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English Class – Was/Were/Irregular verbs 8/09/23

1) Complete the sentences using the past tense of the verb to be.

a) The weather _______ beautiful yesterday.

b) They _______ excited to go on vacation.
c) She _______ the winner of the competition.
d) We _______ at the park all day.
e) The movie _______ really interesting.
f) He _______ the captain of the team.
g) It _______ a long and tiring journey.
h) You _______ my favorite teacher.
i) The books _______ on the shelf.
j) The party _______ a lot of fun.
k) I _______ surprised by the news.
l) They _______ happy with their new car.
m) The flowers _______ blooming in the garden.
n) She _______ the best student in her class.
o) We _______ late for the concert.
p) The cookies _______ delicious.
q) The streets _______ crowded during rush hour.
r) He _______ a great actor in that movie.
s) The house _______ beautifully decorated.
t) You _______ my inspiration.
u) The concert _______ amazing last night.
v) They _______ surprised by the sudden news.
w) She _______ the only one who understood the concept.
x) We _______ thrilled to receive the award.
y) The food at the restaurant _______ delicious.
z) He _______ the tallest person in the room.
2) Change the sentences from the present simple to the past tense.

a) She is happy.
b) They are excited about the trip.
c) It is a beautiful day.
d) We are late for the meeting.
e) The book is interesting.
f) He is a doctor.
g) You are my best friend.
h) The weather is nice today.
i) They are good singers.
j) She is a talented artist.
k) It is hot outside.
l) We are at the beach.
m) The movie is funny.
n) He is a great chef.
o) You are very helpful.
p) The room is cold.
q) They are good dancers.
r) She is busy with her work.
s) It is a long journey.
t) We are good friends.

3) Complete the following paragraphs using the past tense of the verb to be.

a) Last summer, my family and I went on a vacation to a beautiful beach destination. The
weather _______ perfect, with clear blue skies and a gentle breeze. The hotel we
stayed at _______ right by the ocean, offering breathtaking views. The beach itself
_______ pristine, with soft white sand and crystal-clear water. We _______ thrilled to
explore the area and try out various water activities. The local cuisine _______
delicious, and we _______ fortunate to try some traditional dishes. The people we
met _______ friendly and welcoming, making our experience even more enjoyable.
Overall, it _______ a memorable trip that we will cherish for years to come.
b) Yesterday, I _______ at the park with my friends. The weather _______ sunny and
warm. We _______ excited to play outdoor games. The playground _______ filled
with laughter and joy. The trees _______ green and the flowers _______ in full bloom.
It _______ a perfect day to enjoy nature. We _______ happy and content. Time
_______ flying by as we played and laughed together. It _______ a memorable day
that I will always cherish.

Now the same but using past tense irregular verbs.

a) Yesterday, I _______ (go) to the park with my friends. We _______ (have) a great time
playing games and enjoying the sunshine. Suddenly, it _______ (begin) to rain, so we
_______ (run) to find shelter. While we _______ (wait) for the rain to stop, we
_______ (see) a beautiful rainbow in the sky. After the rain _______ (stop), we
_______ (continue) our activities and _______ (laugh) a lot.

b) The other day, I _______ (go) to the park with my friends. We _______ (have) a great
time playing games and laughing together. Suddenly, it _______ (begin) to rain, so we
_______ (run) to find shelter. While we _______ (wait) for the rain to stop, we
_______ (see) a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It _______ (be) so colorful and bright.
After the rain _______ (stop), we _______ (continue) our activities. I _______ (bring)
my camera and _______ (take) some photos of the scenery. We _______ (see) ducks
swimming in the pond and children _______ (fly) kites. It _______ (feel) like a magical
moment. Later, we _______ (decide) to have a picnic. We _______ (bring) sandwiches,
fruits, and drinks. We _______ (sit) on the grass and _______ (enjoy) our delicious
meal. While we _______ (eat), we _______ (hear) birds singing in the trees. It _______
(be) such a peaceful and relaxing day. When it _______ (get) dark, we _______ (pack)
our things and _______ (say) goodbye to the park. We _______ (walk) back home,
feeling tired but happy. It _______ (be) a memorable day that I will always cherish.

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