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Unit 1: Exploring Our World's Cultures

1. Introduction to Culture and Diversity

Key words: Countries, different, cultures, people, traditions

2. Traditional Clothing Around the World

Key words: Clothes, outfits, styles, traditional, dress

3. Languages We Speak: Introduction to Multilingualism

Key words: Languages, words, say, hello, hi

4. Foods from Different Cultures

Key words: Food, dishes, tastes, flavors, try

5. Celebrations and Festivals Around the Year

Key words: Celebrations, festivals, holidays, events, special

6. Homes and Shelter: Different Types of Dwellings

Key words: Homes, houses, places to live, buildings, shelters

Skills improved: Cultural awareness/Communication skills/Appreciation of diversity/Observational

skills/Creativity/Basic geography awareness


Unit 2: Ancient Civilizations

1. Introduction to Ancient Civilizations

Key words: Long ago, ancient times, people in the past, history

2. Ancient Egypt: Pyramids and Hieroglyphics

Key words: Pyramids, shapes, special writing, pictures

3. Ancient Greece: Gods, Olympics, and Democracy

Key words: Gods, special powers, games, races, sports

4. Ancient China: The Great Wall and Inventions

Key words: Long wall, big wall, China's wall, special structure

5. The Mayans: Pyramids and Calendar

Key words: Mayans, tall buildings, counting time, special days

6. Ancient Rome: Colosseum and Roman Roads

Key words: Buildings, special designs, strong structures, big arches

Skills improved: Historical understanding/Critical thinking/Problem-solving/Cultural

appreciation/Hands-on creativity/Basic geography awareness

Unit 3: Exploring Our Own History

1. Family History and Traditions

Key words: Family stories, traditions, our family

2. Local History: Our Town or City

Key words: Where we live, our place, history here

3. Oral History: Interviewing Grandparents

Key words: Talk to grandparents, listen, learn

4. Looking at Old Photographs and Artifacts

Key words: Old pictures, things from the past, see and learn

5. Changes Over Time: How Things Have Evolved

Key words: Different now, how things changed, see differences

6. Mapping Our History: Creating a Timeline

7. Key words: Time line, show what happened, history order

Skills improved: Interviewing skills/Research skills/Listening skills/Analysis of visual

materials/Understanding chronology/Basic history awareness

Unit 4: Landscapes and Geography

1. Introduction to Geography and Maps

Key words: Places, maps, where things are

2. Exploring Different Types of Landforms

Key words: Different land, hills, valleys, more

3. Rivers and Lakes Around the World

Key words: Water places, rivers, lakes

4. Mountains and Their Importance

Key words: Tall land, mountains, why important

5. Deserts: Harsh yet Fascinating Environments

Key words: Dry places, deserts, special places

6. Oceans and Marine Life: Underwater Worlds

Key words: Big water, oceans, underwater life

Skills improved: Map reading skills/Hands-on exploration/Understanding of natural

features/Environmental awareness/Basic geography knowledge/Observational skills

Unit 5: Cultural Stories and Legends

1. Folktales from Different Cultures

Key words: Old stories, tales, from places

2. Myths and Legends: Creatures and Heroes

Key words: Special stories, heroes, creatures

3. Storytelling as a Cultural Tradition

Key words: Telling stories, traditions, important

4. Indigenous Peoples' Stories and Wisdom

Key words: Special stories, wisdom, special groups

5. Creating Our Own Cultural Stories

Key words: Make stories, creative, new tales

6. Performing Our Cultural Stories

Key words: Act stories, perform, share

Skills improved: Literary comprehension/Creative expression/Storytelling skills/Cultural

appreciation/Listening and speaking skills/Basic anthropology awareness

Unit 6: Celebrations and Traditions Around the World

1. New Year's Celebrations in Different Cultures

Key words: Special start, celebrate, different ways

2. Harvest Festivals and Thanksgiving Traditions

Key words: Food times, thanks, special celebrations

3. Winter Holidays: Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, etc.

Key words: Cold season, holidays, different celebrations

4. Spring Festivals: Easter, Holi, Nowruz, etc.

Key words: Special spring, celebrations, different times

5. Summer Celebrations and Cultural Activities

Key words: Warm weather fun, summer activities

6. Sharing Our Own Celebrations

Key words: Tell our celebrations, share times

Skills improved: Cultural awareness/Seasonal traditions/Creativity in crafts/Research and presentation

skills/Sharing and communication/Basic social studies knowledge

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