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How many subjects do you teach?

At our institute, we provide comprehensive academic instruction covering all

the essential subjects required for your child's education. Our curriculum prioritises
subject teaching in the following order: Mathematics, Sciences (Physics, Chemistry,
and Biology), Grammar, English Literature, Social Studies (History, Civics, and
Geography), Hindi, and Gujarati. We ensure that your child receives a well-rounded
education across these subjects.

Do you explain each and every chapter?

We understand the importance of comprehensive learning, but as a
supplementary education provider, we don't have the same amount of time as a
regular school. Students spend around 3 to 4 hours in school daily, with
approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour dedicated to each subject. It is impossible for
anyone to provide a detailed explanation of every chapter for all subjects within our
limited time frame.

However, we emphasise the importance of "prior reading" for students. We ensure

that they go through the chapters before attending school, which helps them become
familiar with the content. If they encounter any difficulties, we teach them how to
communicate their problems effectively to their respective school teachers, enabling
them to receive immediate assistance.

Moreover, if students still face challenges, we are committed to providing thorough

support. We explain concepts, provide practice assignments, and administer tests to
ensure a complete understanding and resolution of their doubts. Additionally, we
maintain detailed records of their strengths and weaknesses in our report card,
enabling us to address any lingering doubts before their school exams, allowing for a
more focused approach to resolving their concerns.

What if students have doubts?

It is common for students to have doubts or difficulties in understanding
certain subjects. There are several factors that can contribute to these uncertainties.
Some students may struggle with absentmindedness, making it challenging for them
to grasp the concepts being taught. Others may have difficulty connecting their
previous knowledge to the current lessons, leading to confusion. Weak foundations
from earlier grades can also hinder their understanding. Additionally, inconsistent
practice and lack of regularity can cause students to fall behind.

To address these issues, we provide students with proper guidance and establish a
set of rules that we have found to be effective based on our experience. These rules
aim to foster regularity, proactivity, and punctuality in their academic work. Our
ultimate goal is to empower students to become self-reliant in this competitive world.
We want them to develop the skills and confidence to find solutions on their own,
reducing their dependence on others. By instilling a sense of responsibility and

self-discipline, we aim to equip them with the tools they need to overcome challenges
and excel academically.

Do you help students complete their school work?

Yes, we do provide assistance to students in completing their school work. In
fact, we have structured our 1 hour and 45-minute sessions in a way that allows them
to accomplish their major school assignments within our institute. By working on
their school tasks in our facility, we are able to identify any difficulties or challenges
they may face in specific subjects. This enables us to address those issues by
providing additional practice and focused support. Through this approach, we ensure
that every problem and glitch is identified and resolved, allowing their concepts and
knowledge to align properly without any gaps or missing segments. Our aim is to
provide comprehensive support and guidance to students, helping them excel not
only in our program but also in their regular school work.

Do you give homework?

Yes, we do assign homework if it is necessary and based on the amount of
school work remaining for the students after they return home from our institute. The
type of homework or practice work we assign varies. For example, we may provide
worksheets focusing on specific problem-solving exercises that we have identified as
areas of improvement for the students. Additionally, we may ask them to create mind
maps to help them organise and retain the entire lesson or concept in their minds. We
also assign reading tasks, where students are requested to send voice clips as proof
of their reading and to develop their speaking abilities. It's important to note that
some of these tasks may have already been assigned as part of the weekly tasks, and
if students are unable to complete them during the institute session, they are
expected to complete them at home. The purpose of homework is to reinforce
learning, practice skills, and foster independent study habits.

Do you teach in a batch or on a one-on-one basis?

Yes, we provide teaching in both batch and individual one-on-one formats. Our
classes are designed to offer a refreshing change from the monotonous teaching
methods often experienced in traditional school classrooms. In schools, students are
typically required to sit in one place throughout the year, and if they encounter
difficulties in understanding a concept, they may hesitate to seek personal assistance
or ask the teacher for help, as it can disrupt the entire class. This suppression of
doubts can hinder their understanding of subsequent concepts or advanced lessons.

To address this issue, we have blended the traditional chalkboard system with our
one-on-one teaching approach. Regardless of the student's class, we provide
personal guidance and knowledge, focusing on resolving their individual doubts. By
adopting this method, we ensure that students receive personalised attention until
their problems are resolved. Additionally, we tailor their practice assignments to
match their abilities and intellectual level, ensuring that they progress at a pace that
suits them best. Our goal is to create an environment where students can thrive and
overcome any learning obstacles they may encounter.

Do you provide worksheets and supplementary materials?
Yes, we do provide worksheets and necessary supplementary materials to our
students. Whenever we identify areas where students are facing difficulties in their
ongoing learning process with us or at school, we take the initiative to create
customised worksheets and materials tailored to their specific needs. This process
requires time and attention to ensure that the worksheets effectively address their
doubts and provide a targeted approach to the knowledge segment they are
struggling with. Our aim is to provide them with relevant practice materials that will
help them overcome their challenges and acquire a deeper understanding of the
subject matter.

Do you conduct tests?

Yes, we understand that schools have their own evaluation methods such as
unit tests, class tests, midterm exams, weekly tests, annual exams, and other
assessments. While these evaluations provide a comprehensive understanding of a
student's progress, we recognize the importance of tracking their academic
development and addressing any weak areas.

As a supplementary education provider, we do not replicate the exact evaluation

methods of schools. However, we do implement our own assessment system to
monitor and evaluate the students' progress. Our tests and assessments are
designed to complement the school evaluations and provide additional insights into
their strengths and weaknesses. By using a combination of evaluation methods, we
can gain a comprehensive understanding of each student's academic performance
and identify areas where further attention is needed.

It's important to note that our evaluation process is not meant to replace or contradict
the school's assessment system. Instead, it works in harmony with it to ensure a
well-rounded and holistic approach to monitoring and supporting the students'
academic journey.

How do you track students' progress?

We employ several methods to track the progress of our students. Firstly, we
closely observe and keep track of their scores in school tests and exams. We
regularly remind students of their scores and encourage them to compare their marks
across various exams, whether it be for specific chapters, clusters of chapters, or
terminal exams. By doing so, they become aware of their performance trends and
gain insights into their areas of strength and areas that require improvement.

We believe that the subjects in which students excel, such as Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, or any other subjects, play a crucial role in maintaining their
overall progress and scores. While weak subjects are equally important, they may
require more time and effort to improve. We understand that low scores in weak
subjects can impact a student's confidence, so we strive to maintain a balance
between addressing weaknesses and building on strengths.

By keeping a comprehensive record of their scores and progress, we can effectively
track the development of each student. This allows us to identify specific areas where
they need additional support and guidance, enabling us to provide tailored assistance
and monitor their progress over time. Our ultimate goal is to help students achieve
their full potential academically and boost their confidence along the way.

How many days of classes are held in a week?

We provide coaching sessions for five days in a week, adhering to the global
work psychology. Our classes are scheduled from Monday to Friday. During these
weekdays, students are expected to complete the assigned work that has been
allotted to them throughout the week. This approach ensures that students have
ample time to engage with the material, practise their skills, and make progress in
their academic journey. By providing consistent coaching sessions throughout the
weekdays, we aim to create a structured learning environment that supports their
ongoing development and enables them to achieve their academic goals.

What if students join the class in the middle of the academic year? What
about the parts they have missed?
When students join our class in the middle of the academic year, our priority is
to help them quickly integrate into our system. We provide them with guidance on
how to catch up on any missed work, whether it involves basic concepts or previous
chapters that were covered by the school at the beginning of the year. We understand
that students may feel lacking in confidence if they have not read, learned, or revised
those topics.

In such cases, we focus on strengthening their grasp of the subjects they find
challenging, while also building their confidence. We do this by gradually providing
them with practice exercises tailored to their abilities in both weak and strong
subjects. Our aim is to help them score well and regain their confidence in their
learning journey. It's important to note that we take into consideration the student's
current capabilities and ensure that the tasks assigned are suitable for their level of
understanding. We understand that learning is a continuous process and we work
diligently to support students in their academic growth.

As time progresses, you will witness the gradual results of our efforts. We are
committed to the well-being and progress of our students, and we strive to create an
environment where they can thrive academically and regain their confidence in their

How do you provide practice for subjects like Math, Science, and others?
For Math, we provide customised worksheets and notes based on the specific
problems or difficulties that students are facing. As they work on their school
assignments at our institute, we closely observe their approach and identify any areas
of concern. We maintain records of these challenges and then create practice sheets
tailored to address those specific areas. Our focus is on developing both memory and

critical thinking skills, as both are equally important in mastering Math. If a student is
unfamiliar with a particular topic, we ensure they spend time at the institute or
through homework to create mind maps, notes, formula lists, and memorise key
concepts until they can recall them easily. We then emphasise critical thinking by
providing them with problems and questions that require them to connect the dots
and solve them independently.

For subjective subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Civics,

Geography, Hindi, and Gujarati, we also work on enhancing speaking and reading
skills. We assign reading tasks and require students to create voice clips of the
assigned material, helping them improve their speech and communication abilities.

Overall, our goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to practise that addresses

specific subject areas and enhances students' skills in memory retention, critical
thinking, and effective communication.

What if we ask you to teach only a particular subject or give more

attention to a specific subject?
We understand that, as parents, you have a deep understanding of your child's
needs. However, as professionals in the field of academics with decades of
experience, we have developed effective methodologies and techniques to address
various subject areas. When students join our institute, we closely assess their
strengths and weaknesses in different subjects, allowing us to identify areas where
they require more attention.

Our approach is designed to prioritise and address all subjects according to our
comprehensive system. We believe in our process and its effectiveness in helping
students make significant improvements in their academics. We ask for your trust in
our system and expertise, allowing us the necessary space to work diligently and
efficiently towards your child's academic progress.

By following our established approach, we can assure you that we will focus on all
subjects and give due attention to each one based on our assessment and
understanding of your child's needs. We strive to provide a well-rounded education
that benefits their overall development.

Do you provide demo lectures?

We understand the importance of experiencing our teaching methods and the
learning environment we provide. However, it is important to note that our
comprehensive process and the progress your child will make cannot be fully
captured in just a few days. Achieving academic growth and development requires
consistent effort, observation, practice, and a longer-term commitment.

While we cannot showcase the entire year's worth of progress in a short period, we
do offer the opportunity for prospective students to have a glimpse of our premises,
observe our teaching methods, and get a feel for our supportive and nurturing

environment. You and your child can spend a few days with us before making a
decision and paying the fees. It allows you to understand how we conduct classes
and how we assist students in their academic journey.

We want to ensure that you have confidence in our approach, but it's important to
keep in mind that the full benefits of our program and the progress your child will
make can only be realised over an extended period of time, as they continue their
learning journey with us.

What if a student is not happy or wants to quit the institute for some
We understand that circumstances can change, and there may be genuine
reasons for a student to discontinue their enrollment with us. In such cases, we have
a policy in place to refund the remaining fees. We believe in providing a fair and
transparent process for our students and their families.

If, for any reason, a student wishes to discontinue their studies at our institute, we will
work with you to understand the situation and facilitate the refund process for the
remaining fees, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in our institute's policy.

We value the satisfaction and well-being of our students, and we strive to create a
positive learning environment. While we hope that all students have a fulfilling
experience with us, we acknowledge and respect individual decisions and will do our
best to accommodate them.

Will my child be sitting in the same class as other students, or do they sit
We have three classrooms with different seating arrangements to cater to
different teaching methods. We have both traditional chalkboard classrooms, where
students sit in rows like in a school setting, and individual desk classrooms, where
students are seated in groups of 4, 8, or 12, each with their own dedicated desk. The
desks are strategically arranged to minimise distractions and ensure that each
student can focus on their own work without being influenced by classmates.

Throughout the year, we maintain a limited class size of 28 students, ranging from 1st
to 12th standard. While it is possible that your child may have classmates or friends
from school who also attend our institute, we ensure that they are not seated together
in order to promote a focused and conducive learning environment. Our aim is to
provide each student with the necessary space and concentration to engage fully in
their academic work

Do you use technology?

Yes, we do utilise technology as a valuable tool in our teaching approach. We
also recommend parents to ensure that their child is equipped with a technological
gadget, such as a tablet, as it allows for a connection to the vast world of knowledge

available online. While it is true that there can be distractions associated with
technology, we have measures in place to ensure that students stay focused and
utilise technology for educational purposes.

By incorporating technology into our teaching methods, we can provide students with
access to a wide range of educational resources, interactive learning materials, and
online platforms that enhance their understanding and engagement. We guide
students on how to effectively use technology for learning purposes, maximising its
advantages and minimising potential distractions.

We believe that technology, when used wisely and under our supervision, can greatly
enhance the learning experience and broaden students' horizons.

What are your other fields of teaching subjects?

In today's world, there are numerous fields of learning that go beyond
traditional academic subjects. We believe in providing a well-rounded education that
encompasses various areas of knowledge and skills. Apart from the core academic
subjects, we also introduce students to other fields such as:

Technology and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): We emphasise the importance of

understanding and utilising technology, including topics like coding, robotics, and the
ethical use of A.I.

Creative Arts and Graphics: We encourage students to explore their creativity through
art, graphics, and design. This includes activities like drawing, painting, digital art,
and visual communication.

Personal Development and Grooming: We guide students on personal development

skills, including effective communication, time management, leadership qualities, and
building self-confidence.

Music and Performing Arts: We recognize the value of music and performing arts in
nurturing creativity, self-expression, and teamwork. Students can explore various
musical instruments, vocal training, and participate in school performances.

Spirituality and Mindfulness: We provide guidance on spiritual and mindfulness

practices to promote holistic well-being and inner growth. This includes teaching
techniques for relaxation, meditation, and cultivating a positive mindset.

AstroPhysics and Astronomy: We introduce students to the wonders of the universe,

fostering curiosity about celestial bodies, space exploration, and scientific

Fitness and Health: We emphasise the importance of physical fitness and a healthy
lifestyle. Students learn about exercise, nutrition, and the significance of maintaining
overall well-being.

We believe that education extends beyond academic subjects and encompasses
various areas that contribute to the overall development and success of students in
the modern world.

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