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Mechanical Vibrations: Definition, Types, and Applications

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June 1, 2019

Mechanical Vibrations plays an import ant role in t he field of Aut omobile Engineering and
St ruct ural Engineering. When any sudden dist urbance t akes place, t hen t he st ruct ure should
be in a posit ion t o t ackle t hat .

Else, the structure fails...

Therefore, In t his art icle, I am providing all t he concept s of Vibrat ions like t he definit ion,
t ypes of Mechanical Vibrat ions, and applicat ions in det ail.

Mechanical Vibrations Definition:

Mechanical vibrat ion is defined as t he measurement of a periodic process of oscillat ions w.r.t .
an equilibrium point .

Mechanical Vibrat ions Examples:

Some of t he examples of Mechanical Vibrat ions are as follows.

Membranes and Plat es

crit ical speed
st rings
balancing of reciprocat ing machinery
balancing of rot ary machinery
Vibrat ion Isolat ion & Transmissibilit y

By Oleg Alexandrov,vibrat ion of a

circular drum

Mechanical Vibrations Types:

The Types of Mechanical Vibrations are as follows.

1. Damped Forced Vibrat ion

2. Damped Free Vibrat ion
3. Vibrat ion Monit oring Syst em
4. Nonlinear Vibrat ion Met hods
5. Random Vibrat ion
6. Nonlinear and Random Vibrat ions
7. Rot at ing Unbalancing

An Explanation for the Types of Mechanical Vibrations are as follows.

1. Damped Forced Vibration:

If t he ext ernal force (i.e mass)is act ed upon t he syst em, t hen t he syst em undergoes
vibrat ory mot ion and t hus called as Forced Vibrat ion on t he Syst em.

Explanat ion of Damped Forced Vibrat ion:

If t he damper is induced wit hin t he const ruct ion along wit h t he ext ernal force act ing on
t he syst em, t hen t he syst em is called Damped Forced Vibrat ions.
If t he damper is induced wit hin t he const ruct ion wit h no applied force on t he syst em,
t hen t he syst em is called Damped Free Vibrat ions.
The forced vibrat ion is represent ed as Fcoswt or Fsinwt .
The equat ion of mot ion is represent ed in t he video which is shown below.
As soon as t he harmonic force is applied t here will be a t ransient response coupled wit h
t he forced response. The t ransient part is t he one t hat dies out aft er some t ime.

Hence neglect ing t he t ransient response, we have

x = Asinwt +Bcoswt

It can also be writ t en as x=Xsin(wt-(fi))

2. Damped Free Vibration:

As t he name suggest s t hat t he syst em is Damped, It means a Damper is present in t he
syst em which is used t o absorb t he vibrat ions.

But t he syst em doesn’t undergo any ext ernal force which means t he syst em is under nat ural
vibrat ions also called free vibrat ions.

The ent ire syst em wit h all t hese specificat ions is called a Damped free vibrat ory syst em. In
t his art icle, I will be explaining about t he Damped Free Vibrat ions in an effect ive manner.

Explanat ion of Damped Free Vibrat ion:

Free vibrat ionsare oscillat ions where t he t ot al energy st ays t he same over t ime.
This means t hat t he amplit ude of t he vibrat ion st ays t he same.
This is a t heoret ical idea because in real syst ems t he energy is dissipat ed t o t he
surroundings over t ime and t he amplit ude decays away t o zero, t his dissipat ion of
energy is called damping.

Thus called a syst em under “Damped Free Vibrat ions”.

3. Vibration Monitoring System:

The Vibrat ions Monit oring syst em includes Vibrat ion Monit oring, Machine problem det ect ion,
Monit oring Benefit s, and Advant ages of Vibrat ion Monit oring.

By MSRDat enlogger,Shock and vibrat ion logger wit h int egrat ed 3-axis digit al acceleromet er and
lit hium-polymer bat t ery

Vibrat ion Monitoring:

Monit oring t he syst em during rot at ion of machinery such as t urbines, fans, pumps, et c. exhibit
vibrat ions called Vibrat ion Monit oring.

Vibrat ions in t he syst em t ake place for many reasons and some of t hem are discussed below.

Ot her det ails of Vibrat ion Monitoring and it s benefit s:

Do you know, how the typical problems were detected in a machine during vibrations?

They are shown below.

Machine Fault Detection:

Det ect ing t ypical machine problems are as follows.

Rolling element bearing defect s
Gear defect s
Pump cavit at ion et c.

Monitoring Benefits:

The monit oring benefit s are present ed below.

An advance indicat ion of developing problems

Keep people out of hazardous areas
Prot ect healt h, safet y, and environment
Monit or inaccessible equipment
Complement port able monit oring programs.
Vibrat ion magnit ude is proport ional t o t he magnit ude of t he problem.
Vibrat ion can help t o find t he locat ion of t he fault .
Vibrat ion can help t o find t he cause of t he fault .
Vibrat ion measurement is non-invasive.
Most fault s show increased vibrat ions in an early st age of t he det eriorat ion sequence.
Vibrat ion can be measured inst ant aneously.
Vibrat ion can indicat e t he severit y and det eriorat ion rat e of a fault .

4. Nonlinear Vibration Methods:

The met hods t o analyze Non-Linear vibrat ory syst ems are as follows. They are

1. EXACT Met hod

2. Approximat e Analyt ical Met hods

The Approximat e analyt ical met hods are furt her classified int o four t ypes and are as follows:

Poincore met hod

Lindst ed’s pert urbat ion
It erat ive met hod
Phase-plane met hod

5. Random Vibrations:
In Mechanical Engineering random vibration is a mot ion t hat is non-det erminist ic,
meaning t hat fut ure behavior cannot be precisely predict ed.
The randomness is a charact erist ic of t he excit at ion or input , not t he mode shapes or
nat ural frequencies.

By Halpaugh,Typical random vibrat ion in t he t ime domain

Some common examples include an aut omobile riding on a rough road, wave height on
t he wat er, or t he load induced on an airplane wing during flight .
St ruct ural response t o random vibrat ion is usually t reat ed using st at ist ical or
probabilist ic approaches.
In mat hemat ical t erms, random vibrat ion is charact erized as a st at ionary process.

6. Nonlinear and Random Vibrations:

Vibrat ion phenomena t hat might be modeled well using linear vibrat ion t heory include small
amplit ude vibrat ions of long slender object s like long bridges, airplanes, wings, helicopt er
blades, et c.

Nonlinear syst ems can display behaviors t hat linear syst ems cannot . These
Mult iple st eady-st at e solut ions in which some are st able and some are unst able in
response t o t he same input s.
Jump phenomena, involving discont inuous and significant changes in t he response of
t he syst em as some forcing paramet er is slowly varied.
Response at frequencies ot her t han t he forcing frequency.
Int ernal resonances, involving different part s of t he syst em vibrat ing at different
frequencies, all wit h st eady amplit udes (t he frequencies are usually in rat ional rat ios,
such as 1:2, 1:3, 3:5, et c.)
Self-sust ained oscillat ions in t he absence of explicit ext ernal periodic forcing.
Complex, irregular mot ions t hat are ext remely sensit ive t o init ial condit ions.

Applicat ions of Non-linear and Random Vibrat ions:

The applications of Non-linear and Random vibrations are as follows.

Small rocking mot ions of ships in calm wat ers

The simplest whirling mot ions of flexible shaft s
Int eract ions bet ween bridges and foundat ions
Int eract ions bet ween wings/blades and air
Int eract ions bet ween ships and waves
Int eract ions bet ween shaft s and bearings and so on are all nonlinear.
7. Rotating Unbalancing:
Rotating Unbalance is t he uneven dist ribut ion of mass around an axis of rot at ion. A rot at ing
mass or rot or is said t o be out of balance when it s cent er of mass is out of alignment wit h
t he cent er of rot at ion (geomet ric axis).

By Kaboldy,Dynamic unbalance of a rigid rotor

Explanat ion of Rot at ing Unbalance:

Unbalance causes a moment which gives t he rot or a wobbling movement charact erist ic of
vibrat ion of rot at ing st ruct ures.

It mainly focuses on

Inherent unbalance in t he syst ems

Vibrat ions due t o Reciprocat ing mass of engines
Crit ical or whirling speeds of an eccent ric rot or mount ed on t he shaft .

Effects of Unbalance:

The effect s of unbalance are as follows.

Unsafe work condit ions

Vibrat ions
Decreased life of bearings
Increased maint enance
Reduced machine life

Applications of Mechanical Vibrations:

The applications of Mechanical Vibrations are as follows.

Identification of the system: If you want t o calculat e t he mass, st iffness and

damping of a vibrat ory syst em t hen you need t o do t he vibrat ion analysis which is used
in st ruct ural healt h monit oring.
Design of components: When you are designing t he component s of an aut omobile,
you need t o look at t he considerat ion t hat t he vibrat ions exit ed by t he engine should
not mat ch wit h t he ot her component s and if it does, t here may be a chance of failure
like loosening of bolt s et c.

This is t he det ailed explanat ion on t he t opic of Mechanical Vibrat ions. If you have any doubt ,
you can ask us and I will give you t he reply as soon as possible.
References [External Links]:

Mechanical Vibrat ions-Purdue Engineering

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