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29, 2022

Limited-Memory Receive Filter Design for Massive

MIMO Radar in Signal-Dependent Interference
Minglong Deng , Ziyang Cheng , Member, IEEE, and Zishu He

Abstract—This letter proposes a limited-memory receive filter waveform constraint, of which the optimal and suboptimal solu-
design to maximize the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise tions were derived for different assumptions regarding the statis-
ratio (SINR) of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) tical information. In [8], to ensure the pulse compression and am-
radar. The associated problem is a minimum variance distortionless biguity property of MIMO radar, the joint design problem with
response (MVDR) one which can be analytical solved, but the com- a constant modulus (CM) constraint as well as a similarity con-
putation of the MVDR solution would be prohibitive in the context
of massive MIMO radar, due to the huge memory consumption.
straint was solved by the semi-definite relaxation (SDR) based
To this end, we propose a low-complexity algorithm that exploits algorithms. In [11], the authors extended the CM constraint to the
a reparameterization method to avoid the significant memory con- peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR) constraint and addressed
sumption, and solves the resulting problem with several simple the joint design problem by the block successive upper-bound
algebraic operations. We show that the memory consumption of the minimization method of multipliers (BSUM-M) for better SINR
proposed algorithm depends on the number of interference sources. behavior.
Therefore, for the scenario with a large number of interference It is worth mentioning that to allow for orders of magni-
sources, we extend the proposed algorithm by the alternating di- tude improvement in resolution and processing gain, future
rection method of multipliers (ADMM), which promotes a further MIMO radar will equip with a very large number of antennas.
memory reduction. Finally, numerical simulations are conducted Such a system is called massive (or large-scale) MIMO radar
to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
and is getting considerable attention [21]–[26]. Note that to
Index Terms—Massive MIMO radar, SINR maximization, rece- make such a system practical, algorithms for massive MIMO
ive filter design. radar are required to keep the complexity low. However, the
state-of-the-art methods for joint design will be faced with
enormous challenges in massive MIMO radar context, since
I. INTRODUCTION their memory consumption and computational complexity will
grow significantly as the number of antennas/pulses/samples
WIDELY considered design problem in radar is to jointly
A optimize the transmit waveform and the receive filter [1]–
[20]. Based on prior knowledge of target and interference, such
increases. Consequently, it is of great interest to devise
low-complexity algorithms for massive MIMO radar joint
a design problem is usually formulated by maximizing the In this letter, due to page limitation, we only focus on the
signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) subject to some problem of receive filter design for massive MIMO radar. The
waveform constraints, and is typically solved by alternately associated problem in existing work is often solved by the min-
maximizing the output SINR w.r.t. the transmit waveform and imum variance distortionless response (MVDR) method with
receive filter, respectively. a closed-form solution [27]. However, as already said, in the
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar, which is an context of massive MIMO radar, the computation of this solution
advanced radar system with multiple transmitters and multiple is prohibitive from the perspective of memory consumption
receivers, has received considerable attention due to its capa- and computational complexity. Therefore, this letter proposes
bility of transmitting flexible waveforms. Recently, there has a limited-memory and low-complexity algorithm for massive
been a growing number of publications focusing on the joint MIMO radar receive filter design. We show that the memory
transmit waveform and receive filter design for MIMO radar consumption of the proposed algorithm depends on the num-
SINR maximization [7]–[20]. For example, in the presence of ber of interference sources, and then we extend the proposed
signal-dependent interference, [7] formulated the joint design algorithm by the alternating direction method of multipliers
problem for MIMO radar SINR maximization under energy (ADMM) [28] for a further memory reduction. Finally, we
present several simulations to demonstrate the efficiency of the
proposed methods.
Manuscript received 6 May 2022; revised 22 June 2022; accepted 29 June Notations: The conjugate, transpose, and conjugate transpose
2022. Date of publication 4 July 2022; date of current version 13 July 2022. operators are given by (·)∗ , (·)T , and (·)H , respectively. E{·}
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
under Grants 62001084 and 62031007. The associate editor coordinating the stands for the expectation operation, || · ||2 denotes the Frobenius
review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Jun Liu. norm of a matrix, and {·} gets the real part of a complex
(Corresponding author: Ziyang Cheng.) variable. The operators vec{·}, tr{·}, and ⊗ represent the vec-
The authors are with the School of Information and Communication torization operation, trace of a square matrix, and Kronecker
Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
(UESTC), Chengdu 611731, China (e-mail:; zy-
product, respectively. The set of complex number is denoted by; C. The matrices I and 0 stand for the identity matrix and the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LSP.2022.3188176 matrix with all zero elements, respectively.

1070-9908 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: National Univ of Defense Tech. Downloaded on February 03,2023 at 07:43:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


We consider a narrow-band colocated MIMO radar equipped From (3), to compute the optimal receive filter, we just need
with Nt transmit antennas and Nr receive antennas. The received to find a w satisfying
signal from a cognitive cell under test (CUT) can be expressed
Ξw = A(0, θt )s. (4)
To accelerate the computation of w, the following proposition
 is necessary.
x = ξt A(0, θt )s + ξk A(k , θk )s + n ∈ CNr L , (1) Proposition 1: (4) is equivalent to
k=1 K

σ2 W + σk2 bk bH H H
k Wck ck = bt ct , (5)
where θt and ξt represents the look direction and the complex k=1
reflection coefficient of target; {θk }, {ξk }, and {k } denote
the look direction, the complex reflection coefficient, and the where W ∈ CNr ×L is the matrix form of w, i.e., w =
range bin relative to the target of the kth signal-dependent vec{W}, bt = ar (θt ), ct = SH a∗t (θt ), bk = ar (θk ), and ck =
interference, and K is the total number of interference sources; JH H ∗
k S at (θk ), k = 1, 2, . . ., K.
s = vec{S} ∈ CNt L is the vector representation of the trans- Proof: See Appendix. 
mit code matrix S ∈ CNt ×L , n ∈ CNr L denotes the noise sig- Proposition 1 implies that the optimal w can be achieved by
nal, and L is the number of samples within a pulse width; solving (5). Note that in contrast to (4), the equivalent repre-
A(, θ) = JT ⊗ ar (θ)aTt (θ) ∈ CNr L×Nt L with ar (θ) ∈ CNr sentation (5) only needs to store and compute several simple
and at (θ) ∈ CNt being the receive and transmit steering vectors, vectors, which is helpful to the reduction of memory. Now, we
and J = JT− is the L × L shift matrix whose (i, j)th element will show how to efficiently solve (5).
equals to 1 if i − j =  and 0 otherwise [9]. Firstly, using variable substitution zk = bH k Wck , k =
We assume ξt , {ξk }, and n are independent Gaussian vari- 1, 2, . . ., K, (5) becomes
ables with zero mean and variance (or covariance matrix) σt2 , K

{σk2 }, and σ 2 INr L , respectively. Moreover, the knowledge of σ2 W + σk2 zk bk cH H
k = b t ct . (6)
interference {θk , σk2 , k } is assumed to be known in this letter, k=1
since it can be obtained by the cognitive technique or previous
scans [2], [18]. From (6), we find that the optimal
Now, let w ∈ CNr L be the linear receive filter. The output  σ2K
SINR after receive filtering, i.e., wH x, can be denoted as [8] W= 2
b t cH
t −
zk b k c H
k , (7)
σ σ2
E{|ξt wH A(0, θt )s|2 } wH Σw where the only unknown variable is {zk }. To compute {zk },
SINR =  2  =
wH Ξw multiplying (6) on the left by bH k and on the right by ck for
E  K H
k=1 ξk w A(k , θk )s + w n k = 1, 2, . . ., K, we obtain K linear equations w.r.t. {zk }, as
 (2) K

where Ξ = K 2 H H 2
k=1 σk A(k , θk )ss A (k , θk ) + σ INr L and σ 2 bH σk2 zk bH H H H
1 Wc1 + 1 b k ck c1 = b 1 b t ct c1
Σ = σt2 A(0, θt )ssH AH (0, θt ). In most existing works, the op- k=1
timal receive filter for SINR maximization is often obtained by K
the MVDR method with the closed-form expression: σ 2 bH
2 Wc2 + σk2 zk bH H H H
2 b k ck c2 = b 2 b t ct c2
w = ρΞ−1 A(0, θt )s, (3) ...

where ρ = 0 is a constant. Note that ρ does not affect the output σ 2 bH σk2 zk bH H H H
K WcK + K b k ck cK = b K b t ct cK (8)
SINR, and thus we set ρ = 1 without loss of generality. Due k=1
to the reliability, the above MVDR solution (3) has been widely
applied to the receive filter design problems for SINR maximiza- which can be concisely written as
tion [7]–[20]. However, the cost of storing matrix Ξ (or A(0, θt )) σ 2 z + Υz = h, (9)
and manipulating its inverse is prohibitive when the number of T
variables is large. In other words, the computation of (3) will face where z = [z1 , z2 , . . ., zK ] , hk = b H H
k bt ct ck denotes
the kth
great challenges in the context of massive MIMO radar. Specif- element of h ∈ CK , and Υ(m, k) = σk bm bk cH
2 H
k cm
is the
ically, the matrix inverse operation of Ξ takes O(Nr3 L3 ) com- (m, k)th element of Υ ∈ C . K×K

plexity and the memory consumption for storing Ξ is O(Nr2 L2 ). From (9), one can obtain that z = (σ 2 IK + Υ)−1 h, and
For example, for a MIMO radar with Nr = L = 400, the random finally the optimal W is computed by (7).
access memory (RAM) needed to store Ξ using double-precision Algorithm 1 summarizes the main steps of the proposed
floating-point format is 2 × 4002 × 4002 × 8 Byte ≈ 382 GB, limited-memory receive filter design, and Table. I lists the mem-
which is obviously unacceptable for a regular computer. ory consumption and computational complexity for main vari-
Based on the above analysis, this letter seeks to address the ables involved. Note that for massive MIMO radar, K is much
problem of high computational complexity and huge memory smaller than Nr L in general. Thus, for a small K, Algorithm 1
consumption for computing the receive filter of massive MIMO has great advantage over the traditional MVDR method in terms
radar. of both memory consumption and computational complexity.

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Input: {Nt , Nr , L}, S, σ 2 , {θt , σt2 }, and {θk , σk2 , k }. OF THE LIMITED-MEMORY RECEIVE FILTER DESIGN

1: bt = ar (θt ), ct = SH a∗t (θt ).

2: bk = ar (θk ), ck = JH H ∗
k S at (θk ), k = 1, 2, . . ., K.
3: hk = bk bt ct ck , k = 1, 2, . . ., K.
4: Υ(m, k) = σk2 bH H
m bk ck cm , m, k = 1, 2, . . ., K.
2 −1
5: z = (σ IK + Υ) h.
K σk2
6: W = σ12 bt cH t − k=1 σ 2 zk bk ck .

Output: receive filter W.

Since Algorithm 1 needs to store Υ and compute its inverse,

one can find that the problem of huge memory consumption and
high computational complexity still exists in large K case. To
tackle this issue, we propose an efficient algorithm based on the
ADMM method.
Specifically, it is noted that solving (5) is equivalent to solving
following unconstrained problem1

min σ 2 tr{WH W} − 2{cH H
t W bt } + σk2 |bH 2
k Wck | .
Fig. 1. The comparison between the proposed method and the traditional
MVDR method.
Now, we divide the K interference sources into Q groups,
which has a similar structure to (5) and thus can be solved by
where each group has M = K/Q interference sources. Defin-
Algorithm 1 with O(M 2 ) memory consumption and O(M 3 )
ing f (W)  σ 2 tr{WH W} − 2{cH H
t W bt } and fq (W)  complexity. Therefore, for the large K case, we can apply the
qM0 2 H 2
k=(q−1)M +1 σk |bk Wck | , and introducing Q auxiliary vari- consensus ADMM method with an appropriate M (or Q) to
ables Vq = W, q = 1, 2, . . ., Q, problem (10) can be reformu- solve (5), such that the memory consumption to get the receive
lated in a consensus form as filter can be further reduced. Predictably, the lower memory
Q consumption can be achieved by employing a larger Q.

min f0 (W) + fq (Vq ) s.t.Vq = W, q = 1, 2, . . ., Q, Note that the convergence of ADMM is guaranteed when
W,{Vq } the solved problem is convex and two blocks are alternatively
(11) updated [28]. For multi-block case, the proof of convergence is
which can be addressed with aid of the consensus ADMM frame- still an open problem, and [30] has found that the direct extension
work [28]. By constructing the scaled augmented Lagrangian of of ADMM is not necessarily convergent. Nevertheless, our
(11) and alternately minimizing it w.r.t. the primal variables and numerical experience indicates that the consensus ADMM is
maximizing it w.r.t. the dual variables, the ADMM produces able to find a good solution to problem (10).
following iterations:2

W ← arg min f0 (W) + ||W − Vq + Uq ||22 Firstly, we will conduct an experiment to compare the per-
W 2 q=1 formance of the proposed method to that of the traditional
 MVDR method. Specifically, we set the target information θt =
Vq ← arg min fq (Vq ) + ||W − Vq + Uq ||22
Vq 2 10◦ , SNR = σt2 /σ 2 = 20 dB. We consider the interference sec-
U q ← U q + W − Vq , (12) tor Θ = [15◦ , 60◦ ] and uniformly discretize it into K = 100
points, where for the kth interference, k = 0 and INRk =
where  > 0 is the penalty parameter, and Uq ∈ CNr ×L denotes σk2 /σ 2 = 60 dB, k = 1, 2, . . ., K. As for the radar information,
the dual variable regarding constraint Vq = W. Note that the we assume Nt = Nr = L = Ñ and employ the orthogonal lin-
update of W has a closed-form solution, i.e., ear frequency modulation (LFM) transmit waveform [8], i.e.,

1 Q S(n, l) = √1L ej2πn(l−1)/L+jπ(l−1) /L , where S(n, l) denotes

W= 2bt ct +  Vq − U q . (13) the (n, l)th entry of S, n = 1, . . ., Nt , l = 1, . . ., L. Moreover,
2σ 2 + Q q=1 all simulations are performed on a standard PC with the i9-9900
For the update of Vq , by the first-order optimal condition, we CPU and 16 GB RAM.
need to solve In Fig. 1, we compare the proposed and traditional MVDR
methods from the perspective of both the operation time (left
 y-axis) and the memory consumption (right y-axis), where the
Vq + 2σk2 bk bH H
k Vq ck ck = (W + Uq ), (14)
number of Ñ ({Nt , Nr , L}) varies from 10 to 4000. As can be
k=(q−1)M +1
seen, since the traditional MVDR method optimizes the receive
1 Problem (10) is convex and its first-order optimal condition is (5).
filter by w = ρΞ−1 A(0, θt )s, it suffers from huge computa-
2 The iteration terminates if the residuals are sufficiently small or the maximum tional burden and memory consumption. For example, when
number of iterations is achieved [29]. Ñ = 100, it takes about 84 s operation time and 3 GB RAM to

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and output SINR for different Q, where Q = 1 means that the

receive filter is calculated by Algorithm 1. From the results,
one can observe that the proposed ADMM is able to achieve a
similar SINR value for different Q. The most interesting aspect
of this table is that for the large K case, the ADMM with a
larger Q can promote a significant memory reduction compared
to Algorithm 1 (Q = 1).

Fig. 2. The effect of the number of interference sources K on the performance V. CONCLUSION
of the proposed method. (a) Operation time; (b) RAM consumption. This letter investigates the problem of limited-memory re-
ceive filter design for massive MIMO radar in signal-dependent
interference. To maximize the output SINR, we have devised
a low-complexity algorithm that exploits a reparameterization
method to avoid the significant memory consumption and solves
the resulting problem with several simple algebraic operations.
We show that the memory consumption of the proposed al-
gorithm depends on the number of interference sources, and
for the scenario with a large number of interference sources,
we have proposed a more memory-efficient algorithm based on
Fig. 3. The SINR versus the number of ADMM iteration for different Q.
the ADMM method. Numerical results have demonstrated that
THE OUTPUT SINR AND RAM CONSUMPTION FOR RESULTS IN FIG. 3 the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the MVDR
method in terms of memory consumption and computation time.
Nevertheless, this letter only considers the receive filter design.
A possible future work might concern the joint design of transmit
waveform and receive filter for massive MIMO radar.

get the receiver filter. Moreover, due to memory limitation, we APPENDIX

can not perform the MVDR method as Ñ ≥ 200. In contrast PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1
to the traditional MVDR method, one can observe that the
It is easy to verify that
computational efficiency of the proposed method is considerably
improved, since it only takes a few seconds to find the optimal
A(0, θt )s = vec{ar (θt )aTt (θt )S} = vec{bt cH
t }, (15)
receive filter for Ñ ≤ 1000. The results in Fig. 1 also reveal that
the proposed method can significantly save the RAM consump-
from which we know bt cH t is the matrix form of A(0, θt )s.
tion. As can be seen, the required RAM is less than 1 GB for
Next, observing the left hand side of (4), we have
Ñ = 4000. To evaluate the effect of the number of interference
sources K on the performance of the proposed method, we K

consider different K from 100 to 3200. Fig. 2 presents the Ξw = σk2 A(k , θk )ssH AH (k , θk )w + σ 2 w. (16)
operation time and the RAM consumption of the proposed
method versus the number of K, respectively. The result shows
that both the operation time and the RAM consumption of the Note that
proposed method are increasing as K increases. As expected,
we find that for a large K, the RAM consumption increases fast A(k , θk )s = vec{ar (θk )aTt (θk )SJk }
due to the O(K 2 ) memory consumption of Υ. = vec{bk cH k }
Since a large K will cause a heavy memory consumption, ∗
in the final example, we will conduct a simulation to illus- = ck ⊗ b k , (17)
trate that the ADMM based method is capable of reducing the
memory consumption when K is large. Specifically, we set then we obtain
Nt = Nr = L = 200 and employ a large K = 10000. To imple-
A(k , θk )ssH AH (k , θk )w = [c∗k ⊗ bk ][cTk ⊗ bH
k ]w
ment the ADMM method, we set the penalty parameter  = 50,
∗ T H
the initial Vq = ar (θt )aTt (θt )S and Uq = 0, and we terminate = [ck ck ⊗ bk bk ]w
the ADMM after 2000 iterations. Moreover, we consider four = vec{bk bH H
k Wck ck }. (18)
different Q, including {2, 4, 10, 20}, to show different levels of
memory reduction. Therefore, equality (4) equals to
Fig. 3 presents the output SINR3 versus the number of ADMM
iteration for different Q. The results show that the ADMM will K

converge after a certain number of iterations, and the speed of vec σ 2 W + σk2 bk bH H
k Wck ck = vec{bt cH
t }, (19)
convergence is related to Q, i.e., a larger Q results in a lower k=1
speed. Next, Table. II lists the corresponding RAM consumption
which is the vector form of (5). Since vectorization is a linear
3 Since the ADMM does not minimize the SINR directly, the SINR is not operation, the equivalence does not change. The proof is com-
increasing monotonically. pleted.

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