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NAME: Antonio Willoughby

LAB #: 4
DATE: December 25, 2022
AIM: To observe and draw animal and plant cells from prepared slides of Cheek cells and Onion
epidermal tissue
APPARATUS AND MATERIALS: Onion Epidermis, forceps, methylene blue, slides, graticule,
microscopes, cover slips, iodine, droppers, filter paper, tooth picks, cells from cheek,
Onion Epidermis slide preparation
1) The microscopic slides were cleaned.
2) The epidermis of the onion was removed and a small square cut.
3) The epidermal tissue was placed on the slide, a drop of water was added and covered
with a cover slip.
4) A drop of iodine was placed at the side of the cover slip.
5) Filter paper was placed on the opposite of the slide to pull iodine across the specimen.
6) The microscope was set up and the slide was viewed at low power then at x10.
7) Drawings of three cells were made at x100 magnification.

Cheek cell slide preparation

1) Microscope slide was cleaned.
2) A clean toothpick was used to gently scrape the inside of your cheek.
3) Toothpick was used to make a smear on a clean slide.
4) A drop of water was added to the smear, then the cover slip was placed over the
5) A drop of methylene blue was added to the side of the cover slip.
6) Filter paper was used to pull methylene blue across specimen.
7) It was viewed under the microscope at low power, then moved up to X40.
8) Drawings were made of three cells at x400 magnification.

A cell is the basic unit of life and the smallest structure capable of performing all the processes
that define life.There are two major types of cells: prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic
cells.Prokaryotic cells, like bacteria, are simple cells that lack a nucleus and other
membrane-bound organelles. They are typically smaller in size compared to eukaryotic
cells.Eukaryotic cells, on the other hand, are more complex cells that have a nucleus and other
membrane-bound organelles. These cells are found in multicellular organisms such as plants and
animals.The basic features of eukaryotic cells include a nucleus (enclosing genetic material),
cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell),
and ribosomes (sites of protein synthesis).The onion and cheek cells are both eukaryotic cells.
They can be viewed and studied under microscopes.
1. Create a table showing comparison between the two cells observed with a light



Cheek cell Onion epidermis

Round to oval shape elongated

Has a more uniform size Has a larger size than cheek cells

Distorted organization More uniform packing

No presence of cell wall Thick cell wall

2. Drawing of cheek and onion cells.

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