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Where are you from?

Quiz by: aariosvel

ESLVIDEO.COM Quiz#: 37830

Choose the best alternative.

1. The interview is in ____________. 2. The interviewer's name is ____________.

 a.) Bangladesh  a.) Mehrnoush
 b.) Washington DC  b.) Sabrina
 c.) China  c.) Anna Mateo

3. Where is Sabrina from? 4. Washington DC is ___________.

 a.) Bangladesh  a.) old and big
 b.) Washington DC  b.) modern
 c.) Bangkok  c.) very beautiful

5. Sabrina's favorite place is ___________. 6. What country is Louis from?

 a.) Washington Memorial  a.) He's from China.
 b.) Lincoln Memorial  b.) He likes art museums.
 c.) Capitol Hill  c.) He is from Washington DC.

7. What languages does Louis speak? 8. Many of the museums in Washington DC are
 a.) Only English __________.
 b.) Only Chinese  a.) expensive
 c.) Chinese and English  b.) free
 c.) awful

9. Mehrnoush is ___________. 10. People in Iran speak __________.

 a.) Iran  a.) Iranian
 b.) Persian  b.) Persian
 c.) Iranian  c.) Farsi

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