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If no load weight information has been provided, then you will need to do some calculations to

determine the weight of the load you are going to lift. In this section, we’ll provide you with
some basic calculations for calculating the weight of different sized loads of varying material

Step 1: Determine the Volume of the Load

Rectangle/Square: Volume = Length x Width x Height

Hollow Cylinder: Volume = 3.14 x Length x Wall Thickness x (Diameter – Wall Thickness)

Complex Shapes: In some instances, imagine the whole object is enclosed in a rectangle and
then calculate the volume of that rectangle. Or, break the object into two or smaller rectangles
and then calculate the weight of each part and add them together.

Step 2: Determine the Material You’ll Be Lifting

The table below can be used for approximate weight values of common loads and materials:

Step 3: Determine the Weight of Object

Multiply the approximate pounds per cubic foot of the material times the calculated volume of
the load to get the weight of the object or load.

Example #1: Block of Aluminum

Here’s how you would calculate the load weight of a block of aluminum that is 6 feet long, 3
feet wide, and 4 feet tall:

Volume = Length x Width x Height

Volume = 6 feet x 3 feet x 4 feet

Volume = 72 cubic feet

Aluminum weighs 165 pounds per cubic foot (based on the numbers from the table above).
Based on this information, you would perform the following calculation:

Block weight = 72 cubic feet x 165 pounds per cubic feet

Block weight = 11,880 lbs. / 5.94 tons
Example #2: Steel Pipe

Here’s how you would calculate the load weight of a hollow steel pipe that is 8 feet long,
with a 3 foot outside diameter, and wall thickness of 1.5 inches:

Volume = 3.14 x Length x Wall Thickness X (Diameter – Wall Thickness)

Volume = 3.14 X 8 feet x 1.5 inches x (3 feet – 1.5 inches)

Convert inches to feet (1.5 inches = 0.125 feet)

Volume = 3.14 x 8 feet x 0.125 feet x (3 feet – 0.125 feet)

Volume = 3.14 x 8 feet x 0.125 feet x 2.875 feet

Volume = 9.03 cubic feet

Steel weighs 480 pounds per cubic foot (based on numbers from the table above). Based on
this information, you would perform the following calculation:

Steel tube weight = 9.03 cubic feet x 480 pounds per cubic foot
Steel tube weight = 4,334 lbs. / 2.17 tons

Example 3: Complex Shapes

Here’s how you would calculate the load weight of an irregular-shaped object made out of
concrete. First, separate the object into rectangles and then calculate the weight of each
section individually and then combine them, as shown below:

Volume1 (Top) = 4 feet x 2 feet x 3 feet

Volume1 = 24 cubic feet

Volume2 (Bottom) = 9 feet x 2 feet x 3 feet

Volume2 = 54 cubic feet

Total Volume = Volume1 (24 cubic feet) + Volume2 (54 cubic feet)

Total Volume = 78 cubic feet

Concrete weighs 150 pounds per cubic foot (based on numbers from the table above).
Based on this information, you would perform the following calculation:

Complex concrete shape = 78 cubic feet x 150 pounds per cubic foot
Complex concrete shape = 11,700 lbs. / 5.85 tons
Using Load Cells or Dynamometers to Determine Load Weight

Additionally, other devices can be included in the rigging that will provide the operator with a
read-out and determination of the load weight when it’s lifted slightly off of the ground. These
devices, called load cells or dynamometers, are mounted in line with the crane hook, slings, and
hardware. The load is then attached to the load cell and the load cell calculates the weight of the
load by measuring the force being applied to it using a strain gauge, or hydraulic or pneumatic
pressure inside the device.

These devices can display the measured weight of the load in a variety of ways. Some are
mechanical with an analog display that utilizes a needle and dial—similar to how many
bathroom or medical scales operate. Others can have digital displays right on the device itself,
and some even work with handheld digital devices or computer software to send the readout to
an operator who may be performing remote monitoring and diagnostics of the crane equipment.

Another type of load cell device is a load shackle, which is essentially a fully-rated lifting
shackle with integrated electronics and microprocessors to determine the weight of a load once
lifted into the air. These types of devices also send data to a handheld device or remote

Many load cells and dynamometers come with overload sensors that alert the operator, safety
managers, or other designated personnel if the crane has been overloaded. An overload occurs
when a lift exceeds the crane’s rated capacity. Overloads are prohibited according to OSHA and
ASME B30 standards and can stress and damage the crane equipment—putting nearby
employees in danger if the crane were to fail.

When using load cells or dynamometers, always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations
for scheduled maintenance and calibration to ensure your device is in compliance and continues
to provide accurate measurements.

Sling angle factor chart.

Sling Angles and Loads
After verifying the load weight, the next step will be to calculate the lifting capacity required.
The rated lifting capacity of the sling and shackles must be greater than the weight of the load to
be lifted.

The force of pull on the leg of a sling varies with the sling angle, so the forces on the sling need
to be determined for the specific sling angle used. The sling angle is the internal angle of the
sling. As this angle decreases the sling leg load increases.

Let’s look at two methods used to calculate the load on a particular sling leg. One method uses a
sling angle factor chart, the other method the ratio of the length of the sling divided by the

The sling leg load of two vertical slings is one-half of the total load for each sling. If the load
weight is 1000 lbs., the sling load for two vertical slings is:
(1000 lbs. / 2) = 500 lbs for each sling.

As the sling leg angle decreases the force on the sling leg increases. The load factor for the sling
angle is taken from a load factor chart.

Say two slings are lifting a load of 1000 lbs at an angle of 45 degrees. The load factor from the
chart for a 45-degree sling angle is 1.414.

 Sling load force = (load weight / 2) * load factor

(1000 lbs / 2) = 500 lbs
1.414 * 500 lbs = 707 lbs (sling load force)

Note the increase in sling load force as the sling angle decreases.
The ratio of Sling Length vs Height
If you do not have a load chart, you can calculate the sling load factor using the ratio of the sling
length divided by the sling height. For this example, we will use a sling length of 28 feet and a
height of 20 feet. In this case, the sling load factor would be:

28 / 20 = 1.4

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