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Mixed Methods Research

Chapter · January 2015

DOI: 10.4135/9781483398839.n19


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2 authors:

Greg Guest Paul J Fleming

FHI 360 University of Michigan


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Mixed Methods Research
Greg Guest and Paul Fleming


Mixing qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods in public
health research is not a recent phenomenon. For example, John Snow’s foundational
public health investigation of the London cholera epidemic in 1854 (detailed in Chapter 1)
used and integrated multiple data sources to identify the Broad Street water pump as
the source of the epidemic. Snow first used the quantitative data from the General
Registries Office to determine the geographic distribution of deaths due to cholera in the
Golden Square area of London (Brody, Rip, Vinten-Johansen, Paneth, & Rachman, 2000).
Then, according to Snow’s own account, he used qualitative interviews to zero in on the
epidemic: “Families of the deceased persons informed me that they always sent to the
pump in Broad Street, as they preferred the water to that of the pumps which were
nearer” (Snow, 1854, p. 321). Snow’s use of multiple data sources to answer different ele-
ments of his research question illustrates how varied data can help investigators reach
swift and accurate conclusions.
Though Snow integrated qualitative and quantitative data in his study, it is uncom-
mon to hear his cholera research described as “mixed methods.” As a formally recog-
nized field of inquiry, mixed methods has been around only since the late 1980s, when
researchers began to operationalize data integration and develop mixed methods design
typologies (see, e.g., Greene, Caracelli, & Graham, 1989; Morse, 1991). In the decades that
have ensued, mixed methods research has become increasingly common and continues
to expand, both theoretically and in practice. The field, while still in development,


currently boasts a number of textbooks (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011; Greene, 2007;
Hesse-Biber, 2010; Morse & Niehaus, 2009; Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009), two handbooks
(Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2003, 2010), an annual international conference, and the flagship
publication Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
Over the years, numerous definitions of mixed methods research have been
posited.1 These definitions vary in scope and detail, but virtually all refer to some
form of integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods ( for an excep-
tion, see Morse & Niehaus, 2009). Perhaps the most concise definition comes from
Bergman (2008), who writes that mixed methods research is “the combination of at
least one qualitative and at least one quantitative component in a single research
project or program” (p. 1). We recognize that a host of varying definitions exist for
what constitutes quantitative or qualitative data and that an entire body of litera-
ture focuses on the philosophy of information and data. For the purposes of this
chapter, qualitative data refers to nonnumerical data—primarily text and images.
Conversely, quantitative data are numerical in nature and can be in various forms—
dichotomous, ordinal, interval.
The basic premise behind using a mixed methods research design is that combining
more than one type of data source provides a fuller understanding of a research problem
than a single or mono-method approach. According to Creswell and Plano Clark
(2011, p. 12) there are at least six potential advantages to integrating methodological

The strengths of one approach offset the weaknesses of the other.

Used properly, a combination of methods can provide more comprehensive and
convincing evidence.
Mixed methods research can answer certain research questions that a single
method approach cannot.
A mixed method study can encourage interdisciplinary collaboration.
Mixed methods encourage the use of multiple worldviews/paradigms.
Mixed methods research is “practical” in that it permits the usage of multiple
techniques and approaches that best address the research question.

The same authors also make the case that there are six general types of research
problems that benefit from integrating methodological approaches. These are research
problems where a need exists:

Because one data source may be insufficient to answer question.

To explain initial results.
To generalize exploratory findings.
To enhance a study with a second method.
To best employ a particular theoretical stance.
To understand a research objective through multiple research phases.
(Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011, pp. 7–11)

The overarching concept is that the integration of qualitative and quantitative

components should provide some benefit to answering the research problem and to
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 583

the overall research study. Therefore, it logically follows that if there is no benefit to
using more than one type of method, there is probably no point in employing a
mixed methods design. Many research questions in public health can be more than
adequately answered with a mono-method approach (e.g., determining how many
cases of tuberculosis were reported in Texas in 2012). In such cases, creating a more
complicated (and typically larger) design is neither justified nor cost-efficient.
This said, a majority of public health research questions are complex and can
benefit from incorporating both qualitative and quantitative components in a
research design.


Qual Qualitative

Quan Quantitative

UPPER CASE Indicates that method is dominant in the study design

and purpose (e.g., QUAL)

lower case Indicates the less-dominant method in study (e.g.,


QUAL, QUAN Comma indicates both methods equal in dominance

QUAL + QUAN Plus sign indicates methods occur at the same time
(i.e., concurrent design)

QUAL quan Arrow indicates methods occur in a sequence (i.e.,

sequential design) with the first noted method
occurring chronologically before the latter

QUAN(qual) The method in brackets is embedded within a larger

design, with the non-bracketed method being
dominant (i.e., embedded design)

QUAL QUAN Methods are implemented in a recursive process (e.g.,

qual quan qual quan)

QUAL QUAN Mixed methods [QUAN + qual] is used within a single

[QUAN + qual] study/project within a series of studies

QUAN + QUAL = Equal sign denotes purpose of integration in a concurrent

design (e.g., convergence, divergence, explanation)

Source: Adapted from Creswell and Plano Clark (2011).




Various typologies have been developed by mixed methodologists to describe the differ-
ent ways that qualitative and quantitative methods can fit into the same research study.
While many mixed methods typologies have been proposed over the years, we cover the
more commonly referred to and/or contemporary typologies in use today. For brevity,
the descriptions provided are at a summative level; most of the typologies we describe
have multiple sublevels as well that are not presented in this chapter. For a more exhaus-
tive, yet brief, description of typologies, readers should refer to the three-page table in
Creswell and Plano Clark (2011, p. 56) that covers 15 typologies created by various mixed
methods scholars.
One of the earlier, and simpler, typologies is David Morgan’s (1998) four-quadrant
system of classification (Table 19.1). Morgan uses both dimensions of temporality and
method-emphasis (known as weighting) to distinguish four basic types of designs.
Temporality refers to the sequence in time each method is used in the duration of the
study, and weighting is simply which method the research team assigns priority accord-
ing to their research questions (more details on these terms later). Per standard mixed
methods notation (see text box), method emphasis is denoted by upper case for the
primary method and lower case for the complementary method. Sequencing of each
method relative to the other is indicated by an arrow.
Similar to Morgan, Morse and Niehaus (2009) use both relative weighting and tem-
poral sequencing as defining features in their typology. However, Morse and Niehaus also
extend beyond Morgan’s typologies by adding dimensions of theoretical orientation and
simultaneous timing (Table 19.2).

Table 19.1 Morgan’s (1998) Four-Quadrant Typology

Principal Method: Principal Method:

Quantitative Qualitative

Qualitative Preliminary Quantitative Preliminary

Complementary qual QUANT quan QUAL
Method: e.g. – Focus groups used to develop e.g. – Use survey data to sample
Preliminary survey domains and questions extreme cases for subsequent
1. in-depth interview 2.
Qualitative Follow-up Quantitative Follow-up
Complementary QUANT qual QUAL quant
Method: e.g. – In-depth interview data e.g. – Survey used to assess
Follow-up explain trends in survey data prevalence of qualitatively derived
3. themes within larger population 4.
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 585

Table 19.2 Morse and Niehaus’s (2009) Eight Design Types

Design Theoretical Orientation Timing

QUAL quan
QUAL qual
QUAN qual
QUAN quan
QUAL + quan
QUAL + qual
QUAN + qual
QUAN + quan

As with Morgan, relative weighting is denoted by the type of letter case, and
arrows signify sequential arrangement of the research components. Morse and
Niehaus (2009) added a simultaneous timing component (denoted with a +) in
which the two types of methods are conducted at the same time. The theoretical
orientation describes the design as being primarily inductive or deductive. Another
key distinction between Morse and Niehaus’s model and other typologies is an
implicitly different definition of mixed methods research. Their inclusion of qual/
qual and quan/quan designs diverge from the conventional definition of mixed
methods—including Bergman’s presented earlier—as the integration of both quali-
tative and quantitative data in a single research project.
Teddlie and Tashakkori’s (2009) classification scheme, summarized into five “fami-
lies” of designs (Table 19.3), is somewhat simpler than Morse and Niehaus’s (2009) eight-
design typology. As with the many other typologies, Teddlie and Tashakkori include a
temporal dimension, distinguishing between parallel and sequential designs. Unique to
their model is the inclusion of three other designs—conversion, multilevel, and fully
integrated—which emphasize how data intersect. Another distinguishing feature is the
absence of a weighting dimension.
The typology developed by Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) embodies the tem-
poral elements of the other typologies, highlighting the difference between studies
that integrate independent data types at the same time (convergent parallel) and
sequential designs, in which interdependent datasets are chronologically arranged
(Table 19.4).
Novel to Creswell and Plano Clark’s (2011) typology, relative to others, are the
embedded, transformative, and multiphase designs. Note that weighting also is a feature
of the Creswell and Plano Clark typology, but is not explicit in the descriptions above.

Table 19.3 Teddlie and Tashakkori’s (2009) Five Families of Mixed

Methods Designs

In these designs, mixing occurs in a parallel manner, either
simultaneously or with some time lapse; planned and implemented
QUAL and QUAN phases answer related aspects of the same
In these designs, mixing occurs across chronological phase (QUAL,
QUAN) of the study, questions or procedures of one strand emerge
from or depend on the previous strand, and research questions are
related to one another and may evolve as the study unfolds.
In these parallel designs, mixing occurs when one type of data is
transformed and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively; this
design answers related aspects of the same questions.
In these parallel or sequential designs, mixing occurs across multiple
levels of analysis, as QUAN and QUAL data from these different levels
are analyzed and integrated to answer aspects of the same question or
related questions.
Fully Integrated
In these designs, mixing occurs in an interactive manner at all stages of
the study. At each stage, one approach affects the formulation of the
other and multiple types of implementation processes occur.

Table 19.4 Creswell and Plano Clark’s (2011) Six Major Design Types

Convergent Parallel
In this design the researcher uses concurrent timing to implement the
quantitative and qualitative strands during the same phase of the
research process, prioritizes the methods equally, keeps the strands
independent during analysis, and mixes the results during the
researcher’s overall interpretation of the data.
Explanatory Sequential
In this two-phase design the research starts with the collection and
analysis of quantitative data, followed by the collection and analysis of
qualitative data to help explain the initial quantitative results.
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 587

Exploratory Sequential
In this two-phase design the research starts with the collection and
analysis of qualitative data, followed by the collection and analysis of
quantitative data to test or generalize the initial qualitative findings.
In this design the researcher collects and analyzes both quantitative and
qualitative data within a traditional quantitative or qualitative design to
enhance the overall design in some way.
This is a design that the researcher shapes within a transformative
theoretical framework seeking to address the needs of a specific
population and to call for change.
This design combines both sequential and concurrent strands, collected
over a period of time, and the implementation of distinct projects or
phases within an overall program of study.

According to the typology’s creators, either qualitative or quantitative data can be pri-
mary or secondary in all of the designs except the convergent parallel, in which they are
typically given the same weight.
Each of the typologies described above provide a framework to understand the dif-
ferent ways mixed methods research can be carried out. But like any framework seeking
to simplify things, many real-life scenarios do not perfectly fit into the typologies
described above, or into others not covered (Guest, 2013). Nonetheless, typologies pro-
vide a common vocabulary and a basic conceptual structure to help organize and
describe designs and processes (Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009, p. 139).
Below, we have extracted three common dimensions from the existing typologies that
we feel are most useful in helping investigators think about, and plan for, method integra-
tion. These three dimensions—timing, weighting, and purpose—all refer to the integration
of qualitative and quantitative datasets. We describe these and follow with practical exam-
ples to better explain their meaning and to illustrate their application.2 As will be evident
from the examples, these dimensions are all interrelated to a certain degree.

Timing of integration refers to how datasets are used chronologically and analytically
with respect to each other. The two most common forms in this regard are sequential and
concurrent (also known as convergent or parallel) designs. Sequential designs are those in
which integration occurs between chronological phases of a study, and in which data analysis
procedures for one dataset type inform another type of dataset. In other words, the latter data
collection and analysis procedures are dependent, in some way, on the previously existing
dataset. In contrast, in a concurrent design, data collection and analysis are not dependent
on each other and are integrated at the same time within an analysis.

Here we need to add a point of clarification regarding the research activity to which
timing refers since multiple phases and activities occur over the course of a standard
research study (planning, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, and write-up). So
when we talk about integration occurring between chronological phases, or integrated at
the same time, what do we mean? For the vast majority of mixed methods designs, timing
of integration refers to the use of a dataset type relative to another. Using the example of
sequential designs, findings from one dataset are used either to inform a subsequent data
collection procedure (exploratory) or to explain and provide further insight to findings
generated from another dataset (explanatory). Note that in the case of exploratory
sequential designs, timing of a dataset’s use coincides with data collection timing, since
in order for one dataset to inform the other it must precede it chronologically. The same
cannot be said of an explanatory sequential or concurrent design. If study instruments are
well thought out, with their explicit objectives in mind, data collection in either of the two
designs can occur either simultaneously or sequentially. It is how they are used and ana-
lyzed relative to each other that is important.

Known also as dominance, weighting pertains to which methodological orientation
(QUAL, QUAN) is given priority by the researchers in a mixed method study. It does not
mean that the less dominant approach is not important to a study’s objectives, but
rather that it is not the central dataset in the study and will not get the starring role in
the write-up of study findings. Note that weighting refers to relative dominance as
anticipated and planned for in the initial research design. This can change throughout
the course of the study. How research findings are ultimately presented will depend on a
number of factors and may not coincide with the original plan (Guest, 2013).

There can be multiple purposes behind collecting and integrating datasets.
However, the three most common reasons are (1) providing information for subsequent
data collection and analysis procedures (exploratory/formative design), (2) explaining
the results of a previously analyzed dataset (explanatory design), and (3) comparing two
datasets (concurrent/triangulation design) and interpreting whether data converge,
diverge, or are contradictory.


One of the lesser developed areas in mixed method research is the process of data inte-
gration.3 Some basic frameworks for integrating data do exist, however, as illustrated in
Table 19.5, which delineates the conceptual and procedural differences between
sequential and concurrent designs. The sections immediately following Table 19.1
describe these types of integration in more detail.
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 589

Table 19.5 Types of Data Integration

Type of Type of Method of

Integration Design Integration Point of Interface
Connecting Sequential One phase builds Between data analysis
on the other (phase 1) and data
collection (phase 2)
Merging Concurrent Bring results After analysis of both quan
together and qual; can also be
mixed in matrices or
transformed and integrated
in both the Results and
Discussion sections

Exploratory Sequential Designs

One of the most common mixed methods designs is what Creswell and Plano Clark
(2011) call the exploratory sequential, in which data collection from a prior phase
informs a subsequent phase of a research study. And within this design, the qual QUAN
variation is by far the most widely used. In fact, using qualitative data to inform quanti-
tative instruments and procedures is so widely used in survey instrument development
that Morse and Niehaus (2009, p. 18) argue the procedure is not a true mixed methods
design. For them, it is a standard part of instrument development and should be
regarded as such. Nevertheless, given the widespread use of the design, we, along with
others, feel it is important to cover this as a type of mixed method design.
Two important considerations in a qual QUAN design to be considered are (1) the
degree to which the QUAN component is informed by the qual and (2) the degree of rigor
that is warranted, and feasible, for a given study. With respect to the former, a researcher,
for example, may already have a solid survey instrument developed and just wish to
qualitatively assess it for comprehensibility and cultural appropriateness for the study
population, and then revise it based on the qualitative findings. On the other end of the
spectrum, an investigator may not even know the most relevant topics to ask survey
respondents about and so might use extensive qualitative research to come up with
survey domains and questions. These are two very different endeavors; where a particu-
lar study falls on the continuum depends on the information already available about
both the topic and the study population.
The second dimension—the degree of rigor/formality—can also be viewed on a con-
tinuum. On the less rigorous end, one may have time and/or resources only for what we
call the “taxi driver test.” This simple technique entails administering the instrument to
easily accessible individuals from the general population (e.g., taxi drivers) and identifying
any major problems with question content and wording. Conversely, more sophisticated and
involved instrument development and pretesting techniques, such as cognitive interviewing

(Willis, 2004), are often necessary to test and revise a survey instrument. Where a study
falls on the spectrum largely depends on study objectives, degree of rigor needed, and
resources/time available. For a more detailed discussion on developing QUAN tools from
qual data, we refer the reader to Onwuegbuzie, Bustamante, and Nelson (2010).
In the quan QUAL variation of the exploratory sequential design, the most typical
incarnation is using quantitative data to select participants for follow-up qualitative
inquiry. Quantitative data in this case can be collected (through surveys, structured obser-
vation, or other quantitative techniques) or garnered from existing secondary sources. For
example, we could choose the nth percentile of survey respondents on a variable of inter-
est. The size of n in this case is predetermined by estimating how many individuals are
necessary for follow-up study. These participants are then administered in-depth inter-
views, or participate in focus groups, on the topic (variable) of interest. This type of design
is often used in what are sometimes called exemplar or deviant case studies. For example,
if we want to know qualitatively what distinguishes the most frequent TV viewers from
individuals who don’t watch any TV, we can use a survey measure of TV viewing and then
choose the most frequent viewers (highest fifth percentile) and the least frequent viewers
(lowest fifth percentile) for follow-up qualitative inquiry.
Sometimes an investigator may be interested in only one group—defined by a key
variable of interest—for follow-up. A study carried out by Steiner et al. (2007) exemplifies
this latter approach. In a study seeking to understand why condoms fail, researchers first
surveyed 314 Jamaican men to document the prevalence of condom failure, including
breakage and slippage. From the quantitative data they selected 22 individuals with the
highest reported failure rates (higher than 20%) and conducted in-depth interviews to
understand the reasons for such high failure rates. The qualitative data collected from
this group of interest revealed that unsuitable storage or exposure to heat, improper
handling while putting on condoms, and incorrect use of lubricants all contributed to
failure. While the quantitative findings in this study provided some information to
answer the research question, the qualitative phase was more critical to understanding
condom failure among the study population.
Secondary data can also be effectively used to sample individuals or other types of
sampling units for a follow-up study. Using quantitative tax data, an investigator can
identify the busiest (at least in terms of revenue) bars or restaurants in a community and
subsequently choose certain locations for participant observation (a type of qualitative
data collection, see Chapter 14). The possibilities are almost infinite, limited only by the
accessibility of data and the ability to identify and reach individual sampling units
within a quantitative dataset.

Explanatory Sequential Designs

Explanatory sequential designs are less common than their exploratory counter-
parts, but are being used more and more frequently, and for good reason. The basic idea
behind this design is that a subsequent dataset explains, at least to a certain degree,
findings from another dataset previously analyzed within a study. In our view, it is these
types of designs where the complementary nature of quantitative and qualitative data
truly shines. Many of us have read purely quantitative articles that masterfully show how
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 591

two or more variables are correlated. Yet when it comes to the discussion section, the
authors must theorize (and sometimes merely speculate) on what this correlation
means because the quantitative data do not provide any information on the how and
why behind the association. Conversely, the status quo for qualitative research is to pro-
vide thick explanatory description of a phenomenon without indicating the variability
of the findings within the larger study population. Sequential explanatory designs com-
bine the strengths of each of the two method types to address their inherent

Qualitative Explains Quantitative

An example of an explanatory sequential analysis in public health—in which quali-
tative data were used to explain patterns observed in a quantitative dataset—can be
found in Guest et al. (2008). The researchers wanted to document changes in sexual risk
behavior among 400 participants in a clinical trial testing an HIV prevention product (a
pill taken daily). In their analysis, the authors first analyzed quantitative data from a
survey administered at 13 points in time throughout the trial, which showed changes in
condom use over the course of the trial (Figure 19.1).
Their next task was to try to find the reasons behind the changes observed—an
initial increase in unprotected sex after enrollment and then decline after the eighth

Figure 19.1 Rate of Unprotected Sex During Clinical Trial Enrollment

Percentage of Unprotected Sex Acts







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Visit Number ( ~ month since enrollment)

Source: Adapted from Guest et al. (2008).


visit. By looking for key words in the textual data derived from in-depth interviews with
study participants, the researchers identified all of the instances in which the word con-
dom was used, and looked for explanations of changes in condom use in each of those
text segments. The qualitative data from this subsequent analysis documented several
pathways explaining the patterns observed in the quantitative data, including increased
access to condoms, perception of condom quality, and partner willingness to use
A study by Abildso, Zizzi, Gilleland, Thomas, and Bonner (2010) provides another exam-
ple of an explanatory sequential study. The authors set out to evaluate the physical and psy-
chosocial impact of a 12-week cognitive-behavioral weight management program and to
identify factors associated with weight loss. Quantitative survey data were used to establish
program completion rates and weight loss among participants (N = 55). Eleven of the par-
ticipants were subsequently selected for in-depth interviews to identify potential mecha-
nisms behind weight loss. Selection was based on survey results, and participants were
recruited from each of the three dimensions of weight loss/completion rates. A subsequent
thematic analysis of the in-depth interview data identified four major themes associated with
degrees of program success: (a) fostering accountability, (b) balancing perceived effort and
success, (c) redefining success, and (d) developing cognitive flexibility (Abildso et al., 2010).
Note that not all examples of explanatory (or any mixed methods) designs need to be
published in the same report. In a study on risk disinhibition conducted among partici-
pants in an HIV vaccine efficacy trial, quantitative and complementary qualitative results
were published separately (Bartholow et al., 2005; Guest et al., 2005, respectively). The
quantitative study documented the degree to which sexual behavior changed over the
course of the 3-year trial, while the qualitative component helped explain the trajectories
observed in the quantitative data. Although the explanatory intent of the qualitative com-
ponent was embedded in the original research design, and data were collected for this
purpose, logistical issues (independent analysis teams and different analysis schedules)
prevented integration at the manuscript level. A disadvantage to a divided dissemination
such as this is that readers may not read both articles and so do not get the broader picture
of the research findings. An advantage, though, is that the additional space provided with
two manuscripts allows for a more thorough presentation of each dataset.

Quantitative Informs Qualitative

Another form of the explanatory sequential design entails using quantitative data
to further explain qualitative findings. The most common variation of this design is to
follow up a qualitative analysis with a probabilistically sampled survey (Morgan, 1998).
Here, the goal is to ascertain the prevalence, and associated variability, of qualitative
findings among individuals within a study population. An example of this design can be
found in the field of reproductive health (see Chapter 15). Lyerly and colleagues (2006)
conducted in-depth interviews on how women and couples think about what to do with
“extra” frozen embryos. This exploratory study revealed a range of factors influencing
couples’ decision making, but the extent to which these factors were important to
women in the general population was unknown. The factors were, therefore, included in
a national survey on the topic and the variation of responses with respect to the option
was identified (Lyerly et al., 2010).
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 593

Hypothesis testing is only one possible objective of a qual > quan explanatory sequential
design. In many cases a researcher may simply want to know, descriptively, how pervasive a
particular perception, belief, or behavior is within a population. Themes derived from a
qualitative inquiry among a small nonprobabilistic sample can be transformed into struc-
tured questions and administered to a larger probabilistic sample to assess the degree of
variability within the larger population. In such a situation, description of the target popula-
tion, not hypothesis testing, is the primary objective of the quantitative component.

Concurrent (Convergent or Parallel) Designs

The defining feature of a concurrent design is the relative independence of the

datasets until after the analysis of each. All concurrent designs share the practice of
conducting data analysis on each dataset separately and then integrating/mixing data
sets once analysis of each is completed. Neither data nor analysis is dependent on the
Reasons for data integration in a concurrent design can differ. One common pur-
pose can be generally classified as triangulation. Triangulation in the social, behavioral,
and health sciences refers to using multiple sources, methods, or perspectives to support
findings. As with all concurrent studies, in the triangulation design, qualitative and
quantitative datasets are analyzed separately and integrated during the interpretation
phase of the analysis, often in the Discussion section. Integrating data from various
sources enhances validity and minimizes the risk of a partial or inaccurate interpreta-
tion (Figure 19.2).

Figure 19.2 The Importance of Combining Data Sources

Source: Illustration by Mark Abramowsky.


During data integration, the analyst looks for evidence of convergence, divergence,
or contradiction between the two datasets (recall the = notation in the earlier text box;
this is the symbol that is used, at least by certain authors, to denote purpose of integra-
tion). An excellent example of this approach is Kawamura, Ivankova, Kohler, and
Perumean-Chaney’s (2009) study that looked at the association between social relation-
ships and self-efficacy among radio listeners. The investigators administered structured
surveys to 105 listeners of a particular radio program (a drama intended to motivate
individuals to exercise) and generated a path analytic model based on structural equa-
tion modeling of the quantitative data. Eighteen participants were selected from the
larger sample for in-depth interviews, which were subsequently analyzed using a
grounded-theory approach. Resulting explanatory models from each dataset were then
compared for areas of convergence and divergence. In their article, Kawamura et al.
present a path analytic diagram depicting both qualitative and quantitative paths, and
indicate the paths shared by both models (Figure 19.3).
According to the authors, “the major finding in this study is that there is a diver-
gence in the findings based on the interpretation of the results of the path analysis and
the grounded theory” (Kawamura et al., 2009, p. 99).

Figure 19.3 Working Integration Model

Program influence on other

Qual behavior (diet, diabetes care)
BO PSI****
Quan Interaction caused by
Recognizing the program
Listening environment

Program influence on PA
PSI Learning
Program exposure PA motivation
ID* process PA self-efficacy
Frequency of Sim* Emotional
listening to the involvement PA attitudes
program Physical activity
CO PSI** PA practice
Reasons for AO PSI***
listening Confirmed
Participants characteristics
Previously established PA practice
Perceived barriers/benefits of PA
Pre-existing attitudes toward PA QUAN QUAL
*ID Sim: Identified similarity
**CO PSI: Cognitively-oriented PSI
Education Paths
***AO PSI: Affectively-oriented PSI
****BO PSI: Behaviorally-oriented PSI

Source: Kawamura et al. (2009).

Note: PSI = parasocial interaction; PA = physical activity
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 595

The divergent outcome of the Kawamura et al. (2009) study is not an uncom-
mon occurrence and presents one of the major challenges in a triangulated design.
Convergent findings are clean and easy to explain: Findings are corroborated and
have increased validity. But what do you do with divergent or contradictory results?
They need to be explained. One possible, generic, explanation is that the observed
disparity is a methodological artifact—that is, the difference in question wording
and/or process of inquiry is responsible. A more thoughtful approach is to broaden
or adjust one’s theoretical perspective. Conflicting data can be the foundation for
developing more sophisticated (and presumably more accurate) explanatory theo-
ries. In fact, Greene et al. (1989) point out that seeking divergence is an appropriate,
and often informative, purpose for a concurrent design. The bottom line is that,
whether intentionally sought or not, divergent findings need to be accounted for;
researchers must be prepared for this possibility when planning and executing a
triangulated concurrent design.
The concurrent design example above uses the most common type of data mix-
ing in concurrent designs: analyzing qualitative and quantitative datasets sepa-
rately, presenting them as independent datasets in the Results section, and
integrating/mixing the findings in the Discussion. An alternate mixing strategy is
described by Plano Clark, Garrett, and Leslie-Pelecky (2010). As shown in Table 19.6,
key findings can be merged in such a way as to connect and present both sets of
findings in one place. In this table, the two left columns contain quantitative data
in the form of respondent category (professional discipline) and comparative meas-
ures on a key variable (skill improvement) that was part of an evaluation of a non-
traditional graduate education program. Qualitative data are presented in the two
columns to the right: one column shows key themes and the other illustrative
quotes. Using this integrative method, the reader can see the qualitative and quan-
titative data alongside each other and look for convergence and/or divergence
between groups and data collection methods. Note that the number of possible
permutations of how data are presented in matrix form is virtually endless, and
what a researcher ultimately chooses to highlight depends on the types of data
available, the robustness of findings, and the intended purpose of the matrix and
Bryman also advocates using a matrix technique to combine findings in the Results
section, arguing that presenting QUAL and QUAN data separately and limiting integra-
tion of the findings to the narrative in the discussion section is not an optimal form of
mixing (Bryman, personal communication, 2010). Building on the work of Ritchie,
Spencer, and O’Connor (2003), Bryman suggests using a matrix in which themes, instru-
ment domains, or theoretical constructs (whichever best unifies the qualitative and
quantitative datasets) constitute the rows, and qualitative and quantitative data
points or summaries are listed in two separate columns and cross-referenced with each
theme/construct. Fields in the qualitative or quantitative data columns can be either
summaries (correlation coefficients, p-values, means, theme definitions, or frequencies)
or raw data points (quotes, ratios). Note that more columns can be added to further
summarize other aspects of integration. Table 19.7 provides a generic example of this
type of mixing matrix.

Table 19.6 Example of Matrix Form of Data Mixing for Evaluation of a

Nontraditional Graduate Education Program

QUAN Most Prominent

Comparisons QUAL Themes
“Improved Skills” About Benefits
Discipline M (SD)a (% of statements) Sample Quote
Biological 40.17 (3.06)b, c Improved It also let me translate
Sciences communication very complicated
(n = 6) skills (30%) concepts to children and
it helped me work on
my communication
Improved If I choose to go into
teaching skills academia I feel that my
(23%) teaching skills have
improved. My
evaluations have been
significantly more
positive since working
with [the program].
Improved [The program] has made
marketability me a more marketable
(23%) scientist. I believe it has
enhanced my CV.
Physical 36.07 (4.11)b Improved Mostly, I learned a lot
sciences and communication about communication.
engineering skills (37%) And it wasn’t just about
(n quan = communicating with
15; n qual = [teaching] students. I
13) learned a lot about
communicating with
Camaraderie and I found the support of
friendship (22%) the other fellows to be
very helpful on poor
research days or weeks,
since it often feels that
the atmosphere is
somewhat competitive
within my own
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 597

QUAN Most Prominent

Comparisons QUAL Themes
“Improved Skills” About Benefits
Discipline M (SD)a (% of statements) Sample Quote
Improved By gaining the ability to
confidence (14%) talk science with
everyone, I am a more
confident, coherent
scientist in public and at
Mathematics 34.79 (2.67)c Improved One of the main goals of
(n quan = teaching skills a PhD in mathematics is
14; n qual = (39%) the betterment of one’s
13) teaching ability. I simply
cannot say enough about
the positive effect [of the
program] with respect to
my teaching.
Improved Participating in [the
marketability program] has made me a
(23%) more desirable candidate
for a teaching position. I
have heard that a
credential such as this is
highly desirable in the
tenure-track job market.
Working with I was able to teach
people outside material and work with
field (16%) individuals outside my
subject area. This will
help me be more
effective in
collaboration in the

a = ANOVA test found a significant difference for the improved skills variable (p = .011).
b = Univariate post hoc comparisons found significant differences between biological sciences
and physical sciences and engineering (p = .048).
c = Univariate post hoc comparisons found significant differences between biological sciences
and mathematics (p = .008).
Source: Plano Clark et al. (2010).

Table 19.7 Generic Matrix Mixing Example

Theme/ convergence,
Construct/ Method 1 Method 2 divergence, Interpretation/
Domain (QUAN) (QUAL) Method n explanation) Comments
Theme 1 Data Data Data
Theme 2 Data Data Data
Theme 3 Data Data Data
Theme n Data Data Data

Another integrative method involves data transformation from one data type to
another (a conversion design). This includes transforming qualitative data into quantita-
tive data. A common form of a qual > quan transformation is presenting frequencies for
thematic codes across a data set, as in the example in Table 19.8, which shows the most
common themes pertaining to likes and dislikes about a vaginal microbicide among
South African women. The table also plots these frequencies over four time points,
reflecting four data collection points during the 6-month clinical trial in which partici-
pants were enrolled. The trial tested the safety and acceptability of the microbicidal gel
in combination with a diaphragm for HIV prevention (Guest et al., 2007).

Table 19.8 Microbicide Acceptability Study: Frequency of Most Common Themes

by Question, With Illustrative Quotes*

Month 1 Month 3 Month 5 Month 6

(n = 110) (n = 106) (n = 97) (n = 100)
Likes About the Diaphragm and Gel
I like it because I know that
when I am using this
46 44 46 33
method I am safe and
nothing wrong will happen
to me. (month 1)
Ease of use/inconspicuous
I didn’t feel it in the vagina.
. . . it was like before I
19 12 21 24
wasn’t using the
diaphragm, it was just the
same. (month 5)
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 599

Month 1 Month 3 Month 5 Month 6

(n = 110) (n = 106) (n = 97) (n = 100)
Positive impact on sex
Penetration is also very easy
and is no longer rough and
12 11 4 11
every time after sex I always
feel like I could have more.
(month 3)
Lubrication (of gel)
[T]he gel lubricates you and
it even lubricates when you
7 9 9 8
get dry during the
intercourse so it helps a lot.
(month 5)
Dislikes About the Diaphragm and Gel
Physical symptoms
What I don’t like I am
always wet in my vagina
13 5 3 2
and I had a discharge, felt
dizzy, and nauseous.
(month 1)
Partner disapproval
At first he said he couldn’t
penetrate me as he usually 7 0 0 3
does and he doesn’t feel
comfortable with it. (month 1)
Too wet/too much
When I am having sex with
4 4 3 0
my partner, I become wet. I
think this gel creates a lot of
wetness. (month 1)
I have to insert the
3 3 3 4
diaphragm whenever I want
to have sex. (month 6)
Smell of gel
The gel’s smell was not
1 0 1 3
good for me, it smelled bad.
(month 6)

*All frequencies in the cells refer to the number of unique interview participants expressing a
Source: Guest et al. (2007).

Although calculating and presenting code frequencies is the most commonly

employed form of qual à quan data transformation, note that a large number of other
transformative methods have been developed and used, including code co-occurrence
and graph-theoretic techniques (Bernard & Ryan, 2010; Guest, MacQueen, & Namey
2012; Guest & McLellan, 2003).
Similarly, quantitative data can be transformed into narratives or images and
interpreted qualitatively. Common examples of quan à qual transformation are epi-
demic curves and social network diagrams, shown in Figure 19.4 and Chapter 14,

Figure 19.4 Epidemic Curve—Outbreak of Norovirus Gastroenteritis at a

University Student Residence, Edmonton, Alberta, 2006



Number of Cases


7 8 9 101112 1314151617 1819202122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date of Onset, September–October, 2006

Source: Honish, Talbot, Dragon, and Utgoff (2008).

Q methodology is a mixed method research technique that has been used to
study a wide range of public health topics (Baker, Thompson, & Mannion,
2006; Cross, 2005; Simons, 2013). Developed by psychologist William
Stephenson, the method is designed to study a collection of individual subjec-
tive viewpoints on a given topic and then identify common views across a
group of individuals. The method comprises five basic steps.
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 601

1. A sample of statements is nonrandomly extracted from a summary

body of text (known as the concourse). The body of text is derived from
a series of interviews with individuals who are knowledgeable about
the research topic. Selected statements are individually printed on
small cards.

2. A participant is then presented with the series of cards containing the

statements (considered variables at this point).

3. The participant is then asked to rank the cards along a specified

dimension (a Q sort).

4. Responses are then run through the Q method of factor analysis (in
contrast to the most commonly used R method).

5. The Q factor analysis identifies correlations between subjects across a

sample of variables and then reduces the many individual participant
viewpoints down to a few factors. These factors are interpreted as
representing shared ways of thinking within a group or population.

A good example of the method’s use is a study conducted by Shabila,

Al-Tawil, Al-Hadithi, and Sondorp (2013). They used Q methodology to
explore the range and diversity of viewpoints of primary health care pro-
viders toward the Iraqi health care system. Q-sort methodology revealed
four distinct viewpoints among primary health care providers. One factor
emphasized positive aspects of, and contentment with, the current system,
while the other three factors highlighted the negative aspects. The diverse
viewpoints identified by the researchers can subsequently be used
to inform changes in how the Iraqi health care system is structured and

On a final note, we wish to stress that in reality many mixed methods designs are
more complex and variable than any of the existing typologies can adequately capture.
More important, there is no “right” way of integrating data. The field of mixed methods
is still evolving, and researchers should feel free and encouraged to be creative and
develop new and interesting ways of integrating data. Several methodological journals
publish innovative mixed methods articles and can be excellent sources of inspiration
(see this chapter’s Additional Resources for a list of journals). For those readers who seek
general guidance in designing a mixed methods study, we provide a simple set of instruc-
tions in the Basic Steps text box.


1. State general question/problem to be addressed.
2. Decide if a mixed methods approach is needed.
Be able to explicitly justify why you’re using a mixed methods design
and why each component is necessary.
3. List types of data to be collected and analyzed.
4. Choose mixed methods design(s): timing, weighting, and purpose.
Thoughtfully plan timing of both data collection and data integration
at the onset. These are two different processes, and how they are timed
has implications for how a thematic analysis can be conducted.
5. Draw a schematic of your study, depicting how and when each component
is related the others.
a. Give a title to your study/model.
b. Choose either horizontal or vertical layout.
c. Draw boxes for quantitative and qualitative stages of data collection,
analysis, and interpretation.
d. Designate priority of quan and qual data (upper/lower case).
e. Use single-headed arrows to show the flow of procedures.
f. Specify procedures for each quantitative and qualitative data collection
and analysis stage.
g. Specify expected products or outcomes of each procedure.
6. Ensure your visual diagram is simple. Use concise language and fit on one
7. Review the design (and have others review it) to ensure that your data
collection and analysis plan is the best possible, but feasible, approach for
answering the research question.


In the field of public health, explicit mixed methods research designs are becoming
increasingly common. In 2000, the PubMed database contained only 11 articles with
“mixed method(s)” in the title or abstract (0.0021% of all articles catalogued). This
number grew to 69 (0.0099% of titles) in 2005, and to 575 (0.0619% of titles) by 2010,
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 603

representing a thirty-fold increase in a 10-year period.4 The formal field of mixed

methods is expanding in other ways as well. Some prominent funding organiza-
tions, such as the National Institutes of Health, have developed specific standards
for reviewing mixed methods research (see, e.g., Creswell, Klassen, Plano Clark, &
Smith, 2011).
Mixed methods research designs are currently utilized in almost every subfield
of public health, some of which we’ve highlighted in the examples presented in ear-
lier sections of this chapter (HIV prevention, obesity, mental health, gastroenterol-
ogy, and reproductive health). Some other notable fields include health services
research (Guthrie, Auerback, & Bindman, 2010), cancer research (Kubon, McClennen,
Fitch, McAndrew, & Anderson, 2012), program evaluation (Carter, Callaghan, Khalil,
& Morres, 2012), and environmental health (Corburn, 2002). The field of public
health is so diverse that it would be impossible to give mixed methods examples
from all subfields. However, below we describe some mixed methods studies that
cover a range of different subfields of public health and serve different research

Health Policy

One study from the field of health policy by Guthrie and colleagues (2010)
sought to examine the impact of the California Medicaid pay-for-performance pro-
gram on the quality of health care. Because the researchers wanted to understand
both the perceived impact and the actual impact, they decided to use qualitative
interviews for the former and a quantitative quality indicator for the latter
(Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set). The authors collected and
analyzed data concurrently, but separately. Ultimately, these researchers were inter-
ested in comparing perceptions of the policy change to changes in quantitative
quality indicators resulting from the new policy. They found no significant differ-
ences in quality indicators before and after the policy was implemented and there-
fore used the qualitative data to explain why. They found that the new policy failed
to motivate health plans to invest new resources to improve the quality of care, and
instead the plans simply shifted the focus of their previous efforts to better align
with the quality indicators from the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information
Set. Without the inclusion of the qualitative data in this investigation, Guthrie and
colleagues would have been unable to discern why the policy failed to change qual-
ity of care in California.

Chronic Diseases

In another example, a research team in the United Kingdom employed a sequential

mixed methods design to examine online health information seeking among older adults
with chronic diseases (Mayoh, Bond, & Todres, 2012). The researchers first conducted a

survey with members of chronic disease support groups. The responses to the survey
questions, which included both open-ended and closed-ended questions, were analyzed
to determine the most salient and common issues for this population when seeking
health information online. The issues identified (including the experience of finding poor-
quality health information online or the experience of sharing online health information
with a health professional) became the framework for their subsequent qualitative inter-
views with adults over 60 who had sought health information online. One major finding
was that although older adults with chronic disease are significantly less likely to seek
health information online, a subpopulation of older adults confidently uses the Internet
to find health information. By using a sequential design, the researchers were not only
able to determine characteristics and prevalence of online health information seeking by
older adults, but also to better understand how this population was finding and using this


Sometimes, public health researchers collect qualitative data to develop hypothe-

ses for their analysis of quantitative data. Park et al. (2011) used in-depth interviews with
Hispanic mothers in New York to examine their definition of, and access to, healthy
foods. Then, using findings from these data, they developed hypotheses on the relation-
ship between food consumption and access to healthy foods. Through the interviews,
they found that Hispanic immigrant women often subscribed to views, similar to the
“farm-to-table” and organic food movements, indicating that the fresher and more natu-
ral the food the healthier it was. For the quantitative portion, the researchers added
questions designed to measure walking distance to fresh food markets (e.g., farmers
markets, livestock markets) and to food stores (e.g., supermarkets). The women’s food
consumption patterns were then analyzed to determine to what extent their household’s
food consumption reflected the beliefs described in the qualitative interviews. The
researchers found that households within walking access to farmers markets consumed
more fruits and vegetables than those with walking access to only supermarkets.
Without the qualitative findings, the researchers may have overlooked the importance
of access to fresh food markets and instead focused only on access to supermarkets as
other researchers have. This added perspective was gained by appropriately using a
mixed methods design to develop and test new hypotheses.

Maternal and Child Health

With the overall goal to reduce maternal mortality, global health researchers
Spangler and Bloom (2010) aimed to better understand the barriers and facilitators
for low-income women’s access to biomedical obstetric care in Tanzania. The
researchers used quantitative data from a census of all pregnant women in the
Kilombero Valley in Tanzania to explore patterns of obstetric care use and the influ-
ence of social status on use of care. The researchers then used the quantitative data
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 605

to select women for the qualitative interviews, based on women who had given
birth in the previous 6 months and varying social and material statuses. Spangler
and Bloom weighted the qualitative and quantitative components equally and used
the findings from one method to confirm findings of the other (triangulation).
Additionally, they used qualitative findings to select variables of importance for
their statistical models. In the end, they found that biomedical obstetric care use is
predicted by ethnicity, household assets, and education, but that individual women
have to balance material, social, and emotional costs with potential health benefits
to determine whether they will seek care at a biomedical facility. Again, as with the
example above, each method adds a different perspective. In this case, the quantita-
tive data provide the overall trends for biomedical obstetric usage, but the qualita-
tive data describe the nuanced decision making each woman faces.

Epidemiological Surveillance

Epidemiological surveillance research is often considered the domain of quan-

titative researchers, but Monasta, Andersson, Lodegar, Theol, and Cockcroft (2008)
demonstrate that a mixed methods approach can be important to ensuring accurate
estimates for population statistics. Using Romá camps in Italy as a case study for
epidemiological studies of small, dispersed minority populations, Monasta et al.
used qualitative observational, interview, and focus group data to inform the devel-
opment of a household questionnaire. Because Romá camps are both underserved
and under-researched in Europe, the research team hoped to generate quality epi-
demiological data that the community could use to advocate for themselves. For the
qualitative component, the researchers spent 1 month observing conditions in the
Romá camps and interviewing key informants and community members to better
understand the health of children in these camps. This qualitative data on house-
hold- and camp-related factors influencing children’s health were integrated into a
questionnaire on the prevalence of diarrhea and respiratory diseases among the
camps’ children. The researchers were able to obtain the camp children’s prevalence
statistics for diarrhea (15%) and having a cough (55%) within the past 15 days.
Because the researchers felt there was a dearth of quantitative data on this popula-
tion, they emphasized the survey component and used the qualitative data to
ensure its cultural and contextual relevance for obtaining data in the camps.


In this chapter we have described some of the more common mixed methods design
typologies. These do not represent the entire range of typologies, nor do all mixed method-
ologists agree on the importance of the three primary dimensions that we emphasize:
timing, purpose, and weighting. We presented what we believe to be the most widely
accepted and most practical aspects of the mixed methods design literature. We suggest

that you view this chapter as a basic theoretical background which you can use to design
studies and execute your own unique mixed methods analyses. Mixed methods designs
can become an additional tool for you to answer complex research questions, and we hope
this chapter has provided the foundation necessary to explore and apply this method. The
public health studies described above are just a few examples of how public health
researchers are using mixed methods to better understand important public health prob-
lems. Health is so strongly related to behavior, biology, and environment, and often the only
way to understand such complexity is to use multiple data sources in the same study.
As we noted earlier, the field of mixed methods is rapidly growing. One of the areas
still in development is data integration. Researchers are looking for (and in some cases
finding) novel ways to integrate and present qualitative and quantitative data. Another
area of both theoretical and practical expansion pertains to evaluative standards. Recently
the National Institutes of Health commissioned scholars to write a set of guidelines to
which reviewers of mixed methods research proposals can refer (Creswell et al., 2011).
Other large research organizations, and scientific journals, may soon follow suit. Bryman
(2006) discusses some potential directions in terms of evaluation criteria, as do Leech and
Onwuegbuzie (2010), Mertens (2011), and O’Cathain, Murphy, and Nicholl (2008).
Another area for potential growth is in the types of data used in mixed methods
research. When researchers talk about quantitative data, they are typically referring to
secondary surveillance data or data collected through a structured survey. Likewise,
qualitative data are generally conceptualized as being generated through in-depth inter-
views and focus groups, and to a lesser degree, participant observation. While these
types of data are by far the most commonly employed in mixed methods designs, the
potential for the incorporation of other types of data are virtually limitless. Some notable
examples include free listing, decision modeling, visual data collection and analysis
techniques, timelines, projective techniques, and personal diaries (Alaszewski, 2006;
Bernard, 2012; de Munck & Sobo, 1998; Guest, Namey, & Mitchell, 2013).
Other methods that show promise for mixed methods include observation (Gillham,
2008), Geographic Information Systems (GIS; Chapter 21, this volume; Krieger, 2003; Ricketts,
2003), and social network analysis (Chapter 15, this volume; Valente, 2010). Larger research
projects in public health also often collect biological data, which can be integrated with other
data forms. MacQueen et al. (2007), for example, combined in-depth interview data with
pregnancy data collected from participants in a randomized controlled trial in Nigeria,
Cameroon, and Ghana. The trial was designed to test the efficacy of a drug in the context of
HIV prevention among women at higher risk for HIV infection. Abnormally high pregnancy
rates were observed among trial participants. MacQueen and colleagues employed qualita-
tive interviews to better understand the reasons behind the elevated rates.
New technologies also offer researchers different data sources and the opportu-
nity to use and integrate new qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis
methods. Online data sources are a good example. Facebook and Google are continu-
ally collecting large amounts of data on social interactions. For example, the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Google recently collaborated
on Google Flu Trends ( CDC and Google researchers found
that the home location of a computer on which someone is conducting Google
searches about influenza symptoms can accurately approximate the number of
Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 607

doctors’ visits for flu symptoms in the same geographic location (Ginsberg et al. 2009).
The take-home point here is that “data” can be defined as any information that
informs a research question. Even household garbage has proven to be useful in social
science and behavioral research (see, e.g., Rathje & Murphy, 2001). Be creative and
open to novel sources of data and analyzing data in new ways. Nontraditional data
sources and methods of analysis, as well as novel integration techniques, have the
potential to provide public health with exciting new insights into the issues we have
studied and will likely study for years to come.

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Methodological Journals

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Abildso, C., Zizzi, S., Gilleland, D., Thomas, J., & Bonner, D. (2010). A mixed methods evaluation of a
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counseling. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 4, 278–294.
Alaszewski, A. (2006). Using diaries for social research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Baker, R., Thompson, C., & Mannion, R. (2006). Q methodology in health economics. Journal of
Health Services and Research Policy, 11(1), 38–45.
Bartholow, B., Buchbinder, S., Celum, C., Goli, V., Koblin, B., Para, M., . . . Mastro, T. (2005). HIV
sexual risk behavior over 36 months of follow-up in the world’s first HIV vaccine efficacy trial.
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 39, 90–101.
Bergman, M. (2008). Introduction: Whither mixed methods? In M. Bergman (Ed.), Advances in
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Bernard, H. (2012). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches (2nd ed.).
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Bernard, H., & Ryan, G. (2010). Analyzing qualitative data: Systematic approaches. Thousand Oaks,
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Bryman, A. (2006). Paradigm peace and the implications for quality. International Journal of Social
Research Methodology, 9, 111–126.
Carter, T., Callaghan, P., Khalil, E., & Morres, I. (2012). The effectiveness of a preferred intensity
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sequential mixed methods evaluation. BMC Public Health, 12, 187.
Corburn, J. (2002). Combining community-based research and local knowledge to confront asthma
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Health Perspectives, 110, 241–248.
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Chapter 19 Mixed Methods Research 609

Guest, G., & McLellan, E. (2003). Distinguishing the trees from the forest: Applying cluster analysis
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1. For a useful summary of some of these, see Tashakkori and Teddlie (2003, p. 711).
2. For more mixed methods examples, see Plano Clark and Creswell (2008). Part 2 of their reader
contains nine illustrative studies.
3. For a summary of logistical and political barriers to integration, see Bryman (2006).
4. The amount of actual published mixed methods research in public health is much greater,
however. Authors often do not explicitly label their mixed methods research as such.
Suggested citation: Guest G., Fleming P.J. (2014) “Mixed Methods Research”. Guest, G
and Namey, E. (eds). Public Health Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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