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Article Summary
In his article “The Ultimate Productivity Hack is Saying No,” James Clear (N.D),” states that when
you learn to say no to unproductive matters, you can enhance your productivity. The author asserts
that people often say yes due to unconscious strains of relations that outweigh commitment, which
makes it difficult to deny, even if you don’t want to do it. This doesn’t mean that you are not open
to new, exciting opportunities; it is about how you invest your time in the future and if it's going
to be productive for the goals that you are pursuing. Finally, he asserts that you might stay focused
on your goals and discard any other activities that may lead you to worthless and unproductive

Video Summary
In her video “5 Tips to Improve Your Critical Thinking,” Samanta Agoos (2016), enlightens a tool
for making proper decisions using critical thinking. The author states that we face a paramount
number of decisions daily, one more relevant than others. Furthermore, she presents a five-step
technique that separates irrelevant information regarding your goals. This method uses critical
thinking and discriminates against scrutiny and skepticism. The first step would lead you to
formulate pertinent questions; she prompts viewers to delve deeper into the core issues. The second
step teaches us how to apply the new knowledge effectively, and she empowers individuals to take
concrete steps toward implementing their decisions and effecting real change. By embracing
diverse perspectives and remaining receptive to alternative viewpoints, individuals can refine their
critical thinking abilities and adapt them to a dynamic and ever-changing world. In conclusion,
Samantha tells us how to sift through all daily information and make the right decision using
critical thinking.

Brief essay
“Enhancing Discipline for Improve Critical Thinking: Insights from “5 tips to improve your critical
Critical thinking is invaluable in today’s complex and overstimulated information world, with
social media and smartphones leading our lives. It involves the ability to analyze, evaluate, and
synthesize information to make informed decisions in order to solve problems and decide, it's
thinking outside the box in time where the push inside it. The video highlights the importance of
discipline and enhancing critical thinking skills highlighted. This essay explores how discipline
can be a key factor in improving critical thinking and offers insights from the video.
Critical thinking is a discipline that plays a vital role in maintaining a commitment to continuous
learning and self-reflection. The video encourages viewers to cultivate a habit of seeking out new
information, perspectives, and experiences. Discipline helps individuals set aside time for self-
improvement activities, such as reading books, attending workshops, or engaging in discussions
with diverse individuals, enriching one's critical thinking abilities.
Discipline extends to seeking and accepting constructive feedback on your critical thinking skills.
The video underscores the importance of humility and the willingness to learn from others. A field
in this context involves actively seeking input from mentors, peers, or experts and implementing
suggested improvements. By doing so, individuals can refine their critical thinking processes and
avoid complacency.
Critical thinking demands high objectivity and the ability to avoid biases. Discipline is essential,
as it requires a conscious effort to recognize and challenge personal prejudices and preconceptions.
The video stresses the need for disciplined self-awareness and the ability to approach problems
with an open mind. Discipline helps individuals practice impartiality and rigour in their critical
thinking, ensuring that emotions and personal beliefs do not cloud their judgment. Besides,
emotions are more related to motivation, a fleeting feeling that quickly disappears. One time, my
psychologist said “Don’t look for motivation, because you will not be motivated forever. Must
repeat yourself it's DISCIPLINE NOT MOTIVATION”,
In conclusion, discipline is fundamental in enhancing critical thinking skills, as highlighted in the
video "5 Tips to Improve Your Critical Thinking." Setting clear goals, effective time management,
continuous learning, seeking feedback, and maintaining objectivity all require a disciplined
approach. By cultivating discipline in these areas, individuals can elevate their critical thinking
abilities, making them more effective problem solvers, decision-makers, and analytical thinkers in
an ever-evolving world.

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