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There was one grasshopper and ant in the middle of the summer season in the river. The ant was
collecting wheat grains from the farmers field. Grasshopper spending the summer while dancing and
singing while the ant work hard to stack his food for the upcoming winter season. The grasshopper
asking for the ant to join him, but the ant ignore him and continue with her work. The grasshopper
laughs to her when the ant said that they are saving it for the winter season. But grasshopper state that
they have enough stack to sustain in summer. But the ant said it was for the winter season, ant ask
grasshopper to join her stacking food, but grasshopper didn’t pay attention. When the winter season
came the grasshopper was cold and hungry and shelter to go. But he remembered about the ant and
visited her to get some food and shelter, as a return he will sing and dance to her. But the ant refuses to
his request but said to sing to somewhere else to earn his food shelter. At that moment the grasshopper
realized that he should have saved up enough food and shelter for the winter instead of wasting his time
being last during the summer.



1.Who was the main characters in the story?

2.What is the story all about?

3.Do you think you should do the same thing that ant do? Why?

4.What is your favorite part of the story?

5.what is the significance of the story to what is happening in the present time?

6.Who was your favorite character? Why?

7.What is the moral lesson in the story?

8.Which words do you describe the ant?

9.Which words do you describe the grasshopper?

10.If you could rewrite this story, what would your version be like?

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