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Choice C is the best answer because throughout the passage, it shows the man
encountering many instances where he is limited in his actions because of the tattoo on
his back.
2. Choice C is the best answer because according to lines 8-9, it mentions that Henri
Deplis was born in the Grand Duchy family of Luxembourg.
3. Choice A
4. Choice D is the best answer because in this context, it is talking about the winged
cherubs and how it describes a little scope of the craftsman’s ability in art.
5. Choice A is the best answer because these winged cherubs are used to describe a
fraction of the craftsman’s art, indicating that the tombstones, which the winged cherubs
were attached to, were artistic subjects.
6. Choice B is the best answer because the passage specifically states that Deplis was
required to reduce his offer to 405 francs, indicating that he no longer had 430 francs.
7. Choice A is the best answer because this phrase is indicating that the widow did not
want to sell the art anymore to him, even though it was already in his possession. Thus,
this statement serves to show that Deplis had to return the art.
8. Choice B is the best answer because this part of the passage is talking about the art and
the word “celebrated” is used to describe it. Thus, the word “famous” is the best word to
replace it.
9. Choice D is the best answer because according to lines 62-63, the tattoo on his back,
while being beautiful and flattering, it is a burden since many of his actions are limited,
10. Choice B
11. Choice D is the best answer because according to lines 11-15, it states that one of the
hottest spots for drilling is in Pennsylvania.
12. Choice A
13. Choice C is the best answer because these lines suggest that horizontal drilling is not
completely new since it is incorporating the original vertical drilling technique.
14. Choice D is the best answer because the word “tapping” is used on the rocks to harvest
natural gas, indicating that the word means to open the rocks so that natural gas can be
let out.
15. Choice B is the best answer because lines 25-30 suggest that the paragraph is about
natural gas being produced by underground sandstone layers since it is part of the
introduction of the paragraph
16. Choice A
17. Choice B is the best answer because the fourth paragraph introduces the horizontal
drilling technique, which means that choice B makes the most sense since the whole
paragraph is about the new technique.
18. Choice D is the best answer because the word “fields” is used as a verb to show that the
researcher still gains many flashbacks which best relates to the word “retrieves”.
19. Choice B is the best answer because when adding the percentage of Texas,
Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and Louisiana, it adds up to 53%, which is more than half.
20. Choice B is the best answer because the combined percentage of Texas and
Pennsylvania, 40%, needs to be multiplied with 31 to show what percent it is in terms of
the whole world. This number comes out to be more than any other country except the
US and Russia.
21. Choice A is the best answer because the beginning of the passage and throughout
describes the original study and more research is then added which is about the original
22. Choice D is the best answer because this word is used similar to the word “believed”.
This best relates with “contended” since to contend can me to assert.
23. Choice C is the best answer because Austin is used sort of as an example that smart
animals do exist. In other words, Austin is a significant subject in the study that is
24. Choice C is the best answer because according to lines 71-75, environmental and
genetic factors have the same impact, but as time goes on, environmental factors will
have a greater impact.
25. Choice D
26. Choice B is the best answer because the passage specifically states that genetic
relatedness was able to be measured due to testing it on a family of chimpanzees that all
have genetic relationships.
27. Choice A is the best answer because lines 54-56 specifically mention that the
chimpanzees tried getting the experimenter’s attention by clapping their hands, which is
a form of social cognition.
28. Choice A is the best answer because this part of the passage is talking about the
different cognitions the chimpanzees show based on genetic factors. Thus, choice A
makes the most sense.
29. Choice C is the best answer because according to lines 81-84, the fact that the
chimpanzees are being held captive means that specific elements are not revealed such
as the influence of environmental variability.
30. Choice D
31. Choice C is the best answer because this sentence is talking about allowing the citizens
to control how the elections goes. This best relates to the word “unrestricted” because
the citizens are making their own free choices.
32. Choice D is the best answer because according to lines 19-22, the author of passage 1
believes that all voters have their own free will to choose their own leaders.
33. Choice C
34. Choice B is the best answer because this part of the passage is talking about people’s
talents, which best relates to the people’s demeanor.
35. Choice C is the best answer because passage 2 specifically states that the author will
only agree that artificial aristocracy only commences when they are made hereditary.
36. Choice D is the best answer because according to lines 60-65, political advantages are
obtained from municipal laws and political institutions making aristocracy hereditary, ‘
37. Choice D
38. Choice D is the best answer because passage 2 starts off by saying that while agreeing
to the main point of passage 1, the author of passage 2 does not agree with a particular
thing about what the author of passage 1 said. M
39. Choice B is the best answer because while both passages agree on the same topic,
passage 2 disagrees on a specific detail that passage 1 states.
40. Choice D is the best answer because both passages agree on the different roles of
society where some people are born with wealth and power, and some people work for
it. Thus, they both believe that there is a clear distinction.
41. Choice B is the best answer passage 1 states that while unfit leaders may be elected,
which passage 2 states, the system of voting will eventually cast out the unfit leader
before he or she commits any wrongdoing.
42. Choice A is the best answer because prior to when this word is used, the passage gives
historical information about how humans killed many beavers, indicating that “removal”
means the reduction of the beaver population
43. Choice D is the best answer because form lines 25-28, it is evident that stream channel
incision will be reduced, which ultimately relates to the steelhead population responses.
44. Choice C
45. Choice A is the best answer because the paragraph explains the impact of beaver dams
on beaver and fish population
46. Choice C is the best answer because according to lines 33-36, the increase of BDA
made beavers build more natural dams.
47. Choice B
48. Choice B is the best answer because these words are used in this paragraph to suggest
that there is a possibility of there being more information that is more important. Thus, it
gives an objective tone because the author is considering the other possibilities, instead
of his own.
49. Choice B is the best answer because habitat complexity is introduced after relaying
information about the increase in dams, indicating that the addition of dams will increase
habitat complexity.
50. Choice A is the best answer because during the 20 years prior to when BDA was first
built, the highest number of dams on Bridge Creek the graph shows is around 100.
51. Choice C is the best answer because 2007 is the latest year where the control was
greater than the treatment.
52. Choice C is the best answer because while the graph does show the number of dams, it
doesn’t show how the number of dams affect the steelhead populations.

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