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English assignment 10 phrases

Name : Renisa Aldian

Class : REG C
ID Number. : A1C122074

Make 10 phrases and then change them into clauses and then the clause sentences are changed
again into complex sentences
[ Buatlah 10 phrase lalu diubah menjadi clause 10 lalu kalimat clause tersebut diubah menjadi
kalimat komplek]

• Phrases:

1. The sun shines brightly.

2. I love eating chocolate.
3. The cat sleeps lazily.
4. She dances gracefully.
5. The flowers bloom in spring.
6. He plays the piano skillfully.
7. They swim in the ocean.
8. The wind blows gently.
9. We laugh uncontrollably.
10. The birds chirp melodiously.

• Clauses:

1. When the sun shines brightly, it's a beautiful day.

2. I love eating chocolate because it's so delicious.
3. While the cat sleeps lazily, the dog barks loudly.
4. She dances gracefully as if she's floating on air.
5. The flowers bloom in spring when the weather gets warmer.
6. He plays the piano skillfully, mesmerizing the audience.
7. They swim in the ocean whenever they go to the beach.
8. The wind blows gently, creating a soothing atmosphere.
9. We laugh uncontrollably when we watch funny movies.
10. The birds chirp melodiously, signaling the arrival of dawn.

• Complex Sentences:

1. When the sun shines brightly,

illuminating the surroundings, it's a
beautiful day that fills everyone with joy
and warmth.
2. I love eating chocolate because it's so
delicious, and the rich, smooth texture
melts in my mouth, leaving behind a
heavenly taste that lingers.
3. While the cat sleeps lazily, stretching its limbs lazily, the dog barks loudly, alerting the entire
neighborhood to its presence.
4. She dances gracefully as if she's floating on air, captivating the audience with her elegant
movements and flawless execution.
5. The flowers bloom in spring when the weather gets warmer, painting the landscapes with
vibrant colors and infusing the air with a sweet, fragrant scent.
6. He plays the piano skillfully, effortlessly gliding his fingers over the keys, mesmerizing the
audience and transporting them to another world with his enchanting melodies.
7. They swim in the ocean whenever they go to the beach, diving into the refreshing waves and
experiencing the exhilaration of being surrounded by nature's vast aquatic realm
8. The wind blows gently, rustling the leaves on the trees and caressing the cheeks of those who
venture outside, creating a soothing atmosphere that invites relaxation and tranquility.
9. We laugh uncontrollably when we watch funny movies, doubling over with laughter, tears
streaming down our faces, unable to contain the sheer joy and amusement they bring.
10. The birds chirp melodiously, announcing the arrival of dawn with their harmonious
melodies, filling the world with a symphony of nature's music.

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