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Classroom Rules & Expectations
Integrated Math 1a and 1b
Room G-115

Course Description: On a daily basis, students using CPM Core Connections employ problem solving
strategies, question, investigate, analyze critically, gather and construct evidence, and communicate
rigorous arguments to justify their thinking. Students are taught how to gather and organize
information, break problems into smaller parts, and look for patterns that lead to solutions. Tackling
mathematical ideas set in everyday contexts, students make sense of otherwise abstract principles.
The course balances procedural fluency (algorithms and basic skills), deep conceptual understanding,
strategic competence (problem solving), and adaptive reasoning (application and extension). Students
learn in collaboration with others, sharing information, expertise, and ideas.

Standards for Mathematical Practice:

o make sense and persevere in solving problems o use appropriate tools strategically
o reason abstractly and quantitatively o attend to precision
o model with mathematics o look for and make use of structure
o construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning o look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
of others

Expectations: Students will not access cell phones during class time, unless requested by the
teacher for a specific lesson. Students are expected to come to class prepared to learn and in
possession of needed supplies and completed, corrected homework. If supplies impose a financial
hardship, please contact me.
We hear math, see math, do math, correct math, and then do some more math to allow for greater
depth of understanding. Working collaboratively allows you to develop new ways of thinking about
mathematics, helps you learn to communicate about math, and helps you understand ideas better by
having to explain your thinking to others.

Collaborative Learning Expectations:

o Respect the right of others to learn o Help anyone on the team who asks—by giving
o Justify and explain ideas, instead of giving up hints and asking good questions, but not by
when others do not understand giving answers right away
o Don’t leave anyone behind or let anyone work

Text: College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) Core Connections Integrated I. Online textbook is
accessible through student MyPlan account. Hard copies may be checked out if you need one.
Supplies needed:
 2” Three ring binder
 Graph paper
 White board marker (no light/florescent colors)
 Pencils with erasers (preferably mechanical with extra lead)
 Colored pen
 Scientific calculator. (TI 30 X II or something comparable is suggested. HP or other brands
may function differently and I may not be able to help your child in using them. Graphing
calculators will not be permitted on tests.)
Additional supplies: clear ruler, colored pencils, highlighters, eraser, old sock or whiteboard eraser.
Notebooks: Students are expected to maintain a current, complete, interactive notebook which will
be required in class daily. Specific instructions for the notebook will be given to students in class.
These notebooks will be graded and may be collected at any time for evaluation. The notebook is a
student learning tool where students to do their classwork and homework and reflect on their
activities; it provides a record of the development of student learning.
Homework: Daily homework will be posted in class and on the calendar/assignments in Canvas.
Student work should be neat, organized and easy to follow; including all relevant pictures, diagrams,
and/or graphs. Students should use answers posted on Canvas to correct work, making revisions with a
colored pen.
Opportunities for Extra Help:
 Online review/preview (Homework) help:

 I am always happy to work with students one-on-one during Wolverine Time on Tues, Wed & Thurs. I am
available after school most days and sometimes at lunch, but please check with me before assuming I will
be in the classroom.

 Peer Tutors can be assigned via Student Services. This has worked very well in the past when the student
and peer tutor agree to meet in my Room, G-115, during WT. This way, the student gets 100% of the peer
tutor’s attention in addition to my guidance when they need it.

 Study Groups can be very helpful. I encourage students to find others in the class that they can meet with
either regularly or before a big test. Students benefit greatly from being on either the giving or receiving
end of explaining a math problem.

 CPM sells a parent book that contains additional questions and solutions in case you desire it. If you
feel you may need extra help or just want extra practice, I suggest you purchase it. An online version
is available for free through your CPM online book.
Absences: It is your responsibility to make up work, even if your absence is excused. In the case of
a single day absence, you should expect your work to be due and any quizzes/test missed to be taken
on the day of your return. In a multiple day absence, please contact me to discuss how to get caught
up in a timely manner.

Table of Contents: Students will be required to maintain a record of assignments in their notebooks.
Calendar: A tentative calendar with homework and most quiz/test dates will be posted on Canvas.

Contact: Parents, please feel free to contact me with any questions. I am most easily reached by e-
mail, and NOT through Canvas.

Grading Policy: Students grades are determined by their cumulative performance according to the
indicated weights:

10% classwork, participation, notebook (HW & handouts), projects 90% & above A
30% Quizzes 80 – 89% B
30% Midterm 70 – 79% C
30% Final Exam (1 per quarter) 60 – 69% D
All Tests will be cumulative Below 60% F

Grades for the course will be posted on Synergy weekly, whereas assignments are posted on Canvas
and in the classroom. Only grades posted on Synergy (not canvas) will be reflected on your report
card. Students may make quiz corrections/explanations for a slightly increased percent. Grading
priority will be given to current tests and quizzes. Quiz corrections may result in a maximum
increase in percent based on the grade originally received. Scores of 90%+ max score increase 1%.
Scores 80-89% max score increase 2%. Scores 70-79% max score increase 3%. Scores 60-69% max
score increase 4%. Scores below 60% max score increase 5%. No increase for tests such as midterms
and finals. The intent of this policy is to help you to learn from your mistakes, but not rely on the
increase for tests. The percent increase is not guaranteed; sufficient work or explanation must
demonstrate that you understand the problem and have learned from your error.


Dear Parent or Guardian:

I am so excited to have your student in my Integrated 1 class this year. I am here to support your
child in any way I can. Please read the attached information and sign below. If you need to contact me, I can
best be reached by email at the address listed above. Thanks for coming beside me and helping me to help
your child succeed!
Ms. F. Lita Manley

Student Signature Student Printed Name Period

______________________ __________________________ ________

I have read the attached information regarding my student’s Integrated 1 class, and I understand the
content herein.

___________________________________ ______________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Parent or Guardian written name
I can best be reached at _____________________________________.

Please tell me anything you wish for me to know about your student or anything else you wish to
communicate at this time.

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