and after progress.

Camera Angle
Angle is straight

Message or Theme suggested.

How essential it s to build good habits at a young age because they lay the
groundwork for your future self

No one truly knows how a single decision could impact their lives. Once you carry
out a decision, you can never take it back, only live with the consequences.�

Research completed for the picture � provide if applicable

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