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NIM : D41221076


The world of online shop is the development of internet technology. Internet according to Hine
(2007) can be approached in two aspects, namely the internet as aculture and as cultural artifacts
(Nasrullah, 2012:51). As a culture, originally Internet is a simple communication model when
compared to direct or face-to-face communication model. This direct interaction does not only
involve text as a symbol or sign in interacting only. Facial expressions, voice pressure, way of
looking, body position, religion, age, race, and so on are signs that also play a role in the
interaction between individual. The interaction in computer mediated communication (online
shop) based solely on text even emotion by using text with emoticon symbol. The development
of the internet further developed the phenomenon of other social activities, as well as direct
interactions between individuals.
As for clothing or fashion needs, he is more. I like shopping using an online shop. The reason he
prefers shopping.Buyer is Consumers or buyers in an online shop. Cash On Delivery (COD)
isnHow to purchase where the seller and Buyers can meet face to face. You can make an
appointment at a place, or the seller deliver to the buyer's house. Payment is made when the
seller and buyers meet each other.Customers is Has the same meaning as buyer, this is a term for
buyers in English.DP (down payment) is Indirect payment system paid off. This payment system
is usually used for goods with a pre-order system. Dropship is Delivery of goods to consumers.
on behalf of the second party as a reseller. PO (Pre-Order) This is system that is widely used by
those who sell imported goods or custom. So, new goods will be marketed or produced after the
PO schedule expires, and is sent after the goods are finished. Ready Stock is Items available
Resellers is A name for a seller who sells other people's goods for consumers. In simple terms
called brokers. Seller is Seller or owner in online shop Supplier is Supplier of goods to sellers.
online shop Trusted is Stating that the online shop. Testimonialsis Term for messages and
impressions from the customer. This is usually used as evidence to convince buyers others based
on the previous buyer's acknowledgment.
Offline businesses have physical stores where consumers can immediately see the products
offered. Consumers can choose their own desired model, by trying the appropriate size and
knowing the quality of the materials used. Another problem that often occurs in purchases other
than in online stores is color. often the colors seen in photos are different from what they appear
to be. By shopping directly at the store, consumers will get products that match the desired color.
Direct experience with products is the reason why consumers have high trust in offline stores.
Easier customer service With a physical store, service to consumers can be done easily.
Consumer demands will not drag on because they can be resolved directly. Store owners can
directly provide product samples, answer consumer questions, handle customer complaints and
take action if needed. The payment system is more secure Consumers who visit offline stores
will usually pay for their groceries in cash.
This direct payment makes transactions in offline stores more secure. The money to pay directly
can be seen and calculated by the shop owner. In addition, there is no need to worry about
payment failures and fraud. Don't bother making deliveries Because the selected product is
delivered to the consumer immediately after paying, the shop owner does not have to bother with
shipping. Consumers don't have to worry about when the ordered goods arrive and don't have to
think about shipping costs which are usually bigger than transportation costs to the store. Not too
much competition Although online businesses are now mushrooming, offline stores still have
their own loyal customers. Because of that, offline stores usually compete with other offline
stores, which are not too many in number.

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