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Seminar 2 article analyzing

Activities and creativity

This article is about topic of creativity and motivation that they addressed in three main
sections. The first section concerns the atmosphere (or climate) of schools. The second main
centers on the role of final artefacts for motivation where students often are involved in
aesthetic work. The third main centers are devoted to language as a creative activity.

The atmosphere of a school

The atmosphere of a school is important to students’ education, because students are

perceptive. They pick up on what teachers and other adults at the school think is important
that students can get the message of an atmosphere of the school. For instance, the school
leaders build a structure, culture and climate that supports greater students’ success. In the
school that they did the observation in used to use the puzzle in the school`s cafeteria as a
means of communication. This helps students to create a positive social climate in the school
between students and other adults for that matter, which is important for learning in the
English classroom. Another way to motivate the students and create a non-threatening
classroom environment is the students’ used blankets and wrap it around themselves in the
classroom and having shoeless. This way is highly important for any learning to take place as
well as for motivation. The mobile phones were not allowed to use in the classroom or
grouprooms and they could not use them in the lunchroom or the auditorium. There are
special moments that teacher allowed the students to use their mobile phones for example: if
it would be pedagogically suitable or necessary for classroom activities. The teacher mentions
that this smooth solution about the mobile phones is about to have a good relationship with
the students and appreciate them not only inside the classroom but also outside the actual

The role of final artefacts for motivation

In this case we can see how the teacher helps the pupils to learning English by doing practical
activities where students were involved in creative processes by doing for example: making
news programs and documentaries, screenplays, films, podcasts, and blogs. The teacher let the
students doing an audio and video recording. The teacher had divided the students for doing
this activity. The activity consisted of two girls in the eight-grade invited to record a news
about an elephant called Gloria that had escaped from a zoo. They had a co-written a
manuscript to record it. They had been also motivated by their teacher to leave the manuscript
when it was time for making the recording. They had tried a few times to record it in a good
way and they succeeded. One of them started sound like a real American reporting on the
news about the escaping elephant. The news recording activity was succeeded because of that
the teacher had paired all students in a good way according to the students, and they liked that
the news did not have to be true so that man entered the role.

Visual aids in oral presentations

This chapter is about how students like to prepare oral presentation and had invested quite a
lot of time in creating their slideshows.

Drama can be used as a creativity in the classroom to motivate students. An example of drama
that the students had the task to come up with their own dialogues between a guest and a
waiter at a restaurant. The teacher had prepared the classroom for this scene as “restaurant
music from YouTube to motivate the students during the acting.

Article 2 language development in young learners: the role of formulaic language

This Chapter has argued that second language development can greatly benefit from the
formulaic language that is learned implicitly or taught explicitly Chunks: of Language do not
Only seed L2 acquisition: their mastery is also a •factor the success of language learning In
addition, formulaic language has a. dual function: It IS not only what is learned but also what
gives rise to the development of new language Competence.

Exposing young learners to formulaic language from the very start will give them the building
blocks to express themselves quite fluently even in the early stages off their L2development;
hopefully leading to an increase in motivation. For the acquisition of single lexical items,
formulaic language can be used as a backdrop highlighting novel language iten1S* thus
making them¯ more noticeable and fostering their acquisition.

Instead of just focusing on the rules underlying •language on the one hand and individual
words on the ether, successful language development in young learners hinges balanced mix
of Single and multiword items.

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