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Date: APRIL 23, 2021

Instruction: Briefly discuss the following questions. (Not more than 50 words, 2 pts each)

1. Discuss the relationship between density and mAs.

-its directly proportional

2. Discuss the relationship between contrast and kVp.

-its inversely proportional

3. What materials are alloyed with tungsten for filament and target?
-Tungsten is the most commonly used target material in the anode because it has a high atomic
number which increases the intensity of the x-rays, and because it has a sufficiently high melting point
that it can be allowed to become white hot

4. What is the difference between quality and quantity?

-Quantity refers to the number of x-rays or the intensity of the x-ray beam usually expressed in
milliroentgens (mR) or milliroentgens/ milliampere-second (mR/mAs);while

-Quality refers to the penetrability of x-rays or the intensity of the x-ray beam and expressed in
kilovolt peak (kVp) or more precisely half-value layer (HVL)

5. Why do we use molybdenum and graphite for anode?

- Low mass density for anode

6. Why do we need to maintain a vacuum inside the x-ray tube?

-tube to allow for more efficient x-ray production and longer tube life so that electrons from the
air do not contribute to the electron stream, which would disrupt the x-ray production process and
damage the tube

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