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● A fool and his money are soon parted (people who are not careful with
finances lose/spend their money too quickly/ it could also mean that it’s easy
taking money from a foolish person)
● Don't look a gift horse in the mouth = a caballo regalado no se le miran los
● A bird in hand is worth two in the bush (it's better to be content with what
you have than to risk losing everything by seeking to get more)
● As you make your bed, so you must lie on it (one should face the
consequences of their actions)
● Birds of a feather flock together = Dios los cría y el diablo/viento los
amontona (people who are alike will sooner or later find each other)
● Blood is thicker than water (family relationships are more important than
anything else, they should always come first)
● You can't get blood out of a stone = no le pidas peras al olmo (don’t expect
something from someone who you know won’t deliver)
● Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones = el que está libre
de pecado que tire la primera piedra (people who have faults should not
criticise other people for having the same faults)
● All is not gold that glitters (así lo dijo Mati, pero es mucho más común
encontrarlo como “all that glitters is not gold, meaning not every that looks
good/beautiful/pure is so)
● When the greek meets greek, then comes the tug of war (people who are
alike fight each other)
● Make hay while the sun shines (seize the moment)
● Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis foolish to be wise = ojos que no ven,
corazón que no siente (if you don't know about something, you don't need to
worry about it)
● It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good (when somebody takes
advantage of somebody else's misery)
● In for a penny, in for a pound = similar a “si la hacemos, la hacemos bien” //
que le hace una raya más al Tigre (used to express someone's intention to
see an undertaking through, however much time, effort, or money this entails)
● The labourer is worthy of his hire (someone should be properly
recompensed for their work/effort)
● What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander (equals deserve the
same things)
● Every cloud has a silver lining (be positive, look at the bright side of things;
glass half full)
● A miss is as good as a mile = algo es mejor que nada/peor es nada
● A fault confessed is half redressed (By confessing to one's own faults, one
will begin to make amends)
● Never say never
● A rolling stone gathers no moss (refers to people who won’t get
married/someone who doesn't want to settle down)
● A stitch in time saves nine (act promptly to prevent worst things later)
● One man's meat is another man's poison = sobre gustos no hay nada
escrito (something liked by someone may be disliked by others)
● It never rains but it pours = el que mal anda, mal agarra (misfortunes or
difficult situations tend to follow each other in rapid succession or to arrive all
at the same time)
● Let not the sun go down upon thy wrath (don't let your anger control you,
get the better of you. Don't go to bed angry)
● He who pays the piper calls the tune (the person who provides the money
for something has the right to determine how it's spent)
● It's the last straw that broke the camel's back (la gota que rebalsó el vaso)
● The leopard cannot change its spots (aunque la mona se vista de ceda,
mona queda)
● Life is not all beer and skittles (is not all fun and games)
● Little pitchers have big ears (kids always overhear things that they
● That is all my eye and Betty Martin (that is all nonsense)
● Big fleas have little fleas (if you lie once, you need to tell more lies to
support the first one)
● A burnt child dreads the fire (el que se quemó con leche, ve la vaca y llora)
● Old birds are not caught with chaff (the wise and experienced are not
easily fool)
● The child is father of the man (the behaviour and activities of a person's
childhood go a long way in building their personality)
● The cobbler should stick to his last (zapatero a su zapato, don't give
advice on something you have no idea about)
● Don't count your chickens before they hatch
● It's no use crying over spilt milk
● Every dog has its/his day (everyone will get a chance at some point)
● The early bird catches the worm
● Even a worm will turn (even the nicest person will turn at some point)
● All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
● Take time by the forelock (seize the opportunity, act quickly)
● There's many a slip between a cup and lip
● There's no smoke without fire (used to say that if people are saying that
someone has done something wrong there is usually a good reason for what
they are saying) si el rio suena, piedras llevas/trae
● You can't make silk purse out of a sow's ear (it is impossible to make
something very successful or of high quality out of something which is
unsuccessful or of poor quality)
● There's no royal road to learning (There is no means of learning something
that is easier or requires less effort) // Rome wasn't built in a day
● When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window (When a
couple faces poverty or debt, their love for one another will be quick to wane
or depart)
● One swallow does not make a summer (don't assume something is true just
because we have seen one piece of evidence)
● You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs (si te gusta el durazno,
bancate la pelusa)
● A man's house is his castle (one can do anything they want in their house)
● Let sleeping dogs lie (don't instigate trouble)
● Many hands make work light
● There's no disputing about taste
● It takes all sorts to make a world (people vary in character, taste, etc.)
● No man is a hero to his valet (
● Everything comes to him who waits
● Charity begins at home (be good to your family first, then the rest)
● Half a loaf is is better than none
● As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb (If someone says I might as well
be hanged for a sheep as a lamb or I might as well be hung for a sheep as a
lamb, they mean that as they will suffer or be punished whatever they do, they
are choosing to do something really bad)
● More haste less speed (slow down, pay attention)
● The road to hell is paved with good intentions (is good to have intentions
but we should mind our action too)
● Hitch your wagon to a star (aspire to great things, be ambitious)
● Every Jack has a Jill
● You must know how many beans make five (means to be sensible and
intelligent, think)
● It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted (they have
tried to prevent something happening but they have done so too late to
prevent damage being done)
● A little learning is a dangerous thing (one should learn a lot in order to not
be manipulated)
● One must draw the line somewhere (to put a limit on what you will do or
allow to happen, esp. because you feel something is wrong)
● It's a long lane that has no turning (nothing goes on forever; change is
inevitable.) 'Es un camino de ida'
● Needs must when the devil drives (sometimes you have to do something
you would rather not, when were desperate we can do pretty much anything
to accomplish something)
● Never do things by halves (always do things very thoroughly.)
● Prevention is better than cure

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