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What is Applied Science (AS)?

Exercise 1 - Format data in Microsoft Word:

What is Applied Science?

Applied Science refers to the use of scientific knowledge and methods to solve practical problems and improve people's
lives. It takes the findings of basic research and develops them into products and services that people can use.
This type of science is focused on the application of existing knowledge and technology, rather than the
generation of new knowledge.
Applied Science can be applied in a variety of fields such as:
 engineering,
 medicine,
 agriculture,
 and many others.
In engineering, Applied Science helps to develop new products and systems, such as bridges, buildings, and machinery. In
medicine, Applied Science helps to improve medical treatments, such as creating new drugs or developing new surgical
techniques. In agriculture, Applied Science helps to increase crop yields, improve the health of livestock, and make farming
more sustainable.
Applied Science is also used in areas such as information technology, where computer scientists apply their knowledge to
create new software, hardware and algorithms. In the field of renewable energy, Applied Science is used to develop new
technologies to harness energy from the sun, wind and other sources.
One of the key features of Applied Science is its interdisciplinary nature, as it often involves collaboration between
scientists from different fields. For example, in the development of a new drug, a team of chemists, biologists
and pharmacologists may work together to create a product that is effective and safe.
Applied Science also requires a strong understanding of the limitations of existing knowledge and technology. This
understanding allows scientists to identify areas where new research is needed, and to design experiments
that will help to fill in the gaps.
Another important aspect of Applied Science is its impact on society. The products and services developed through Applied
Science can have a significant impact on people's lives, and this impact can be positive or negative. For example, a new drug
may cure a disease that was once considered incurable, but it may also have side effects that are
Applied Science can also play a role in addressing societal challenges such as climate change and poverty. For example, by
developing new technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or to increase food production, Applied Science can help
to mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce poverty.
In conclusion, Applied Science is an essential component of modern society. By taking the findings of basic research and
applying them in practical ways, it helps to improve people's lives and address the challenges that society
faces. The interdisciplinary nature of Applied Science and its impact on society make it an important area of research and
development that will continue to play a crucial role in the years to come.

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What is Applied Science (AS)?

Exercise 2 - Create tables and insert objects in Microsoft Word:

Field of AS Estimated Global Spending (in Number of Patents Filed

billion USD) (per year)
Biotechnology 125 20,000
Information 300 30,000
Energy and 150 15,000
Healthcare 200 25,000
Aerospace and 100 10,000

Exercise 3 - Prepare your document for output:

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