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Essay for Chapter 8

De Guzman, Gil Jemrie Mrs. Barbara Salazar
BSHMHC11 October 24, 2021

Explain in your own words. 5 points each

1. During this time of pandemic, how can social entrepreneur help in improving the quality of life of our people
in the society?

Social entrepreneurs are frequently willing to take on the risk and exert the effort necessary to bring about
positive social change through their efforts. Social entrepreneurs frequently promote the development of
ecologically friendly products, address the needs of marginalized communities, or engage in philanthropic
endeavors. And we all understood that in this pandemic, people are lacking in income, therefore they
construct social capital in order to alleviate poverty and promote economic development.

By giving economic and social security to society's members, providing them with livelihood options, and
enhancing the people's standard of living, social entrepreneurs aim to create a more fair and just society.
As a result, because of the livelihood alternatives provided by entrepreneurs, people would have been
able to manage with a lack of money as a result of not having a job.

2. What are the social responsibility of an Entrepreneur? Explain.


Business ventures are a type of social entity that operates in a given society. These businesses rely on society for
resources such as men, materials, and capital, as well as for the sale of their goods. In fact, the existence, growth, and
promotion of business are all dependent on society. As a result, entrepreneurs have a clear social role and obligation
to society. The term "social responsibility" refers to a company's responsibilities to various segments of society. When
making commercial decisions, entrepreneurs must consider the larger public interest. According to a few academics,
"social responsibility" is defined as follows:
"Social responsibility is the personal commitment of every one, when he acts in his own interest, to ensure that the
rights and legitimate interests of all others are not infringed," Koontz and O'Donnell write.

"Social responsibility is the firm's responsiveness to public consensus," according to Adolph Berle, "i.e., the obligation
of the corporation to meet those demands and ambitions of the society about which there is public consensus." “Social
responsibility,” according to H.R. Bowen, “is the obligation to pursue those policies, make those decisions, or follow
those paths of action that are desirable in terms of our society's objectives and values.” While "The circle of care and
concern that a business has for the well-being of society," Nicholas Sirpolis defined social responsibility.

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