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Class 09 - Science

1. The valency of the metal (M) in M2CO3 is (2+ ) i.e. metal exists as M2+. Therefore, the formula of metal chloride is MCl2.
2. Atomicity is the number of atoms present in one molecule of a substance.
(a) In H2SO4, 2 hydrogen atom, 1 sulphur atom & 4 oxygen atoms are present. Hence the atomicity of H2SO4 is 7.
(b) In CCI4, 1 carbon atom & 4 chlorine atoms are present. Hence the atomicity of CCI4 is 5.
3. The valency of the element in Z2O3 is 3+.
4. According to the law of constant proportions: A chemical compound always consists of the same element combined together in
the same proportion by mass. This law means that whatever be the source from which it is obtained ( or the method by which it is
prepared ), a pure chemical compound is always made up of the same elements in the same mass percentage.
5. An ion is a positively or negatively charged atom ( or group of atoms ). For example:,.P O , H P b

+ +

6. Kanad proposed the theory of matter around 600 BC.

7. NaHCO3 = (Atomic mass of Na) + (Atomic mass of H) + (Atomic mass of C) + (3 × Atomic mass of O) = (23 + 1 + 12 + 3 ×
16) = 84 u
8. Atomic mass of Ca + (2 × atomic mass of Cl) = 40 + 2 × 35.5 = 40 + 71 = 111 u
9. Ozone (O3)

10. The valency of Ca in CaCO3 is 2+(i.e. Ca2+).

11. Atomicity of ammonia (NH3) is 4 because one molecule of NH3 has 1 nitrogen atom and 3 hydrogen atoms.

12. a. 5.84 × 10-9 kg

b. 5.834 × 10-2 kg
c. 5.84 × 10-4 kg
d. 5.873 - 10-24 kg
13. Atomic mass unit may be defined as:
The mass of one twelfth (1/12) of the mass of one atom of carbon taken as 12u. It is represented as 1u.
14. The formula of the compound between X and Y is X2Y3.
15. One u (unified mass) is also known as one Dalton.
One atomic mass unit or unified mass (u) = 1.66 × 10-27 kg.
16. Berzelius assigned symbols to the elements by taking first one or two letters of the elements name in English and in some cases
the symbols have been taken from the names of elements in different languages such as Latin, German, Greek etc.
17. Law of definite proportions.
18. When one or more electron(s) is / are removed from / added to a neutral atom, a positively / negatively charged particle is formed.
This charged particle is called an ion. An ion can be of two types:-
i. Cation (positively charged ion)
ii. Anion (negatively charged ion)
19. Atomicity is the number of atoms present in one molecule of a substance.
20. The formula of the oxide is A2O4 or AO2.
21. According to the law of conservation of Mass, mass can neither be created nor be destroyed in a chemical reaction.The law of
conservation of mass means that in a chemical reaction, the total mass of products is equal to the total mass of reactants. There is
no change in mass during a chemical reaction.
22. Since the molecular mass of water is 18 u, therefore the mass of 1 mole of water is 18 g which consist of number of molecules
equal to Avogadro's number (NA), i.e. 6.022 × 1023.
23. A chemical equation has to be balanced in order to satisfy the law of conservation of mass. According to the law, there is no
change in mass when the reactants change into the products. Therefore, the chemical equation has to be balanced.

24. a. The number of atoms present in CO32- = 1C + 3(O) = 4

b. The number of atoms present in PO43- = 1P + 4(O) = 5

c. The number of atoms present in P2O5 = 2P + 5(O) = 7
d. The number of atoms present inCO = 1C + 1(O) = 2
25. Formula mass of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3. 10 H2O). = (2×atomic mass of Na) + (1 × atomic mass of C)+(3 × atomic mass of
O)+10 [(2 × atomic mass of H) + (1 × atomic mass of O)]
=[( 2 × 23) + (1 × 12) +(3 × 16 ) +10 (2 × 1) + (1 × 16)]
= 46+12+48+180
= 286 u
26. Polyatomic ions are the group of atoms which carry either positive charge (cations) or negative charge (anions). For example,
(i) Carbonate ion (CO3)2- (ii) Nitrate ion (NO3)- (iii) Ammonium ion (NH4)+ (iv) Phosphate ion (PO4)3-.

27. a. 103 - kilo

b. 10-1 - deci
c. 10-2 - centi
d. 10-6 - micro
e. 10-9 - nano
f. 10-12 - pico

28. When an electric current is passed through the solution of salt like sodium chloride (NaCl), the positive ion (Na+) migrates
towards the cathode (negative electrode). It is, therefore, called cation.
Positive ion migrating towards cathode on passing electric current is known as a cation.
Negative ion migrating towards anode on passing electric current is known as an anion.
29. i. Calcium Phosphate
Element Calcium phosphate

cross-over valencies
Chemical formula for Calcium Phosphate = Ca3 (PO4)2
ii. Magnesium Hydroxide
Element Magnesium Hydroxide

Chemical formula for Magnesium Hydroxide = Mg (OH)2

iii. Aluminium chloride
Element Aluminium chloride

​cross-over valencies
Chemical formula for Aluminium chloride = Al Cl3
30. If the atomic mass of an element is in fraction, this means that it exists in the form of isotopes of different masses. The atomic
mass is the average atomic mass and is generally fractional.
31. Ionic compound: The ionic compounds which are made, up of ions are known as an ionic compound. For example, sodium
chloride(NaCl)is an ionic compound which is made up of an equal number of positively charged sodium ions (Na+) and
negatively charged chloride ions (Cl- ).
Molecular compounds are formed by the combination of two different non-metals element. example; H2 S, CO2.

32. Cations Anions


NaCl Na+ Cl-

H2O None None

NH4NO3 NH4+ NO3-

33. Here we have been given that hydrogen and oxygen always combine in the fixed ratio of 1:8 by mass. This means that:
1 g of hydrogen gas requires = 8 g of oxygen gas.
so, 3 g of hydrogen gas requires = 3 × 8 g of oxygen gas
= 24 g of oxygen gas
Therefore, the mass of oxygen gas required to react completely with 3 g of hydrogen gas will be.24g
34. The postulates ( assumptions ) of Dalton's atomic theory are as follows::
1. All the matter is made of very tiny particles called an 'atom'.
2. Atoms are indivisible particle;
3. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction.
4. Atoms of a given element are identical in every respect, having the same mass, size and chemical properties.
5. Atoms of different elements have different mass, size and chemical properties.
6. Atom combines in the ratio of their whole number to form compounds.
7. The relative' number' and 'kind' of atoms are constant in a compound.
8. Atoms of the same elements can combine in more than one ratio to form more than one compound.
35. Atoms of different elements are very small in size and their actual masses are extremely small. For example, the mass of an atom
of hydrogen is 1.67 × 10 kg. We consider the relative atomic masses of the elements. The relative atomic mass of hydrogen is

1u and its corresponding gram atomic mass is 1g.

36. Carbon and oxygen react to form carbon dioxide according to the equation
Carbon (C) + Oxygen (O2)→ Carbon dioxide (CO2)
In CO2, the element carbon and oxygen are combined as follows:
C + 2O → CO2
12 g 2 × 16 = 32g 12 + 32 = 44g
(after simplifying) 3g 8g 11g.
In the first case :
3.0g of carbon are burnt in 8.0 g oxygen to form 11.0g of CO2
In the second case :
3.0 g of carbon must also combine with 8.0 g oxygen only. This means that (50 - 8) 42 g of oxygen will remain unreacted.
The mass of CO2 in this case must be also 11g.
37. i. Sodium oxide
Symbols = Na, Valency = 1
Symbols = O, Valency = 2
cross over valencies
Na2O1 or Na2O
Thus, the formula of sodium oxide compound is Na2O.
ii. Aluminium chloride
Symbols = Al, Valency = 3
Symbols = Cl, Valency = 1
cross over valencies
Al1Cl3 or AlCl3
Thus, the formula of Aluminium chloride compound is AlCl3
iii. Sodium Sulphide
Symbols = Na, Valency = 1
Symbols = S, Valency = 2
cross over valencies
Na2S1 or Na2S
Thus, the formula of Sodium Sulphide compound is Na2S.

iv. Magnesium hydroxide
Symbols = Mg, Valency = 2
Symbols = OH, Valency = 1
cross over valencies
Mg1(OH)2 or Mg(OH)2
Thus, the formula of magnesium hydroxide compound is Mg(OH)2.
38. According to the latest recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the atomic mass
unit (amu) is abbreviated as u or unified mass.
For chemical calculations, the atomic masses of elements are expressed by taking the atomic mass of one atom of an element as
the standard mass. One atomic mass unit (1 u) is defined as exactly one-twelfth the mass of an atom of Carbon-12 atom. 1 amu =
1/12 of atomic masses of C 6

39. Atoms are very small, smaller than anything that we can imagine or compare with. e.g. More than millions of atoms when stacked
together would make a layer as thick as sheet of paper.
40. a. NH3 - ratio N : H × 3 = 14 : 3
b. CO - ratio C : O = 3 : 4
c. HCl - ratio H : Cl = 1 : 35.5 or 2 : 71
d. AIF3 - ratio Al : F× 3 = 9 : 19
e. MgS - ration Mg : S = 3 : 4
41. The law of conservation mass is based on the following postulate of Dalton's atomic Theory. "Atoms can neither be created nor be
destroyed during change or a chemical reaction".
42. Let the element be represented by the symbol E.
Formula of oxide in which valency of E is 4 = E2O4 or EO2
Formula of oxide in which valency of E is 6 = E2O6 or EO3
43. a. Atomic mass of hydrogen = 1u, oxygen = 16 u
So the molecular mass of water, which contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen is
= 2 × 1 + 1 × 16
= 18 u
The molecular mass of water = 18 u
b. The molecular mass of HNO3 = the atomic mass of H + the atomic mass of N + 3 × the atomic mass of O
= 1 + 14 + 48 = 63 u
The molecular mass of HNO3 = 63 u
44. According to available data,
Mass of oxygen combining with 1 g of hydrogen = 8 g.
Mass of oxygen combining with 3 g of hydrogen
= × (3g) = 24 g

45. In all chemical reactions, there is only exchange of reactants taking place when products are formed. Since there is no loss or gain
of mass, the chemical reactions are according to law of conservation of mass.
46. C(10) and D(2), because they have 8 and 2 electrons in their outermost shells respectively.
47. According to Law of chemical combination;
(i) Atomic mass of hydrogen atom = 1u
Atomic mass of oxygen = 16u
molecular mass of Water (H2O)= 1×2+1×16 = 18u
the mass percentage of oxygen present in the Water (H2O) = (mass of oxygen in Water (H2O)/molecular mass of Water (H2O) ) ×
= (16/18)×100

(ii) Hydrogen per oxide (H2O2)

Atomic mass of hydrogen atom = 1u

Atomic mass of oxygen = 16u
molecular mass of H2O2 = 1×2+16×2 = 2+32 = 34u
the mass percentage of oxygen present in the H2O2 = (mass of oxygen in H2O2 / molecular mass of H2O2) × 100
= (16/34)×100
=47.05 %
the mass percentage of oxygen present in the H2O2 =47.05 %
48. According to the law of conservation of mass:
mass of reactants = mass of products
Let's calculate and find out both results –
1. mass of reactants = mass of sodium carbonate + mass of acetic acid
= 5.3 g + 6 g
= 11.3 g
2. mass of products = mass of sodium ethanoate + mass of carbon dioxide + mass of water
= 8.2 g +2.2 g + 0.9 g = 11.3 g
We find that the mass of reactants is 11.3 g and the mass of product is also 11.3 g. Hence it is proved that these observations
are in agreement with the law of conservation of mass.
49. When salt is heated, it does not get charrd but sugar gets charred on heating. When salt is dissolved in water, the solution conducts
electricity. This done not happen with aqueous solution of sugar.
50. Mass of one molecule of substance = 4.65 × 10-23
Mass of 6.022 ​​× 1023 molecules of substance
6.022 ​​× 1023 ​​× (4.65 ​​× 10-23) = 28 g.
The substance can be carbon monoxide (CO) with molecular mass
= 12 + 16 = 28 u or 28 g
51. Atoms except those of noble or inert gas elements cannot exist of their own. However all molecules can have independent
Atom consist of only one type of matter while molecules are a combination of two or more atoms.
52. Copper chloride (CuCI2), Copper sulphate (CuSO4), Sopper phosphate [Cu3(PO4)2]
Sodium chloride (NaCI), Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4), Sodium phosphate (Na3PO4)
Iron chloride (FeCI3), Iron sulphate [Fe2(SO4)3], Iron phosphate (FePO4)
53. We know that, 1 mole = Gram atomic mass = Avogadro's number
Here, 1 mole of hydrogen atom = 1 g
or 6.022 × 1023 atoms of hydrogen weigh = 1 g
Mass of one atom = 1

g = 1.66058 × 10-24 g

54. The postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory which is the result of the law of conservation of mass is mentioned as below:
Atoms are indivisible particles, which cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.
55. The names of elements present can be given only if the chemical formula of the compound is known. For example,
(a) Quick lime : It is the commercial name of the compound. Its chemical name is calcium oxide and the chemical formula is CaO.
Elements present : calcium (Ca) : oxygen (O)
(b) Hydrogen bromide : The chemical formula of the compound is HBr
Elements present : hydrogen (H); bromine (Br)
(c) Baking powder : It is commercial name of the compound. Its chemical name is sodium hydrogen carbonate and the chemical
formula is NaHCO3
Elements present : sodium (Na), hydrogen (H), carbon (C), oxygen (O).
(d) Potassium sulphate : The chemical formula of the compound is K2SO4
Elements present. potassium (K), sulphur (S), oxygen (O).
56. It is not possible to see an atom with naked eye because of its extremely small size. For example, the radius of an atom of
hydrogen is of the order of 10-10m. Actually an atom is regarded as a microscopic particle. These microscopic particles cannot be
seen with naked eye.
57. An atom is an extremely minute particle and as such actual mass of an atom of hydrogen is considered to be 1.6 × 10 g . That

is why it is not possible to see an atom with naked eyes.

58. Failures of Dalton Atomic Theory are:-
1) Atom is not the smallest particle as it is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.
2) Atom’s mass can be converted into the energy (E = mc2) and hence can be created and destroyed.
3) Atoms of one element have been changed into atoms of another element through the artificial transmutation of elements.
4) Atoms of the same element need not resemble each other in all respects as isotopes (Different of the same element) exist.
5) Atoms of different elements need not differ in all respects as isobars (same forms of different elements) exist.
59. Valency is defined as the number of electrons that an element has to gain or loose from its outermost shell so that it can be stable
or the combining capacity of an atom.
Oxygen – Atomic number = 8; Electronic Configuration = 2, 6 i.e. it has to gain 2e- so that in : outermost shell has 8e-, Valency of
O is -2
Similarly, valency of Al (Aluminum) is +3 ( electronic configuration = 2, 8, 3) so it looses 3e- from its outermost shell.
60. a) Molecular Mass of Ammonium Sulphate [(NH4)2SO4]
=[(1 × mass of N atom +4 × Mass of hydrogen atom) × 2 + (1 × Mass of sulphur atom ) + (4 × Mass of oxygen atom)].
=[(1 × 14 + 4 × 1 )× 2 + (1 × 32) + (4 × 16)].
=18 × 2 + 32 + 64
=36 + 32 + 64
= 132g/mol.
b) Molecular Mass of Penicillin [C16H18N2SO4]
=[(16 × mass of carbon atom) + (18 × Mass of hydrogen atom )+ (2 × Mass of Nitrogen atom) + (1 × mass of sulphur atom) +( 4
× Mass of oxygen atom)]
= [(16 × 12) + (18 × 1 )+ (2 × 14) + (1 × 32) + (4 × 16)]
= 192 + 18 + 28 + 32 + 64
= 334 g /mol.
c) Molecular Mass of Paracetamol [(NH4)2SO4]
= [(8 × Mass of carbon atom ) + (9 × Mass of hydrogen atom ) + (1 × mass of Nitrogen atom) + (1 × mass of oxygen atom)]
=[( 8 × 12) + (9 × 1) + (1 × 14) + (1 ×16)]
= 96 + 9 + 14 + 16
= 135 g /mol
61. A chemical formula is the representation of elements present in a compound with the help of symbols and also the number of
atoms of each element with those numbers only. for eg: A molecule of water (compound) contains 2 atoms of hydrogen and one
atom of oxygen hence its chemical formula is H2O
62. The postulate of Dalton's atomic theory which explains the law of definite proportions is “Atoms combine in the ratio of small
whole numbers to form compounds and the relative number and kinds of atoms are constant in a given compound.”
63. The formulae of the compounds formed from the following sets of elements are as given below:

64. Mass of a molecule is that of a single molecule also known as its actual mass. But molecular mass is the mass of 1 mole of that
molecule i.e. equal to Avogadro's number (6.022 × 10 23
) of molecules.
65. (a) Water (H2O)
Molar mass of H2O
= (2 × Atomic mass of H) + (1 × Atomic mass of oxygen)
= ( 2 × 1u ) + ( 1× 16u ) = 18u.
(b) Nitric acid (HNO3)
Molar mass of HNO3
= (1 × Atomic mass of H) + (1 × Atomic mass of N) + (3 × Atomic mass of O)
= (1 × 1u) + (1 × 14u) + (3 × 16u) = 63u.

66. Dalton’s atomic theory states that atoms of different elements combine together in simple whole number ratio. In the formula of
C12H22O11, the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combine in whole number ratio but the ratio is not simple.
67. The composition of CO2 in both the cases would be same, i.e., the carbon and oxygen will combine in the same ratio 1:2. The law
associated is law of constant proportion.
68. i. Al2(SO4)3 is aluminium sulphate. Ions present are Al3+ and Cl-

ii. CaCl2 is calcium chloride. Ions present are Ca+ and SO 2−

iii. K2SO4 is potassium sulphate. Ions present are K+ and SO2− 4

iv. KNO3 is potassium nitrate. Ions present are K+ and N O−3

v. CaCO3 is calcium carbonate. Ions present are Ca2+ and C O2− 3


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