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Once upon a timen

A group of students went on a potluck

ttip to a farm in San Jerónimo. They were very happy shating a pot
of stew, when suddenly one of the members got drunk and started
to sing, and all the others started to dance

Then all of them went into thepool

and started playing with aball. The tmosphere wasvery good until niht fell
and the atmosphere started to nse to anew level.The music started to
touch their feelings,and sorne fell in love,while others cried from the emotion.

The next day we woke up,had breakfast, and went horseback riding
through the forest toenjoy the scene ry and the river where we decided to
stop for a while tofish. At the end of the afternoon we retumed to the
farmwhere we packed our bags and returned tothe city.

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