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Traditional Learning Promotes a Better Learning Environment

Schneider’s edited essay

In our ever-changing education system, it is not surprising that we can now attend school without physically being
there. Technological advancements have allowed us to use gadgets like our phones to set up online classes. However,
this means our interactions with classmates are reduced to text messages and video calls. This is why I believe that
the traditional face-to-face classroom is better. It encourages students to socialize, promotes teamwork, and fosters
personal connections.

Firstly, the traditional face-to-face approach encourages student socialization. Let's examine how both methods of
attending class work. Online classrooms are convenient and save time and effort. However, interactions are limited
because you are not physically facing anyone, only your phone. On the other hand, traditional face-to-face learning
provides opportunities to speak with friends, ask teachers questions directly, and create an overall better studying
environment. Therefore, being physically present in the classroom encourages socialization, enhancing the student's
learning experience.

Furthermore, face-to-face learning promotes teamwork among classmates. The teamwork fostered in schools makes
students more energetic and excited. They engage in teamwork activities, such as participating in sports and group
projects. These activities require students to think and communicate with each other to solve problems, enhancing
their cognitive abilities and fostering teamwork. The traditional face-to-face classroom prepares students to become
better-functioning adults in the future.

Lastly, personal connections are established through physical interaction. When you interact with someone in person,
you can discuss personal problems, share experiences, and create memories with friends. This creates a healthy study
environment, as students gain mental fortitude from the support of their classmates. It also instills confidence in their
future endeavors. Thus, personal connections formed through interacting with classmates in school help improve
mental well-being and academic performance.

In conclusion, the traditional face-to-face classroom is definitely superior because it provides valuable life
experiences and skills, such as socializing and teamwork capabilities. It also helps establish personal connections that
will undoubtedly benefit students in the future.

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