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Solaleh Seyedi

ESL 91-101
Different Type of Communication

Communication means transferring a message from one person to another one or several

people. There are different types of communication that utilizing them help individuals to

improve their connections and reach their goals in conversations, speeches, seminars,

negotiations, relationships and arguments. Some of communication ways are verbal, nonverbal,

written and electronic. To elaborate on this issue, if we use direct talk in speaking or discussion

with others to send messages, we are in verbal communication. On the other hand, nonverbal

communication is a powerful tool that conveys information without the use of words. To clarify

this point, nonverbal communication involves body language, gestures including the movement

of the hand and the head, facial expression or emotional states in face such as happiness or

sadness, eye contact, touch (for instance physical contact between mother and kids) and silence.

These are crucial for effective communication as they provide additional information and help to

get the meaning behind words in personal life and in the workplace. In sum, all types of

communication, special nonverbal communication, complement verbal messages and greatly

enhance or worsen relationships and collaborations.

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