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Leonardo Da Vinci was a polymath of the Renaissance period, being part of his professions
that of sculptor, inventor, engineer, painter, draughtsman and architect. He was also a student
of science and nature which were important disciplines during his work.

Da Vinci was born on the outskirts of the town of Achiano in Tuscany, Italy, on a farm, his
parents who were out of wedlock, his father Ser Piero (a notary) and his mother a young
peasant girl named Caterina; however, Da Vinci was raised by his stepmother. At an early
age, to be more specific, at 5 he moved to his father's farm, a place very close to the city of
Vinci (where his surname resides). Leonardo, at 14 he began his apprenticeship in painting
with the artist Andrea de Verrocchio in the city of Florence. Similarly, he also learned other
activities such as metallurgy, body parts, carpentry, drawing, painting, and sculpture. Among
the oldest works of the character is a pen and ink drawing of a landscape.

When he was 20 years old, he was qualified to be a master artist at the Guild of San Lucas in
Florence, where he also established a workshop, but continued to work with his master
Verrocchio for another 5 years. Another of the works that Leonardo made together with his
teacher is the famous painting of the "Baptism of Christ", it is said that around the year 1475
Leonardo painted the bottom part of the painting and the angel that holds the robe of Jesus.

It should be noted that the number of paintings found or attributed to D Vinci are scarce,
although he was also known for his painting skills, it was not always that since he stood out
in other disciplines, within the famous paintings that he most knows, there is the "Vitruvian
Man", "The Last Supper" and the "Mona Lisa". Another fact is that thanks to the science and
art of Leonardo they fit very well into a sketch, and this was what gave life to the "Vitruvian
Man", said sketch was drawn in the year 1490 in which it is shown or represents a nude man
in 2 overlapping positions with arms and legs apart inside a square and a circle. Today that
sketch is exhibited in Da Vinci's studio dealing with the theme of symmetry and the
relationship between man and the natural world. Later, around the year 1495, a Duke of Milan
(Ludovico Sforza) commissioned the character to paint "The Last Supper" on the wall of the

Monastery of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan. The work expresses a scene, the moment
in which Jesus together with his twelve apostles informs them of the Passover dinner and that
soon one of them would betray him. He has so many facial expressions and body language
around the table giving him a masterful composition.

Later, the Florentine ruler Lorenzo de' Medici commissions Leonardo to create a silver lyre
that will be taken to the Duke of Milan as a gesture of peace, likewise, once the task had been
completed, Da Vinci becomes insistent on obtaining a job, for which sends a letter to the
duke to offer his services as an artist and also as a military engineer, which was something
much more marketable. That is why, because of Leonardo's great mind, he drew war
machines, like an armored tank propelled by 2 men turning an axis. In the same way, he
managed to create sketches and invent a flying machine based on the physiology of a bat,
other sketches resembled what is now a bicycle and others to what is now a helicopter.

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