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In the video “BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience” the man at the beginning of the

video uses a number of techniques when talking about what happened on the grounds in
chicago during 9/11

A notable part of the video is the way the man uses his storytelling. The man at the beginning of
the video recounts his experience of the events of 9/11. He makes sure to let us know the type
of person he is. during this time and says ”I'm the type of person that can't stand by and watch
other people suffer”. This is obviously a good example of an autobiographical perspective. I
think that this is extremely important in establishing the ground on which this man does what he
does. He later on says that he went to rescue people on the coast of manhattan amidst the
panic, despite his wife's concerns, even going as far as to call him a “maniac”. And despite all of
this, because of the type of person hes is, he still forged ahead.

Back on the subject of autobiographical perspectives, one of the best expressive writing tools
the man uses is his ideals. He goes on to say ”even if i rescue one person, that's one person
less that has to suffer”. This really stands out throughout his whole monologue, this declaration
of selflessness and hope that if he can help one person, it's better than saving no people at all,
especially shows how much bravery and humanity this man has and what ideals he believes in.

Furthermore, one of the most prominent aspects of the man's story telling is the mans distinct
New Yorker accent throughout his narration clueing us into his background.The whole time he's
talking, he's using slang, saying stuff like “and i says to her '', along with his new yorker accent.
This use of subjective language really helps to immerse the listener in the realism of the event.
Not only does his accent reveal that he's genuinely been IN manhattan, it also shows that he's
most likely been there his whole life or at least for a significant period of time. I think this use of
subjective language really brings to light just how real this event really was, and that realism is
really important especially to someone who wasn't even alive at the time to witness the event.

In conclusion, the man in the video employs various storytelling techniques to convey the
powerful narrative of what he witnessed and went through. the combination of autobiographical
perspective, slang, and the deceleration of ideals bring together a moving and impactful recount
of the events of 9/11.

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