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Lecture 3
The geometric mean
All U and multiply them


🔣 The p’th percentile (with p=(0, 100) is the observation that divides the
population in two, in such a way that p% of the observations are smaller or
equal to it and (100 - p)% of the observations are larger or equal than it)

Lecture 3 1
Where X(a) and X(a+1) are a(th) and (a+1)th observations in the x-ordered

Let us calculate the 25th percentile of x


🔣 Split the population into 4 - It’s the percentiles 25, 50 and 75

25 = 25 under and 25 over( 50)

50 = the 25 (25) under and the 25 over (75)

75 = the 25 under (50) and 25 over (100)

🔣 The second quartile is the median

Lecture 3 2
A problem with the Central tendency measures

X1, X2, X3 have the same mean, median and mode.

But they are clearly different.

Solved through:

Measures of variability


🔣 It is the difference between the largest and smallest observations

⚠ Problem: Very sensitive to outliers - like the 99 and 01 in the above



Lecture 3 3
The interquartile range:

🔣 Difference between the third and the first quartiles

Example X1

Lecture 3 4
Example X3

Lecture 3 5

⚠ the variance can never be negative

Can be written like this:

It has a dummy variable (X)

Lecture 3 6
This one is called the sample variance


Lecture 3 7
Standard deviation

🦜 Standard deviation = the square root of the variance

📈 The greater the standard deviation - the greater the volatility to the
i.e. the number indicates how much the price moves in comparison
to the average rate of return.

Lecture 3 8
How to do it:

🔢 1. Calculating the mean = Add all the data points and divide by
the number of data points.

📈 2. Calculate the variance for each data point =

1. Subtract the mean from the value of the data point.
2. Square(upphöjt med två) each individual subtraction
3. Sum the results
4. Divide by the number of data points minus 1

📉 3. Get the Standard Deviation = Square root the variance from

the result of 2.

Lecture 3 9
Coefficient of variation


X - salary Y - number of kids

25000 1
25000 1

25000 2
25000 1
25000 2

25000 3
25000 4
25000 4

25000 2
26000 4

Lecture 3 10
The CV of X = 1,2%
The CV of Y = 50%

The skewness

symmetrical - like the grades of this course

Right -Skewed

Lecture 3 11

If SK = 0, X is symmetrical

if SK > 0 X is right skewed

if SK < 0 X is left skewed

The more it is - the more it’s skewed

Measures of relationships between variables (correlation)

Covariance let x and y be two variables measured

On the elements of the population (U)

Lecture 3 12
✌ Coefficient of correlation

if Cxy,u = 0 no association between x and y

if Cxy,u > 0 Positive linear association between x and y

if Cxy,u < 0 Negative linear association between x and y

Lecture 3 13
Lecture 3 14

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