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English IV

(AC-S08) Week 08 - Task: Assignment - Have you



Fernanda Sanchez Lopez Angela Toro Cumpa

Code U21211399 Code U21301500

A: Hello Fernanda how are you?

B: Hello Angela, if I’m okay, and you tell me how are you?

A: Yes, I’m fine. Fernanda I’m so curious, can I ask you a few questions?

B: Yeah, sure tell me

A: Fernanda, have you ever been injured playing sports?

B: No, it didn’t, but once my friend jumped in the middle of a volleyball

game and I saw that she fell badly and injured her foot.

Angela, have you ever seen a weird animal?

A: Yes, I have seen. On a trip I made to Chanchamayo I saw a

machetero in the zoo, I had never seen him before, I was very curious
about him, he was incredible. And tell me Fernanda have you ever
traveled outside the country?

B: Yes, I have. I took a trip to Mexico in January of this year. I tried their
typical food and was impressed.

Angela, have you ever made an online purchase?

A: Yes, I’ve done it many times. At first I was afraid of being scammed,
but then I learned to buy on reliable page and now I do many online
purchases and take advantage of the discounts.
And Fernanda tell me, have you ever had a bad experience in public

B: No, I didn’t. Thank God that didn’t happen to me, but I saw how a lady
was robbed inside the transport. It must have been very disastrous for

Angela, have you ever gone camping at the beach

A: No, I have not gone. I have camped in open ground, but on the beach
not, I have not had the opportunity, it must be very calm camping there.
With a group of friends, we are planning to have that experience.

B: It’s fascinating, I have to go, a pleasure Angela

A: It’s been nice Fernanda, see you later, take care

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