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GROUP : ED7052A1 DATE : 08/07/2023


1. Identify a few important steps to develop an effective strategic plan for an educational
institution. Which step that you think is the most important step to ensure successful
strategic planning? Please state your rationale.

Developing a strategic plan involves a multi-step process covering vision, mission, objectives,
values, strategies, goals, and programs. There are three stages in creating a strategic plan:
strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. All of the stages are important because
they depend on each other. In my opinion, the most important one is the strategy formulation
stage. This stage is the pioneer of the other stages, it includes developing a vision and mission
for the organization, which a vision and mission is an organization or the identity of the
organization. All of the activities of the organization must represent the vision and mission of
the organization. As supported by the textbook, strategy formulation includes the organizational
external opportunities and threats, determining internal strengths and weaknesses, establishing
long-term objectives, and choosing particular strategies to pursue. With all of the elements of
strategy formulation is the basic fundamental of an organization to survive.

2. Assume yourself as a school head. Design a suitable Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals
to help your school to become the most excellent school in your district.

Vision : A school that encourages students to be excellent without losing their

noble character.
Mission : Prepare students to be ready to live life after they graduate by instilling
character so that they become virtuous human beings.
Strategic Goals : Achieve 50% of the students can continue their studies in university.

3. Explain the features of SWOT analysis and BCG matrix. Demonstrate how you use the
SWOT analysis to develop good strategies to improve the management of a school.

SWOT is an acronym of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis
is framework which used to evaluate an organization and to develop the strategic planning
(SWOT Analysis: How To With Table and Example ( According to the
textbook, SWOT analysis is matrix tool to analyse a strategic plan with the purpose is to
help the managers develop the strategies by identifying the strength, weaknesses,
opportunities, and the threats of the organization to achieve long term objectives. There are
four elements of SWOT analysis:
• Strength: it stands for the internal factor which is giving an advantage to the others
in the organization. It means which part that are the sector of the organization or
company that giving more interest or work excellent. For example, in my senior
high school one of the most excellent is extracurricular sectors which has a lot of
• Weaknesses: this element refers to the internal factors or the reasons affect the
performance of an organization causing the sector or project that is not work well
in the organization and at the end giving disadvantages to the organization.
• Opportunities: this element refers to the most favourite factors that could give an
organization advantage. It is mostly referring to the external factor of the
organization that giving more benefit for the organization.
• Threats: refer to the external factor or outside the organization that affect negatively
to the performance of the organization.

b. BCG Matrix

BCG matrix or Boston Consulting Group matrix referred to as the product portfolio matrix.
BCG matrix is a business planning tool that used to evaluate the strategic position of a
firm’s brand portfolio ( cited from BCG Matrix - Overview, Four Quadrants and Diagram
( According to textbook, the BCG matrix graphically
portrays differences among divisions in term of relative market share position and industry
growth rate (David F.R, 2004). It different from SWOT analysis which more focuses on
internal and external factors. BCG Matrix focuses on relative market share and market
• Relative market share: defined as the ratio of a division’s own market share (or
revenues) in a particular industry to the market share (or revenues) held by the
largest rival firm in that industry and represent x-axis of the BCG Matrix (David,
• Market growth rate: The y-axis represents the industry growth rate in sales,
measured in percentage terms. The growth rate percentages on the y-axis could
range from -20 to +20 percent, with 0.0 being the midpoint. (David, 2004)

David, F. R. (2004). Strategic management: concepts and cases. Upper Saddle River:
Prentice Hall.

c. Demonstrate SWOT

Ex: Senior High School 1 Gerung West Lombok, NTB Indonesia

Vision : A school that encourages students to be excellent without losing their noble
Mission : Prepare students to be ready to live life after they graduate by instilling
character so that they become virtuous human beings.
Strategic Goals : Achieve 50% of the students can continue their studies in university.
Strengths Weaknesses
Non-academic achievement. English skills
Qualified teachers and facilities English students’ community
Sports Students’ motivation in learning English
Opportunities Threats
Game-Based learning Education policy
Facilities that enhance the learning and teaching More focus on academic achievement
process Parent perception toward school branding
Cooperation with tourism sectors

a. Strengths
The school need to have the set of arrangement of the sport activities to support the
students in reaching the achievement in sport sectors with take the advantage of the
two factors that have, qualified teacher and the facilities that support the non-academic
event, especially in sport. And this is can be the achievement of the school and the
students who participated in this department.
b. Weaknesses
The school need to more prioritize the English subject as the supporting system, which
is it can be support the strengths and really helpful for the students who want to compete
in international event in the future.
c. Opportunities
Nowadays, teacher can access everything faster than before, and a lot of platforms than
can use to help the teachers in learning and teaching process more engaging and
interesting for the students so the more motivate to learn English. And with the
cooperation with tourism sector can motivate the student more.
d. Threats
The threats of the school it can be the advantage of the school, so the school need to be
more focus on what the school have now, so the school can develop the students and
the teachers to achieving the goal of the school.

4. Compare the differences between Strategic Implementation and Strategic Evaluation.

Identify TWO challenges that you need to overcome during strategy implementation.

a. Strategic implementation requires a firm to establish annual objectives, devise policies,

motivate employee and allocate resources which already formulated can be executed.
Meanwhile, strategy evaluation refers to the reviewing section of the external and internal
factors that are affected in implementation process.
b. During strategy implementation, organizations often face various challenges that can hinder
the successful execution of their plans such as:
1. Employees Performance and Commitment: employee performance is affected the
quality of the organization. Employee as the person who run the program or the project.
If the employee performance is low, it will affect the other sectors of the organization
such as the quality and services. And the commitment of the employees is really
important, because when the employees did not have any commitment to achieve goal
the strategy implementation will get worse and at the end the company will collapse.
2. Alignment and Coordination: achieving alignment and coordination across different
departments or teams within the organization is quite challenging, because some of the
department cannot work well with the other department. This situation because often
involves multiple initiatives, projects, and tasks that need to be executed
simultaneously or in a coordinated manner. Lack of alignment and coordination can
result in duplication of efforts, conflicting priorities, inefficient resource allocation, and
missed deadlines.

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