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11: 40 – 12:30 ------ VI Quezon

12:30 – 1: 20 --------VI Osmena


Produces simple product

I. Objectives
1. Produces simple product.
2. Follow procedures in making a simple product.
3. Shows creativeness in making a simple product.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic : Producing Simple Product
Reference: K to 12 CG p. 29- TLE6IE-0a-2
Textbook pages: Home Economics and Livelihood Education pp.6-7
: Life Skills Through TLE p.6
Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal: Internet, Social
Materials: Computer/Laptop, video clips, LCD projector.
Integration: Values Education
III. Procedure
A. Before the Lesson
1. Review
What are the different precautionary measures in doing a project?
2. Motivation
Show pictures or sample products such as wallets made from beads,
accessories, etc. Ask students to identify the materials used to make
the product.
B. During of the Lesson
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Hanging organizer
2. Activities
The teacher shows video presentation in making a project.
He/She will also have a PowerPoint presentation about the topic.
I. Name of the Project: Hanging Organizer
III. Design or sketch:
IV. Procedures
1. Prepare big and small patterns (provided with the necessary seam allowance)
2. Fold the fabric on the wrong side.
3. Lay and pin the patterns on the fabric (lay the big patterns first before the small
4. Mark the sides of the patterns on the fabric with a tailor’s chalk.
5. Use carbon paper and tracing wheel to transfer all the necessary seam
allowances on the fabric.
6. Hand sew each pocket using a back stitch starting from the biggest the smallest
7. When all the pockets are sewn, attach the side facings.
8. Attach a velcro where you decide to put it.
9. Sew embellishments (optional) on the sides of the pockets or in the middle of
the pockets to make it attractive.
10. Attach the ribbon on the upper part of the organizer for hanging.
V. The teacher will demonstrate on how to make a project.

C. Application
Individual Activities
* Each pupil will do the process on making the project following the
procedure with the close supervision of the teacher.
* Each pupil will be given time to do their task and present their works.
* Each project will have assessed by the teacher following the rubric.

D. Generalization
What is the advantage of having a knowledge in making a project?

C. After the Lesson


Performance Test: Rubric on project making


If you are going to sell your project, How much it costs?

11: 40 – 12:30 ------ VI Quezon
12:30 – 1: 20 --------VI Osmena


Prepares the materials needed in making simple product

I. Objectives
a. Identify the materials needed in making simple products.
b. Prepares materials needed in making simple products.
c. Observe safety precautions in handling materials and tools needed in making
simple product.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic : Producing Simple Products
Reference: K to 12 CG p. 29- TLE6IE-0a-2
Textbook pages: Home Economics and Livelihood Education pp.6-7
: Life Skills Through TLE p.6
Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal: Internet, Social
Materials: Computer/Laptop, video clips, LCD projector.
Day: 2
Integration: Values Education
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
Ask the pupils to identify the parts of the project plan discussed.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
*Project plan
* Sketch design
B. Development of the Lesson
1. Motivation
Show pictures or sample products such as wallets made of beads,
accessories, crochet handbags.
Ask the pupils the materials used to make the products.
C. Presentation
Ask the pupils to identify the materials used in making the products.
1. Discussion
Explain the importance of following the project plan in preparing the
materials needed in making the product.
Discuss the importance of observing safety precautions in handling
the materials and tools.
2. Learning Activities
If you were asked to create a product what will it be? Why?
What materials do you plan to use?
3. Abstraction/Application
a. Individual Activities
Each pupil will prepare the materials needed to make a simple product
of their own choice (on their project plan). Following the safety
precautions in handling the tools.
4. Generalization
Why is a project plan important in making simple product?
Why is it important to follow the safety rules in preparing the materials
needed in making simple product?
Write “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if incorrect.
__1. Avoid loud noise in preparing the materials to avoid destruction.
__2. Scissors and other sharp objects should be handled correctly.
__3. Leave the tools scattered around after using them.
__4. Read and follow the instructions in preparing the materials.
__5. Use appropriate tools for the task.
Research on creative and simple product. Be sure to identify what materials
used to make the product.
11: 40 – 12:30 ------ VI Quezon
12:30 – 1: 20 --------VI Osmena


Prepares a project plan
I. Objectives
a. Identify the parts of a project plan in making simple product.
b. Prepare project a project plan in making simple product.
c. Appreciate the importance of project plan in making simple product.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic : Producing Simple Products
Reference: K to 12 CG p. 29- TLE6IE-0a-2
Textbook pages: Home Economics and Livelihood Education pp.6-7
: Life Skills Through TLE p.6
Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal: Internet, Social
Materials: Computer/Laptop, video clips, LCD projector.
Day: 1
Integration: Values Education
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
Ask the pupils to identify the parts of the project plan discussed in
Grade 5.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
 Project plan
 Sketch design
B. Development of the Lesson
1. Motivation
Show a sample of project plan for a simple product through
PowerPoint presentation. Let the pupils recall its parts and functions.
C. Presentation
Let the pupils study the sample project plan.
I. Name of the Project: Hanging Organizer
A hanging organizer is a container with pockets or compartments for
II. Objective
To be able to produce a simple hanging organizer within the
given time and budget frame
III. Design or sketch
IV. Materials and Tools
A. Materials

B. Tools
1.tailor’s chalk
2. Scissors
3. pins
4. carbon paper
5. ruler
V. Procedures
1. Prepare big and small patterns (provided with the necessary seam
2. Fold the fabric on the wrong side.
3. Lay and pin the patterns on the fabric (lay the big patterns first
before the small ones).
4. Mark the sides of the patterns on the fabric with a tailor’s chalk.
5. Use carbon paper and tracing wheel to transfer all the necessary
seam allowances on the fabric.
6. Hand sew each pocket using a back stitch starting from the biggest
the smallest pieces.
7. When all the pockets are sewn, attach the side facings.
8. Attach a velcro where you decide to put it.
9. Sew embellishments (optional) on the sides of the pockets or in the
middle of the pockets to make it attractive.
10. Attach the ribbon on the upper part of the organizer for hanging.
2. Discussion
Discuss what is a project plan.
Explain the parts of project plan and its functions.
A Project Plan serves as a guide in accomplishing tasks and procedures,
and in evaluating the finished product.
Parts of a Project Plan
Name of the Project - the project to be done.
Objectives - the reason for making the project.
Materials – the list of the materials and their description
Design or Sketch – an illustration of the project to be done.
Procedure – steps in making a project
Evaluation – Check the quality of the finished product.
3. Learning Activities
Tell what part of the project plan is being described.
1. The reason for making a project.
2. An illustration of the project to be done.
3. The list of materials and their description.
4. Steps in making a project.
5. Name of the project to be made.
4. Abstraction/Application
a. Individual Activities
Each pupil will make a project plan of their own choice of simple
product. They should follow the format discussed in the lesson.
5. Generalization
What are the parts of the project plan?
Why is a project plan important?
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a picture or a sketch design of the project.
a. Procedure b. design or sketch c. objectives
2. It shows the steps in making the project.
a. Procedure b. name of the project c. evaluation
3. It is the reasons why you want to make a project.
a. Materials and tools b. objectives c. procedure
4. It is the name of the project to be made.
a. Procedure b. evaluation c. name of the project
5. Evaluate/check the quality of the finished product.
a. Evaluation b. objectives c. procedure

Research on creative and simple product. Be sure to identify what materials
used to make the product.

11: 40 – 12:30 ------ VI Quezon
12:30 – 1: 20 --------VI Osmena


Buys and sells products based on needs
I. Objectives
a. Explain and identify the hierarchy of needs.
b. Buy and sell products based on needs
c. Prioritize needs over wants
II. Subject Matter:
Topic : Buying and Selling products based on needs
Reference: K to 12 Curriculum Guide p. 31- TLE6IE Ob-3
Textbook pages: Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6, page 12-13
Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal: Internet, Social
Materials: Computer/Laptop, video clips, LCD projector.
Day: 1
Integration: ESP, English
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
What is a buyer/seller? Show picture. Let the pupils identify the
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock the following terms through pictures and definition. Using

Needs- are necessity of people
Wants- are goods or services that people desire to have.
Demands-are a step ahead of wants. These are the amount of interest to a
given product that consumers are willing to buy at a given price in a given
B. Development of the Lesson
1. Motivation
Show different pictures of goods/products.
Which of the following products do you need most in your family?
What product will you buy first? The last?
C. Presentation
1. Present the hierarchy of need

Physiological needs- are things needed in order to survive.
Security Needs-important for survival but not as demanding as basic
Social Needs- the need for belonging, love, affection, and families.
Esteem Needs-include personal worth recognition, and accomplishments
Self-actualization- are personal awareness and having less concern with
the opinion of others.
3. Learning Activities
Identify the need being described.
______1. Important for survival but not as demanding as basic needs.
______ 2. the need for belonging, love, affection, and families.
______ 3. are personal awareness and having less concern with the
opinion of others.
______ 4. are things needed in order to survive
______ 5. include personal worth recognition, and accomplishments
4. Abstraction/Application
a. Values Integration
Why do we need to prioritize needs over wants?
b. Group Activities
Let each group list down at least 10 products that they would buy and
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
5. Generalization
What is the difference between need and wants?
Fill out the blank with the correct term to complete the sentence.
________ are goods or services that people desire or wish to have.
________ these are the things needed in order to survive.
________ include personal worth recognition, and accomplishments
________ the need for belonging, love, affection, and families
________ the amount of interest to a given product that consumers are willing to
buy at a given price and period.

Give 5 products that are the current needs in your school or community

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