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Surah Yusuf Lessons

(5 marks for term 1 exams)

1 Ayah – Full surah

Lesson – Because it was revealed for Nabi ‫ ﷺ‬during his most difficult phase in his life to console him,
this story teaches us we should read or listen to this surah when we are feeling low and contemplate on its

2 Ayah - 5
Lesson - Because it tells us why we shouldn’t narrate our dreams to anyone even your close family
members besides your parents because they’re the only ones who don’t want no harm for you. You can
only narrate to a trusted scholar to get it interpreted.

3 Ayah - 8
Lesson - Love is unconditional and can’t be forced (Allah SWT had put more love in Prophet SAW’s heart for
Aisha RA than his other wives) but Everyone should be treated equally and its better to avoid favouritism as
it could cause fitna and jealousy in others heart.

4 Ayah – 9
Lesson – We shouldn’t do any sin knowingly intending to do tawba afterwards because this is shaitans way
to trick us to fall into the sin and later make us think that I’ve done so many sins and Allah won’t or give me
and another reason is we are not guaranteed our next moment.

5 Ayah – 13
Lesson – Don’t mention your weakness to others as they might use this attack us in any way. As yaqoob AS
mentioned wolves as an excuse to his sons and how they sued the same excuse to hide the reality.

6 *Ayah – 18*
Lesson – Patience is beautiful – Even if the closest people go against you, Be patience and have tawwwal in
Allah, he will raise your status and open doors for you in the darkest moment. Prophet SAW says ‘No one
has been gifted with something better and broader than sabr’ This shows the absolute beauty of the Saabir.
The one who is patient in the most difficult moments has won everything.

7 *Ayah – 23*
Lesson – Zina is so easy to be committed (of all forms eyes, ears, feet) yet such a deadly grave sin that brings
no good whatsoever in any way. It destroys that person is wealth, family and the women, her family and the
child born from the act and the whole nation. It reduces one’s lifespan, rizq and beauty and brings Allahs
wrath, severe reckoning and eternal abode in hell fire. We should our best to even stay away from those
situations or places that could lead to it. Zina is a form of loan that is returned in someway to his own
family. We should make dua to be protected from this sin for ourselves and for whole nation.

8 Ayah - 30
Lesson – if we hear something bad about someone we shouldn’t spread it around but hope the best or
them because this could end up to something worse as the ladies spread the rumor about zuleikha and she
became the reason for so many other ladies to fall into the sin and harm themselves.

9 Ayah - 33
Lesson – We should never ask for something degrading but ask for Aafiyah because this could mean that
you don’t have complete trust in Allah SAW and you’re doubting his power. Make the best dua possible and
ask for Aafiyah as it helps you gain patience

10 *Ayah – 37*
Lesson – Be grateful for the knowledge Allah has bestowed you and for that which he has given you the
ability to act upon and that which you’ve been able to teach others. If the knowledge we gain makes us
proud and neglectful and immodest then it’s just a degree. May Allah give us the tawfeeq to act upon what
we learn and make us grateful.

11 Ayah - 42
Lesson – Do zikr more often as it helps you with your memory and your journey to Allah

12 Ayah – 50
Lesson – Stick up for yourself and don’t let your dignity be blotted with doubts and prove your innocence
when you are as when Yusuf AS came our of prison the thing he asked as what about the women’s who cut
their hands to prove his innocence. Stick up for truth when it comes to others as well and protect others
honour as well and don’t be afraid of outcomes that might be bad like witnessing in court.

13 *Ayah – 53*
Lesson – Don’t hold yourself for whatever you have achieved or dove good but be grateful to Allah for it.
Demonstrates different types of Nafs and how Shaitan tries to control them
Dunya – Love of the world – materialism Zuhd – abstinence from duniya
Nafs – inner and outer soul – being proud, miserly, eating haram and jealousy seek knowledge to fight it
Hawa – desire – wanting more intellect and active mind
Shaitaan himself  dhikr
Be grateful for what you have achieved and for what you have not because it was for better.
Shukr is SABR and sabr is shukr

14 Ayah 64
Lesson – No matter how hard the situation is, put your trust in him and he will reward you with the best
As yaqoob AS once again gave his son away and trusted Allah’s plan which was for betterment.

15 Ayah 67
Lesson – Evil eye is real in Islam. Its influence and severity is such that prophets SAW said ‘If there was
something which could compete with the Decree, it would surely be the evil eye’ So don’t share every little
moment of happiness and every achievement with others or on social media because jealousy and evil eye
literally take away your happiness and achievement in moments but rather keep it personal and do shukr
for the moment and do dhikr to be protected from it.

16 Ayah - 86
Lesson – Be patience and don’t tell you problems to others as they can only console you temporarily rather
turn to first no matter the need or problem is big or small, make him your go to friend.

17 Ayah - 92
Lesson – This ayah shows the beauty of this surah that even after all the hardships Yusuf AS had to go
through that started to befall upon him as young child, He forgave his brothers who were the first that
became means as it Allah had already planned all that. Its just mind blowing that how prophet Yusuf AS and
prophet Muhammed SAW both went through so many hardships, difficulties and how they both forgave
their enemies after all that and in the exact same words. Forgiving is not easy but when a person does it, he
has already won in his both lives. We should also try our best to forgive everyone who may have hurt us and
ask Allah to give us the ability and courage to do such deeds.

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