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0 version:
- added ship button
- addeed list of your own words in chat
- added settings for new things
- removed map button, information block, ads

1.5 version:
- added rejoin button.
- added save ship button. Clicking it saves ship, so when you click rejoin in menu
it will take you back. Its not saving ship in-game!
- added clickable links in chat. To enable click link in chat
- deleted bugs with ship buttons
- moved buttons and changed colors

1.6 version:
- upgraded clickable link
- added coolsnake303 button in manager
- now u can access every ship from your button, no matter where it is (if u have
game permission ofc)
- added reload button in ship manager. It reloads ship in server you choose
- added buttons for servers
- removed save button. Now rejoin doesnt do anything in menu. (but too much effort
to hide it)

1.61 hotfix
- repaired rejoin and reload entering wrong ship with simmilar name

1.62 hotfix
- repaired test server links

2.0 version:
- merged pro and optimal versions
- changed icon and name to
- moved settings to the extension settings
- changed format how settigns are saved
- addded crew stats in Ship Manager
- replaced custom words in chat with custom buttons in chat
- added Snakecopter. You can change duration in settings
- instant Save button (if connection is slow click twice)
- added hotkeys that can be customized in settings
- added Test Kit button in test server (Work in progress)
- removed coolsnake303 button
- optimalized speed of ship buttons
- fixed reload ship box showing too many times

2.1 version:
- added MutationObserver
- due to Observer upgraded speed of: buttons, instant save, crew stats, chat links,
- added button to copy link in chat
- now chat links shows up immediatly

- removed reload

- fixed change server function

- fixed ship buttons error

- rounded corners of UI
- fixed white font in

- allowed rejoining ships with blank names

- added kick all button

- increased chat links performance

- added open graph protocol for chat links, see ship and named before joining

- option for hotkeys on shift or ctrl (customizable in settings)

- manager hotkey only for Tab
- added snakecopter hotkey
- added kick all players hotkey
- added save ship hotkey
- allowed to use more keys as hotkeys
- fixed copter and gravity hotkeys not working sometimes
- disabled hotkeys in menu and text boxes like chat

- disabled server buttons in test

- added customizable scrollbar
- customize menu in extension settings
- changed name to ShrekDark

- fixed invite buttons being not clickable
- changed popup text

- added texture switch, u can upload your own zip
- fixed snakecopter time, now u can cancel

- added missed chat messages - messages last for 5s when player come back from afk
from game tab
- added chat timestamps
- hidden rejoin and instant save button from menu
- bunch of css changes (new ship menu)
- first part of adding smooth animations
- brought back map button and ads

- customizable translator in chat
- manage the player by clicking in chat
- favourite ships in menu with colors
- animations:
- chat
- motd
- notifications

- moved chat buttons to a list

- fixed chat invite for labs and with Hide Messages
- readjusted server buttons
- add texture pack through the popup
- instant save now shows new ship on top of the list
- fixed color range
- fixed save and gravity not working at first try
- gravity now clears text field
- bunch of css changes
- popup remake

- added emergency ping feature
- moved fav ship buttons to a list
- UI themes
- you can now select username in chat while being captain
- increased max snakecopter time limit to 600 seconds
- fixed dissapering chat messages
- removed permission

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