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You are tasked to write a reflection paper about globalization with your stand as a teenager.

You may use the definitions of globalization in situations from around the country and those
which affect you as a student and child.

Teenagers benefit from globalization by having a better grasp of the situations and
cultures of other nations, and it also exposes us to newer knowledge that we haven't yet
discovered. Globalization has a significant impact on students since it improves our capacity to
learn and apply knowledge because it allows us to access all information with a single phone
click. Teenagers like me may make new friends anywhere in the world thanks to globalization,
which keeps them more engaged in social activities like video conversations with friends around
the world. Social media gives us younger generation a better understanding of the outside
world and expands our minds with knowledge from around the world. However, while using
the internet may benefit teenagers, it also has some negative effects because the internet is
vast and not all of the information on it is beneficial for ourselves. Some of the things on the
internet may encourage violence and more inappropriate activities. In conclusion, globalization
has both positive and negative consequences for a student and a teenager like me, therefore
we should be more aware and accountable for what we do.

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