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teori perkembangan ilmu

Hari purwanto

• Vienna Circle → logical

• Karl Popper → Falsification
• Thomas Kuhn → paradigm shift;
scientific revolution
• Imre Lakatos → research
• Paul Feyerabend → theoretical
Vienna Circle → logical positivism
• verifiability criterion: a sentence is meaningful if and only if one can
describe a method to verify the truth of the sentence
• Meaningful sentences:
✓Analytical sentences → true or false in virtue of the meaning of their words
✓Synthetic sentences → true if they are verified → false if their negations are
➢ observational
➢ theoretical → inductive method
Analogi angsa putih
mengamati banyak angsa
berwarna putih;
tidak ditemukan angsa yang tidak
berwarna putih;
di tempat berbeda, waktu
berbeda (dalam kondisi apapun)
selalu angsa berwarna putih
→semua Angsa itu
berwarna putih
Berapa banyak? Kondisi seperti apa?
Pernyataan teoritik
→ alat bantu penalaran
→ kesimpulan
→ kejadian yang dapat diamati di masa yang akan datang

Theoretical sentences are mere instruments for prediction → instrumentalism

verificationism in semantics
instrumentalism in theories
inductivism in methodology
Karl Popper → Falsification
• Tidak ada tempat buat penalaran induktif dalam sains
• Metodologi:
• Teori → Hipotesis
• Konsekuensi yang bisa diamati
• Uji >>> tidak benar? → tolak hipotesis;
• >>> tidak ada konsekuensi yang terbukti tidak benar → (sementara) terima hipotesis
• Teori banyak teruji → corroborated/didukung

• Teori bisa difalsifikasi → saintifik; else pseudosains

anomalous perihelion of the planet Uranus → Neptune
Thomas Kuhn → paradigm shift;
scientific revolution
• Paradigma/paradigm: complex of results, concepts, norms,
assumptions → exemplars of successful problem-solving
• pre-scientific stage → normal science → crisis → scientific revolution
→ normal science → normal science →…
• Incommensurability: we cannot compare two paradigms
Imre Lakatos →
• A research programme R1
is falsified when there is
an alternative research
programme R2 that
• can explain and
predict as much as
research programme
R1 does
• predicts novel facts,
some of which are
Paul Feyerabend
→ theoretical anarchism

• Anything goes
William Newton-Smith
→The Rationality of Science
1. The scientific community has a goal specified by the model
with its scientific activity.
2. Between two competing theories T1 and T2, one of them, say
T2, is closer to this goal, given the available evidence.
3. The scientific community realizes that T2 is closer to the goal
than T1.
4. The scientific community rejects T1 in favour of T2 on the
basis of the realization that T2 is closer to the goal than T1.

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