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The social dilemma

It is a documentary, wich tells a lot about social network throught some interviews with
employments of facebook, insagramm twitter and other companies.

Social network has advantages and disadvantages as well. All of us knows the advantages
but we don’t know much about the disadvantages until we watch this documentary.

Of course we can realize how much time is taken from us by these sites, but a lot of people
aren’t thinking about that how social network affects their lives really.

Most of us think Google and the similar type of servises are simple exist for the purpose we
are using them for, but these servises are all businesses and they work with money. These
are payed by advertisers and this is how a competition for our attention begins. Because of
they want to earn money more and more effectively they have to collect data about us. On
this way they create a model about us wich can predict our actions. Everything we are doing
online is being watched, is being measured. As we are watching the film we can know more
about this system and the facts are more and more disappointing. Not only the using of our
personal data is worrying, but we have to face with that it affects our behaviour more we
would expect for.

According to a study depression and anxiety, even suicide have been more common in
childhood since the social network appeared in our lives. It is frightening because even the
adoults are hardly able to control the usage of social network, becouse of this we know how
addictive can it be.

Not only our personal lives changed by using social media but it affects our cultural and
political life as well. According to the documentary the fail news spread 6 time faster than
the real ones, and it is difficult to make differences between them. It is enough to thinking
about the facts of the Covid 19.

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