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Name: _____ Grade: 4 Date: ______

Home reinforcement
Transdisciplinary theme: Where we are in place and time
Central Idea: Past civilizations shape present day systems and technologies.
LOI 3: Contribution of science towards evolution of civilization - Change
ATL: Research skills
Objective: Explore and discover simple machines developed by past civilizations, and create
visual representations to explain how they were used.

Task: As part of your self-directed learning, you are going to put on

your archaeologist’s hats and investigate how simple machines have
helped in the development of past civilizations.

1. Choose a Simple Machine: Select one of the following simple machines to investigate:
• Lever
• Ramp (Inclined Plane)
• Pulley
• Screw
• Wheel and Axle
2. Research:
• Use books, websites, or other resources to research how your chosen simple
machine was developed and used by past civilizations. Try to find information about
which civilization(s) first used this machine and its historical significance.
3. Create a Visual Representation:
• Draw or find a picture of the simple machine you chose. Make sure your drawing is
clear and detailed.
• Next to the picture, create a labeled diagram or use captions to explain how the
simple machine works. Describe its main parts and how they help people do work
more easily.
4. Historical Context:
• Include information about the civilization(s) that developed and used this simple
machine. What was their daily life like, and how did this machine make their work
5. Presentation:
• Be prepared to share your findings with the class. You can use your visual
representation and explain your chosen simple machine's historical importance and
how it impacted the civilization that used it.
6. Checklist:
• Did you choose a simple machine (lever, ramp, pulley, screw, wheel and axle)?
• Did you research how the simple machine was developed and used in the past?
• Did you create a clear and detailed drawing or found a picture of the simple
• Did you label the main parts of the machine and explain how it works?
• Did you include information about the civilization(s) that used this machine?
• Are you ready to present your findings to the class?
• If you'd like, you can enhance your presentation by creating a working model that
shows your simple machine in action. This can make your presentation more
engaging and fun to share.

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