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Title: "The Lost Puppy"

Narrators: 5
Owners: 3
Emma - The main character who finds the lost puppy.

Sarah - Emma's best friend.

Alex - Another friend of Emma and Sarah.

Lost Puppy - A cute and friendly puppy that Emma finds.

Scene: A park or a neighborhood street.

Narrator1 : (Sets the scene) As Emma walks through the park, her eyes light up as she spots a
lost puppy wandering around.

Emma: (Excitedly) Hey, guys! Look at this cute puppy I found! It seems lost and confused.

Sarah: (Entering with concern) Oh, it's adorable! We should help find its owner, Emma.

Alex: (Joining them, determined) Absolutely! Let's work together to find its home. Good
friends always help each other.

Narrator: 2 (Observing the friends) The three of them start searching for clues or signs of the
puppy's owner.

Emma: (Eagerly) Look, there's a tag with a phone number on the puppy's collar! Let's call it
and inform the owner.

Sarah: (Taking out her phone, responsible) Great idea, Emma. It's important to be
responsible and do our best to reunite the puppy with its family.

Alex: (Compassionate) While we wait for the owner, let's find some food and water for the
puppy. Good friends take care of those in need.
Narrator: 3 (Describing the scene) The friends gather food and water for the puppy, ensuring
its comfort while they wait.

Emma: (On the phone, helpful) Hello, is this the owner of the lost puppy? We found it in the
park. We're taking good care of it and would like to return it to you.

Owner: (Heard through Emma's phone, grateful) Oh, thank you so much! I've been searching
everywhere. I'll come to the park right away.

Narrator: 4 (Building anticipation) Finally, the owner arrives at the park and reunites with the

Owner: (Expressing gratitude) Thank you all for finding my little furry friend. I'm so glad
there are kind and helpful people like you in the world. You truly are good friends.

Emma: (Smiling and warm-hearted) It was our pleasure. Helping others, including our furry
friends, is what friends are for.

Sarah: (Nodding, affirming) Absolutely! We stick together and support each other, just like
we did today.

Alex: (Patting the puppy, caring) And we're happy that the puppy is back where it belongs.
True friends always look out for one another.

Narrator: 5 (Concluding the story) The friends share a group hug, their bond and friendship
shining brightly.

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