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Ii Family

- Ip -it -ig ill

dip bit big bill sill
hip fit dig fill till
lip hit fig hill will
nip kit gig gill
pip lit Mig Jill
rip pit pig kill
sip sit rig mill
rip wit wig pill

-id -in -ick -ix

Bid bin bid fix
Did fin did mix
Hid kin hid nix
Kid pin kid six
Lid sin lid
Nid tin rid

1. Tim’s bib.
2. to fix the lid
3. mill on the hill
4. big kit
5. six pins
6. pill beside the tin
7. wig that fits
8. to dig a pit
9. Jim’s wig
10. hit the bin

1. The kit of Kim is big.
2. Kris will fit the wig.
3. Jill digs six pits
4. Did you see the bib of Tim?
5. Jim and the kids sit on the hill
6. Rick slips the spin in the van.
7. Jig has six pills.
8. The kid hid on the hill.
9. Mig’s pig is sick.
10. Put the pill in the kit.

Write the name of the picture.

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