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Microbial Ecology (2023) 86:959–972


Analysis of Bacterial Microbiota of Aerated Compost Teas and Effect

on Tomato Growth
Mauro Guadalupe Martínez‑Yáñez1 · Claudia Olivia Silva‑Ortega2 · Víctor Adrián Hernández‑Aranda1 ·
Moisés Roberto Vallejo‑Pérez3 · Ricardo Alcalá‑Briseño4 · Delia Xochil Vega‑Manriquez1 · Gisela Aguilar‑Benítez1 ·
Ramón Jarquin‑Gálvez1 · José Pablo Lara‑Ávila1

Received: 8 August 2022 / Accepted: 6 December 2022 / Published online: 15 December 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

Mature composts and their water-based extracts, known as aerated compost teas (ACTs), are biofertilizers that share bioactive
effects like soil restoration and plant health promotion, widely used for sustainable agriculture. Bioactive effects of compost
and ACTs could be associated with their physicochemical and biological characteristics, like carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio
and microbiota structure respectively. In our study, we elaborated ACTs using mature homemade compost, wheat bran, and
grass clippings, following the C/N ratio criteria. Irrigation of tomato plantlets with ACT whose C/N ratio was close to the
expected C/N ratio for mature compost evidenced plant growth promotion. Exploring the bacterial microbiota of elaborated
ACTs and origin compost revealed significant structural differences, including phyla involved in N mineralization and free-
living N-fixing bacteria. Therefore, ACTs harbor diverse bacterial microbiota involved in the N cycle, which would enrich
plant and soil bacterial communities at the taxonomic and functional levels. Furthermore, ACTs are considered a part of
agroecological and circular economy approaches.

Keywords Agroecology · Biofertilizers · Microbiota · Plant growth promotion · 16S rRNA metabarcoding

Introduction The bioactive effects of the compost may be linked to

the diversity and the ability of soil colonization of micro-
Intensive agriculture uses extensively inorganic fertilizers organisms and their interaction with plants [5, 6]. In this
that are damaging to the environment. The alternative is to sense, compost microbiome exhibits two components: (i)
elaborate and apply stable and innocuous compost enriched taxonomic diversity, which refers to the identity of members
with microorganisms that reuse and reduces the accumu- of the microbial community (also known as the microbiota),
lation of waste from agriculture [1, 2]. Mature compost and (ii) functional diversity, which refers to the genes and
promotes plant growth, controls soil-borne diseases, and biological functions of microorganisms, for example, nitro-
induces soil rehabilitation [3–5]. gen (N) and carbon (C) cycles, and bioconversion of plant
biomass [7–9].
Regarding N and C cycles, the carbon/nitrogen (C/N)
* José Pablo Lara‑Ávila ratio is a physicochemical parameter linked to the micro-
bial metabolic activity harbored by mature compost
Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria, Universidad [10–12]. Mineralization in a compost (occurs at C/N
Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, ratio < 15:1) refers to the bioconversion of organic N to
SLP, México inorganic N ­(NH4+, ­NO3−, ­NO2−), which is available for
San Luis Potosí, SLP, México plant root absorption. The lower the C/N ratios, the higher
CONACYT​, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis rate of mineralization will be. Immobilization of N (C/N
Potosí. Coordinación para la Innovación y Aplicación de la ratio > 35:1) refers to bioconversion of inorganic N to
Ciencia y la Tecnología (CIACYT), San Luis Potosí, SLP, organic N. Compost whose C/N ratio is 20:1 to 301:1,
indicating an equilibrium between mineralization and
Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR, USA

960 M. G. Martínez‑Yáñez et al.

immobilization. In mature compost, the C/N ratio of 10:1 Table 1  Physicochemical parameters of materials used for ACT elab-
to 15:1 can influence bioactive properties [8, 10, 13]. oration
Water-based compost extracts or aerated compost teas Parameters Grass residues Wheat bran Home-
(ACTs) are considered liquid formulations of mature com- made
post, providing soluble nutrients and microbial diversity compost
for soil enrichment and plant nutrition. Composts and pH 6.5 6.5 7.4
ACTs share bioactive effects to promote plant growth and Electrical conductivity 6.8 0.22 0.363
as biological control of plant diseases [14, 15]. Compost (S/m)
and ACTs emerge as alternatives to inorganic fertilizers Moisture (%) 21.90 23.31 21.64
and contribute positively to a circular economy and sus- Organic matter (%) 29.2 31.08 7.73
tainable agriculture [16]. Nitrogen (%) 0.89 1.03 1.05
In our study, we hypothesized that the C/N ratio of ACT Phosphorous (%) 0.17 0.42 0.35
reflects both bacterial and functional diversity and influ- Potassium (K) 0.77 0.68 2.61
ences ACT bioactivity. Then, the microbiota generated Carbon 32.68 31.19 30.69
under specific conditions would be related to ACT bioac- C/N* 36:1 30:1 29:1
tivity. As a proof of concept, we elaborated ACTs on-farm *
C/N ratio of inputs: ≤ 20:1 more convenient for N content; ≤ 27:1
conditions following criteria about the C/N ratio using moderately adequate; ≤ 208:1 less suitable[1]
mature homemade compost and plant residues (wheat
bran and grass clippings). To address ACT bioactivity,
we measure plant growth traits of ACT-irrigated tomato Effect of ACT on Seed Germination of Tomato
plantlets and explored the bacterial microbiota of elabo-
rated ACTs. We evaluated the effect of elaborated ACTs on seed ger-
mination of tomato cv. Paisano (Caloro Inc. Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico). The ACTs were 1:10 diluted with sterile
distilled water and applied to peat moss as a substrate, pre-
Materials and Methods viously sterilized in an autoclave (120 °C, 15 Lb, 15 min).
The diluted ACT was applied to each substrate until moist
Elaboration of ACT​ and placed on seedbeds of 210 ml per well. Tomato seeds
were planted in the seedbeds (40 wells, 1 seed/well). The
Three ACTs were elaborated using mature homemade seedbeds were sprayed once a week with 1:10 dilutions
compost + wheat bran (ACT1), mature homemade com- of each ACT, watered as needed, and maintained under
post + grass clippings (ACT2), and homemade mature com- greenhouse conditions at 28 °C. The treatment control
post (ACT3). Thermophilic homemade compost was previ- consisted of watered peat moss substrate. Seed germina-
ously elaborated with chopped nopal (Opuntia indica) (C: tion was recorded every day for each treatment for 14 days.
5.13%; N: 0.05%), dry cattle manure (C: 53.44%; N: 1.67%), The germination experiment ended when 100% germina-
and soil from the Experimental Agroecology Unit at Facul- tion was reached in the treatment control, and there was
tad de Agronomía y Veterinaria UASLP. The moisture, C, no change in the number of germinated plants for at least
and N content of homemade compost, wheat bran, and grass 2 days.
clippings were used to calculate the required proportions of
each material in each ACT (Table 1). The three mixes whose
initial C/N ratio was elaborated between intervals of 25:1 Effect of ACTs on Plant Growth Promotion
to 35:1, calculated with software available (http://​compo​st.​
css.​corne​ll.​edu/​calc/2.​html, accessed on June 29th, 2018) Plant growth promotion was evaluated in 13 tomato plant-
from Cornel Waste Management Institute, Department of lets by triplicate for each ACT and treatment control,
Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell University. The three ACTs tomato plantlets were obtained from the germination test.
were elaborated by mixing the inputs according to Table 2 in Each tomato plantlet group was irrigated with a 1:10 dilu-
Erlenmeyer flasks with 1 L of water. The ACTs were incu- tion of each ACT once a week, watered as needed, and
bated at 28 °C for 4 days with constant agitation at 150 rpm. maintained under greenhouse conditions at 28 °C. Tomato
Each ACT supernatant was removed and stored at 4 °C until plantlets of treatment control were water-irrigated. Twenty
application. The physicochemical parameters pH, electrical days after peak germination, we counted the number of
conductivity, moisture, organic matter, nitrogen (N), phos- leaves and measured the plantlet stem thickness and root
phorous (P), carbon (C), and C/N ratio were determined for length for each treatment with a vernier. The leaf area
each ACT (Table 2).

Analysis of Bacterial Microbiota of Aerated Compost Teas and Effect on Tomato Growth 961

Table 2  Physicochemical Parameter ACT1 ACT2 ACT3 Desirable

parameters and composition of characteristics
elaborated ACTs for mature

Initial composition* 30 g WB 10 g G 50 g C Material mix

10 g C 60 g C ciC/N: 29.14:1 whose initial
ciC/N: 29.8:1 ciC/N: 30.07:1 C/N: 25:1 to
pH 6.5 7.8 7.4 6.5–8.5
Electrical conductivity (S/m) 0.298 0.322 0.341 0–0.4
Organic matter (%) 32.47 31.19 39.46 > 20
N (%) 1.233 0.595 19.728 1–3
P (%) 0.262 0.018 0.017 0.5–1
K (%) 0.323 0.383 0.518 1–1.5
C (%) 6.9 5.48 6.78 N. A
Final C/N 5.59:1 9.21:1 0.34:1 10:1 to 15:1
WB, wheat bran; C, mature home-made compost; G, grass residues; ciC/N, calculated initial C/N ratio
According to[1]

was calculated with the ImageJ software [17]. We used (MR DNA Laboratories, Shallowater, TX, USA). Briefly, the
the Tukey statistical test with 95% interval confidence to sequences were paired, the barcodes trimmed, and sequences
differentiate among ACT treatments. lower than 150 bp and ambiguous base calls were removed.
The quality reads were denoised and used to generate opera-
16S rRNA Gene Amplicon‑Based Metagenomic tional taxonomic units (OTUs) which are adequate to cap-
Analysis of ACTs ture the community complexity of bacterial communities
[19]. OTUs were defined by clustering at 3% divergence
Genomic DNA from ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and the home- (97% similarity), and chimeric sequences were removed.
made mature compost was extracted using PowerMax Soil The OTUs were classified taxonomically using BLASTn
(MO BIO Laboratories, Carlsbad, CA, USA) in tripli- against a curated database derived from GreenGenes [20],
cate, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The RDPII (www.r​ dp.c​ me.m​ su.e​ du), and NCBI (www.n​ cbi.n​ lm.​
genomic DNA extraction from ACTs required a previous nih.​gov). ACT 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing can
centrifugation step (13,000 rpm, 10 min) to collect sus- be retrieved from the NCBI database through BioProject
pended cells in ACTs. The bottom sediment of each ACTs PRJNA842379.
was used for genomic DNA extraction. The 16S rRNA gene Exploration of bacterial diversity was conducted in the
V4 variable region was PCR amplified using the primers module Marker Data Profile (MDP) in MicrobiomeAnalyst
515F/806R with the barcode on the forward primer [18]. (accessed on October 11th, 2021) [21, 22]. Data were filtered
These oligonucleotides were used in a 35-cycle PCR with for low count (4 counts and 20% prevalence in samples)
HotStarTaq Plus Master Mix Kit (Qiagen, USA) under the and variance (10% to remove based on interquartile range).
following conditions: 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles Data normalization was performed through total sum scaling
of 94 °C for 30 s, 53 °C for 40 s, and 72 °C for 1 min, (TSS) and rarefying to the minimum library size (20 steps).
after which a final elongation step at 72 °C for 5 min was Average Good’s coverage was calculated for each sample
performed. The PCR products were run in 2% agarose gel, in the rarefaction plot. Species richness (number of taxa in
and multiple samples with similar DNA concentrations were a community), Shannon, and Chao1 diversity indices were
pooled together and purified using calibrated Ampure XP calculated to obtain the α-diversity at the genus level. The
beads (Beckman Coulter Inc. Indianapolis, IN, USA). Then differences in α-diversity among groups were statistically
the purified pooled PCR products were used to prepare Illu- evaluated using the Kruskal–Wallis test. The β-diversity
mina TruSeq DNA libraries following the manufacturer’s at the genus level was calculated using the Bray–Curtis
recommendation (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA). Illumina dissimilarity index and visualized through principal coor-
sequencing (2 × 250 paired-end reads) was done on a MiSeq dinate analysis (PCoA). The statistical differences among
platform (MR DNA Laboratories www.​mrdna​lab.​com/, β-diversity indices were evaluated using permutational mul-
Shallowater, TX, USA). An average of 53,068 reads per tivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA). Difference
library were processed using the MR DNA analysis pipeline comparison between the microbial composition of ACTs and

962 M. G. Martínez‑Yáñez et al.

compost samples was calculated through linear discriminant

analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) with a p-value cutoff of
0.01 and Log LDA score > 2, at the genus level. Correla-
tion network analysis at the phylum level was performed
using the SparCC correlation algorithm, 100 permutations,
p-value 0.05, and correlation threshold 0.3. Core bacte-
rial microbiota at the phylum and genus level was defined
using a threshold of 0.01% relative abundance. Hierarchical
clustering and heatmap visualization were performed at the
phylum and genus level, by using the Euclidean distance
measure and average linkage clustering method [23].
Fig. 1  Effect of ACTs on germination of tomato seeds

Results ACT3, and the treatment control. ACT1 and ACT3 showed
no statistical differences among them (Fig. 2a).
ACT Elaboration
Regarding the number of leaves, ACT2 showed the high-
est number of leaves, followed by plantlets of the treatment
The physicochemical characteristics of homemade mature
control. The Tukey test showed that ACT2 was statistically
compost, grass clippings, and wheat bran are shown in
different from ACT1 and ACT3, and the treatment con-
Table 1. These materials should be considered moder-
trol. No significant differences were found between ACT1
ately adequate for composting based on the C/N ratio,
and ACT3 treatments (Fig. 2b). The largest leaf area was
observed for plantlets treated with ACT2. The Tukey test
The composition and the calculated initial C/N ratio for
showed that ACT2 statistically differed from ACT1 and
each ACT mixture, also the physicochemical characteristics
ACT3 treatments and the treatment control (Fig. 2c). The
of the elaborated three ACTs are shown in Table 2. The final
root length had no significant differences in any treatments,
C/N ratio showed differences between ACTs. Specifically,
ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and the treatment control.
ACT2 showed the C/N ratio (9.2:1) closer to the expected
interval for a mature compost (< 10:1). Other physico-
Bacterial Diversity of Bioactive ACTs
chemical characteristics such as pH, electrical conductiv-
ity, organic matter, N, P, K, and C content were within the
To evaluate the microbial foundations of ACTs, we explored
expected interval for mature compost in each ACT.
the bacterial microbiota of elaborated ACTs and homemade
mature compost (hereafter compost), through 16S rRNA-
Plant Growth–Promoting Traits of ACTs based metagenomic survey. A total of 522,188 sequences
were obtained, with average sequences per sample of 43,515,
Seeds treated with ACT1, ACT2 and ACT3 showed 48%, maximum sequences per sample 54,427, and minimum
89%, and 53% germination rates 7 days after sowing (das). counts per sample 33,102. A total of 495 OTUs of which
The treatment control group showed a 79% germination rate 488 OTUs with ≥ 2 counts. The filtering step in Microbi-
at 7 das. The seeds treated with ACT2, and the treatment omeAnalyst yielded a total of 160 low-abundance OTUs that
control showed 100% germination at 9 and 13 days, respec- were removed based on prevalence. A total of 33 low-vari-
tively. Treatments with ACT1 and ACT3 showed 92% and ance OTUs were removed based on the interquartile range.
89% germination rates at 14 days, respectively (Fig. 1). The number of OTUs after the data filtering step was 295
The tomato plantlets obtained from the previous germi- (Table S1).
nation test were transplanted and irrigated with 1:10 dilu- The α-diversity was calculated using the Richness
tion ACT or water (treatment control) to evaluate the plant (observed taxa), Shannon, and Chao1 diversity indices for
growth promotion of each ACT. The stem thickness, number each ACT and compost sample. ACT1, ACT3, and compost
of leaves, leaf area, and root length were measured 21 days had higher α-diversity than ACT2. The α-diversity of ACT3
after transplanting (dat). The stem thickness of tomato plant- was higher than ACT2 but lower than ACT1 and compost
lets treated with ACT1, ACT2, and ACT3 showed an aver- (Fig. 3a, b, c). ACTs and compost samples were rarefied
age diameter of 0.142 cm, 0.206 cm, and 0.14 cm, respec- to a minimum library size 33,068 sequences to calculate
tively. The treatment control showed an average of 0.177 cm α-diversity parameters. Rarefaction is a tool to normalize
in diameter. A comparison of the means using the Tukey test library sizes for diversity analyses. The method is a random
showed that ACT2 was statistically different from ACT1, subsampling without replacement, to the size of the smallest

Analysis of Bacterial Microbiota of Aerated Compost Teas and Effect on Tomato Growth 963

Fig. 2  Plant growth promotion traits of ACTs on tomato plantlets. Stem thickness (a), number of leaves (b), leaf area (c). The differences among
treatments were determined using the Tukey test at 95% interval confidence. Different letters show significant differences

size library. Then plotting the number of species was calcu- In relation to ACT3 were Pseudomonas (Proteobacteria),
lated at iteration on each sample [24]. The rarefaction plot Paenibacillus (Firmicutes), and Pantoea (Proteobacteria).
showed a similar pattern to α-diversity, suggesting species In the compost sample, the most abundant genera were
richness is higher in ACT1, ACT3, and compost than in Acidovorax (Proteobacteria), Sphingobacterium (Bacteroi-
ACT2 samples (Fig. 3d). It is noteworthy that ACTs and detes), Sinorhizobium (Proteobacteria), Sneathiella (Pro-
compost samples reached a plateau in the rarefaction plot, teobacteria), Lewinella (Bacteroidetes), and Cytophaga
also average Good’s coverage (refers to the percent of the (Bacteroidetes).
total species represented in a sample) suggested that esti- To identify genera with significantly different abundances
mated 99.93% of the total species is represented in respec- between ACTs and compost, interpreted as biomarker genera
tive samples. It means that biodiversity was suitably sam- for each sample, we applied the LEfSe approach (Fig. 5).
pled; therefore, α-diversity was properly rated. In general Lewinella (Bacteroidetes), Acidovorax (Proteobacteria),
terms, the evidence may suggest more different bacteria Thalassospira (Proteobacteria) and Gracilimonas (Balne-
species in ACT1, ACT3, and compost than in ACT2. olaeota) showed significantly higher abundance and could
The β-diversity revealed statistical differences between be considered as biomarkers of ACT1. Regarding ACT2,
the bacterial microbiota of ACT1 and compost compared Weissella (Firmicutes), Clostridium (Firmicutes), Azotobac-
to ACT2 and ACT3 samples (F-value: 103.9, R2 0.97498, ter (Proteobacteria) and Lactobacillus (Firmicutes) could be
p-value < 0.001). The comparison between ACT2 and ACT3 considered biomarkers. In ACT3, the biomarker genera were
samples was statistically significant (p-value < 0.001); how- Pseudomonas (Proteobacteria), Pantoea (Proteobacteria),
ever, there were no statistical differences between ACT1 and Cellvibrio (Proteobacteria), Paenibacillus (Firmicutes),
compost samples. The β-diversity was visualized using a Xanthomonas (Proteobacteria) and Pseudoxanthomonas
PCoA, explaining 61% and 29% of the observed variation (Proteobacteria). In relation to the compost, the biomarker
on axes 1 and 2, respectively. Consequently, the bacterial genera were Pediococcus (Firmicutes), Sneathiella (Proteo-
microbiota of ACT2 differed from ACT3, ACT1, and com- bacteria), Parapedobacter (Bacteroidetes), Opitutus (Ver-
post. The bacterial microbiota of ACT1 and compost showed rucomicrobia), and Sinorhizobium (Proteobacteria). The
similarities (Fig. 3e). biomarker genera in each ACT differed from compost and
Based on genera relative abundance, the bacterial taxo- among ACTs.
nomic composition was heterogeneous among ACTs and Potential interactions between phyla were revealed
compost samples. The top 25 most abundant genera are through SparCC network analysis. A total of 50 interac-
shown in Fig. 4. The most abundant genera for ACT1 were tions were identified among 14 phyla, whose showed dif-
Acidovorax (Proteobacteria), Lewinella (Bacteroidetes), ferences in relative abundances between the ACTs and
Sneathiella (Proteobacteria) and Thalassospira (Proteo- compost samples. In total, 32 positive interactions and 18
bacteria). Regarding ACT2 were Weissella (Firmicutes), negative interactions were identified (Fig. 6a). Interestingly,
Clostridium (Firmicutes), Pediococcus (Firmicutes), Azo- the phylum Firmicutes was detected in higher abundance in
tobacter (Proteobacteria), and Pantoea (Proteobacteria). ACT2 (Fig. 6b), showing a unique negative interaction with

964 M. G. Martínez‑Yáñez et al.

Fig. 3  Alpha and beta diversity of bacterial microbiota of ACTs 99.96% ± 0.01 for ACT1, 99.87% ± 0.02 for ACT2, 99.95% ± 0.01 for
and compost. Richness: p-value 0.022446, Kruskal–Wallis statistic ACT3, 99.95% ± 0.001 for compost (d). Principal coordinate analysis
9.5848 (a). Shannon index: p-value 0.015564, Kruskal–Wallis sta- (PCoA) based on pairwise Bray–Curtis dissimilarity, PERMANOVA
tistic 10.385 (b). Chao1 index: p-value 0.021623, Kruskal–Wallis F-value: 103.9, R.2 0.97498, p-value < 0.001 (e)
statistic 9.6667 (c). Rarefaction curves. Average Good’s coverage:

the Deinococcus-Thermus group. It is noteworthy that the regard, Proteobacteria and Firmicutes showed the higher
Deinococcus-Thermus group was detected at higher levels prevalence, and Fibrobacteres showed the lesser prevalence
in ACT1, ACT3, and compost samples showing 12 interac- (Fig. 7). The core bacterial microbiota at the genus level
tions (Fig. 6c). Deinococcus-Thermus group showed posi- included Parapedobacter, Pedobacter Devosia, and Sphin-
tive interactions with Chlorobi, Gemmatimonadetes, Planc- gobacterium (Bacteroidetes), Acidovorax, Sneathiella and
tomycetes, Chloroflexi, Verrucomicrobia, Bacteroidetes, and Sinorrhizobium (Proteobacteria), and Bacillus (Firmicutes)
Armatinonadetes, which also had negative interactions with at higher prevalence. Notably, Xanthomonas and Pantoea
Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria, Spirochaetes, genera were included with a lower prevalence (Fig. S1).
and Thaumarcheota. Hierarchical clustering heatmap visualization of ACTs
The core bacterial microbiota refers to the set of taxa and compost bacterial microbiota at the phylum level high-
that were detected in a high fraction of a population above lighted the formation of 5 clusters that included phyla at
a given relative abundance as a threshold, which was com- higher abundance: cluster 3 (C3) contained shared phyla
posed of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Act- between ACT1 and compost samples, included Gemmati-
inobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Planctomyces, Chloroflexi, nonadetes, Chloroflexi, Deinococcus-Thermus, and Bacte-
Deinococcus-Thermus group, and Fibrobacteres. In this roidetes. Clusters 1, 2, 4, and 5 contained phyla from ACT2

Analysis of Bacterial Microbiota of Aerated Compost Teas and Effect on Tomato Growth 965

Fig. 4  Bacterial taxonomic structure of ACTs and compost based on relative abundance. The graphs showed the top 25 most abundant genera

(included Firmicutes), compost (included Cyanobacteria, Phytopathogenic genera Xanthomonas, Pantoea, Xyllela,
Chlorobi, Armatimonadetes, Planctomycetes, Thaumar- and Agrobacterium showed higher abundance in ACT3
chaeota), ACT1 (included Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, (Cluster 3). Whereas, the Ralstonia genus was shared
Spirochaetes), and ACT3 (included Tenericutes, Fibrobacte- by compost and ACT1 (cluster 7) in higher abundance
res, Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia), respectively (Fig. 8). (Fig. S2). It is noteworthy that no symptoms of the bacterial
Heatmap at genus level revealed 9 clusters that comprised disease were observed in ACT irrigated-tomato plantlets.
genera with higher abundance in either ACTs or compost In summary, ACT2 was made of mature homemade
samples. Clusters 2 and 9 included shared genera between compost + grass clippings and showed a pH and C/N ratio
ACT3 and compost. Clusters 5 and 7 included shared genera within the expected interval for mature compost. Also,
between ACT1 and compost. Clusters 4 and 6 included gen- ACT2 promoted the plant growth of tomato plantlets. On
era from ACT1. Clusters 1, 3, and 8 included genera from the other hand, the bacterial microbiota of ACTs and com-
ACT2, ACT3, and compost respectively. It is noteworthy post exhibit significant differences from each other. Some
that C5 was a cluster that included the major number of genera were identified as specific biomarkers for each ACT
genera. C1, C3, and C8 were smaller clusters (Fig. S2). and compost of origin. Also, despite differences in bacterial

966 M. G. Martínez‑Yáñez et al.

Fig. 5  Biomarkers genera in

bacterial microbiota of ACTs
and compost, based on LEfSe
approach (Top 20). Miniheat
map indicates significant abun-
dance of genera: higher (red),
and lower (blue) in each sample.
p-value cutoff 0.01, Log LDA
score > 2

structure, some phyla and genera were found as a part of ACT Microbiota Diversity
the core bacterial microbiota of ACTs and compost due to
constant association with such microhabitats. Furthermore, In our study, for the elaboration of ACTs as a proof of con-
data suggested potential interactions at the phylum level, cept, we employed mature homemade compost (as primary
which could shape bacterial microbiota structure for each inoculum of microbial biodiversity), grass clippings, and
ACT and therefore linked to the functionality of each ACT. wheat bran, both as additional sources of carbon and micro-
organisms. The 3 materials were considered moderately
optimal materials for the ACT elaboration, based on their
Discussion respective C/N ratio close to 27:1 [1, 10].
We elaborated 2 ACTs (ACT1: mature homemade
Composts and ACTs are biofertilizers whose diverse micro- compost + wheat bran; ACT2: mature homemade com-
biota may be linked to bioactivity, as a control disease, plant post + grass residues), a third ACT was elaborated uniquely
growth promotion, and soil restoration. Microbiota and its by using mature homemade compost (ACT3), which should
intrinsic metabolic activity, harbored by compost and ACTs be considered a liquid formulation of mature homemade
could lead to a biological product with capacities for N compost. Notably, the C/N ratio of ACT2 (9.21:1) was closer
mineralization (C/N ratio < 15:1) or N immobilization (C/N to the optimum value expected for a mature compost, so
ratio > 35:1). However, mature compost that positively influ- the N mineralization rate in ACT2 should be lesser than
ences plant growth could exhibit C/N ratio 10:1 to 15:1 [1, in ACT1 (C/N ratio 5.59:1) and ACT3 (C/N ratio 0.34:1)
25]. [10, 13].

Analysis of Bacterial Microbiota of Aerated Compost Teas and Effect on Tomato Growth 967

Fig. 6  Correlation network analyses at phyla level within bacte- (red) or negative (blue) correlation (a). Box plot of Firmicutes (b)
rial microbiota of ACTs and compost. Nodes represent phyla, edges and Deinococcus-Thermus group (c) showing a respective significant
represent correlation > 0.3 between pairs of phyla. The node colors abundance in ACTs and compost
indicate abundance in each sample. The edge color indicates positive

Fig. 7  Core bacterial microbiota of ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and com- a threshold. Proteobacteria and Firmicutes showed the highest preva-
post at the phylum level. It refers to the set of taxa that were detected lence, followed by Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, and Verrucomicro-
in a high fraction of a population above a given relative abundance as bia. Fibrobacteres exhibited low prevalence

968 M. G. Martínez‑Yáñez et al.

Fig. 8  Hierarchical clustering of the bacterial microbiota of ACTs (which belonged to compost samples) was integrated by Cyanobac-
and compost, at the phylum level. Numbers and color nodes high- teria, Chlorobi, Amatimonadetes, Plantomycetes, and Thaumarcheota
lighted clusters with phyla that showed higher abundance in the spe- (an archeal taxon). Cluster 3 comprised Gemmatimonadetes, Chloro-
cific ACT. It is noticeable that Firmicutes constituted cluster 1 with flexi, Deinococcus-Thermus, and Bacteroidetes that were shared by
a single phylum, due to the highest abundance in ACT2. Whereas ACT1 and compost samples. Cluster 4 included Actinobacteria, Aci-
based on the higher abundance in ACT3 Verrucomicrobia, Pro- dobacteria, and Spirochaetes uniquely at ACT1, Deinococcus-Ther-
teobacteria and Fibrobacteres were clustered in cluster 5. Cluster 2 mus, and Bacteroidetes

The observed decrement in the C/N ratio in finished the bacterial microbiota of ACTs and compost through 16S
ACTs may be linked to carbon bioconversion to ­CO2, assum- metabarcoding confirmed that both C sources heterogeneity
ing minimal N losses as a result of microbial metabolism and microbial diversity associated with the used materials
[10]. The addition of wheat bran and grass clippings to differentially affected the bacterial microbiota of each ACT
mature homemade compost for ACT1 and ACT2 elaboration [7, 26, 30].
respectively should provide additional sources of microbial The evidence suggested that the ACT2 microbiota
diversity and C to the developing microbiota. In this regard, showed lesser biodiversity than ACT1, ACT3, and compost
the C sources incorporated from grass clippings and wheat microbiota. It is worth mentioning that similarities were
bran included highly and less recalcitrant compounds, like found between the microbiota of ACT1 and homemade
lignin and oligosaccharides respectively, which are firstly mature compost, despite ACT3 being elaborated uniquely
metabolized by microbiota [26–28]. Concerning microbial using homemade compost. Remarkably, the microbiota of
diversity, it is noteworthy to mention that Firmicutes is a each ACT and compost showed significant differences in the
common epiphytic phylum of switchgrass (Panicum virga- relative abundance of determined genera in each ACT that
tum L.) that should explain the higher abundance of Fir- allowed the identification of potential biomarkers of each
micutes in ACT2 microbiota [29]. So, the exploration of ACT.

Analysis of Bacterial Microbiota of Aerated Compost Teas and Effect on Tomato Growth 969

On this subject, a diversity of microorganisms and bacte- ACT2-irrigated tomato plantlets evidenced plant growth
rial genes involved in the N cycle was identified in our study. promotion. However, both ACT1 and ACT3-irrigated
Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, plantlets showed less growth than ACT2-irrigated plant-
Actinobateria, and Chloroflexi were identified as a part of lets and treatment control. This evidence could suggest
the core bacterial microbiota of ACTs and compost and that ACT1 and ACT3-irrigated plantlets would exhibit a
showed significantly different relative abundances in each slight nutritional deficiency, taking into account that used
ACT. The mentioned phyla are known to play a role in N seeds were certified with a 90% germination rate and no
mineralization (C/N < 10:1) either due to ureolytic activity symptoms of phytotoxicity were detected. However, the
(ureC), chitinolytic activity (chiA), arginase activity (rocF), bioactive effects of compost and ACT on crops could be
or protease activity (npr) [31]. It is worth noting that Azo- variable or may not be visible in specific development
tobacter (Proteobacteria) and Clostridium (Firmicutes) stages [39–42]. In our study, it is likely that the bioactive
were identified as biomarkers of the bacterial microbiota of effects of ACT 1 and ACT3 could be evidenced in other
ACT2. Clostridium and Azotobacter are free-living bacte- phenological stages of tomato plants.
ria that perform biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), which Based on the C/N ratio values of ACTs, a higher rate of
refers to the bioconversion of atmospheric nitrogen (­ N2) into N mineralization would be expected in ACT1 and ACT3-
ammonium ­(NH3), a major source of inorganic N for plants irrigated plantlets than in ACT2-irrigated plantlets [1, 10].
[32, 33]. In this sense, N (­ NO3−) is a plant macronutrient required
The mentioned phyla and genera would be related to the for optimum growth and development, exhibiting high
observed C/N ratio (< 10:1) in finished ACTs. However solubility and low retention in soil. Excessive application
higher rates of N mineralization in ACT1 and ACT3 than of ­NO3− or higher humidity levels could lead to N defi-
in ACT2 were suggested based on respective C/N ratios. ciency [43–45]. The low C/N ratios observed in ACT1 and
Notably, BNF should be an active pathway in addition to ACT3 implied a higher rate of N ­(NO3−) releasing and los-
N mineralization operating in ACT2. Therefore, both taxo- ing through leaching in the substrates of irrigated tomato
nomic and functional diversity should be related to C/N ratio plantlets [46]. Consequently, ACT1 and ACT3-irrigated
differences between ACTs [34–36]. plantlets should exhibit lower plant growth, as a result of
slight presumed N deficiency plantlets. In addition, to the
likely variable bioactive effect of ACT1 and ACT3.
ACT Functional Diversity Is Related to Plant Growth The bacterial phyla Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Firmi-
Promotion Trait cutes, and Actinobateria involved in N mineralization, also
genera Azotobacter and Clostridium, free-living N-fixers
It is not surprising that potential interactions at the bacte- bacteria, were identified as a part of the core bacterial
rial level during the ACT elaboration process allowed the microbiota of ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, and homemade com-
generation of a biological product with characteristic micro- post, with differences at relative abundance respectively
biota and ecological functions, like the N cycle and plant [47].
disease suppression [37]. Negative interactions should occur In this regard, ACT2 could act as a source of phyla
and shape the microbiota of respective ACT; as an exam- involved in N mineralization, and free-living N-fixer
ple, in our study, evidence suggested a negative correlation bacteria for tomato plantlets rhizosphere. Notably, Azo-
between Deinococcus-Thermus and Firmicutes. Experimen- tobacter spp. and Clostridium spp. represent a source of
tal evidence showed interference of biofilm formation of ­NH3, a major source of inorganic N for plants [32, 33].
Staphylococcus aureus (Firmicutes) by exopolysaccharide Clostridium spp. is a free-living N fixer under anaerobic
of Deionococcus radiodurans [38]. The evidenced behavio- conditions found in gramineous plants [48, 49]. Azotobac-
ral regulation of Staphylococcus aureus by D. radiodurans ter spp. has been associated with the enhancement of plant
allowed us to speculate that a higher relative abundance of nutrition and plant growth promotion traits, in sustainable
Deinococcus-Thermus and low relative abundance of Firmi- agricultural production strategies [32, 50].
cutes (observed in ACT1, ACT3, and compost microbiota) In our study, despite N mineralization would occur at
has a similar explanation. An opposite trend was observed substrates of ACT2-irrigated tomato plantlets, N fixation
in ACT2 microbiota. and other mechanisms involved in plant growth promotion
Notably, microbial richness and bacterial interactions would also be carried out by Azotobacter and Clostrid-
inside each ACT likely contributed to inhibiting the expres- ium. The above may explain the plant growth observed in
sion of pathogenic behavior of Ralstonia, Pantoea, Xyllela, ACT2-irrigated plantlets.
Xanthomonas, and Agrobacterium that showed at differential
prevalence in ACTs microbiota, which is related to plant
disease suppression trait [30].

970 M. G. Martínez‑Yáñez et al.

Microbiota Diversity Associated to Bioactive ACTs structure since the C/N ratio reflects the bacterial metabolic
and Compost diversity. Therefore, our results agree with the hypothesis
about the connection among the ACT elaboration process,
Plant growth promotion and disease suppression are bio- ACT microbiota diversity, C/N ratio, and plant fitness [40,
active effects related to the microbiota of mature compost 58].
and ACTs [14, 30, 42, 51, 52]. In this regard, phyla like
Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria,
Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes, and Acidobacteria are
reliably found as dominant phyla in mature plant disease- Conclusion
suppressive compost [26, 53]. Likewise, Bacillus (Firmi-
cutes), Ochrobactrum (Proteobacteria), and Sphingomonas Our results contribute to the understanding that ACTs,
(Proteobacteria) are related to plant growth promotion of homemade biofertilizers, harbor microbiota involved in
lettuce, soybean, and sugar corn [41]. the N cycle, as a basis of plant growth promotion trait. The
The plant growth promotion trait attributed to bacterial respective microbiota and its intrinsic functional diversity
phyla requires several mechanisms, among them the N cycle, showed significant differences with the compost of origin,
phosphate solubilization, and secondary metabolite biosyn- which could be related to physicochemical properties, such
thesis [52, 54–56]. Although in our study, we analyzed plant as the C/N ratio. Compost and derivatives ACTs are able
growth of ACT-irrigated tomato plantlets, our results were to enrich the soil and plant microbiomes at taxonomic and
consistent with the aforementioned, since bacterial micro- functional levels, which favor soil restoration and plant
biota of ACTs and compost included phyla Proteobacteria, health. Production and application of compost and ACTs
Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria with signifi- provide social, economic, and ecological benefits. There-
cant differences at relative abundance. Since those phyla are fore, compost and ACTs are key elements for sustainable
involved in the N cycle, it highlights that the C/N ratio of agriculture within a circular economy framework. A gradual
ACTs could be a physicochemical indicator of their intrinsic decrease of agrochemicals and their substitution by biofer-
bacterial metabolism [52]. tilizers could favor the decrease of both environmental and
The microbiota complexity of compost and ACTs sug- human health risks, also the enrichment of plant and soil
gests that interaction between inner microbial communities microbiomes.
can influence indirectly bioactive effect in planta [42, 57].
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
In our study, only ACT2 induced plant growth on tomato tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 00248-0​ 22-0​ 2156-9.
plantlets; also, phyla Firmicutes and genus Azotobacter spp.
were detected at significantly higher relative abundance Acknowledgements To Martin Escoto-Rodríguez (UASLP) who man-
which could be related to observed plant growth promotion. aged the rehabilitation of lab spaces in Facultad de Agronomía y Vet-
erinaria UASLP. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
It is likely that the bioactive effects of ACT1 and ACT3 comments on our manuscript.
on tomato plants would be evidenced in other physiological
and development stage since bacterial phyla involved in the Author Contribution JPLA conceived and designed the study. COSO
N cycle and other plant growth promotion activities were and MGMY conducted experiments. MGMY, COSO, DXVM, GAB,
RJG, MRVP, and JPLA analyzed and interpreted data. VAHA and RAB
detected as a part of core microbiota. contributed analytical tools. MGMY, VAHA, RAB, and JPLA wrote
In summary, ACT2-irrigated tomato plantlets exhibit the paper. All authors read and approved the manuscript.
plant growth promotion. It is noteworthy that ACT2 exhib-
ited a C/N ratio closer to the C/N ratio of mature composts. Funding This work was funded by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y
Tecnología-Secretaría de Educación Pública (CONACyT-SEP Project
Bacterial microbiota included phyla involved in N min- 236066). VAHA received a fellowship (#806623) from CONACYT for
eralization (Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, PhD studies (CVU 1034365).
Firmicutes, Actinobateria) as a part of the core bacterial
microbiota of ACTs and homemade compost, which is Data Availability The datasets presented in this study can be found in
online repositories. Aerated compost teas 16S rRNA-based-metagen-
consistent with previous studies. Notably, ACT2 bacterial omes data can be retrieved from the NCBI database through BioProject
microbiota included Azotobacter ssp. and Clostridium ssp. PRJNA842379.
genera involved in N fixation, as specific biomarkers. Evi-
dence could suggest that N mineralization is a permanent Declarations
trait associated with ACTs and homemade compost. We pro-
Ethics Approval Not applicable.
posed that differences in relative abundances of phyla and
genera involved in N mineralization and N fixation in each Consent to Participate Not applicable.
ACT could yield C/N ratio differences among ACTs. Varia-
tion in the C/N ratio should be related to bacterial microbiota Consent for Publication Not applicable.

Analysis of Bacterial Microbiota of Aerated Compost Teas and Effect on Tomato Growth 971

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