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{\creatim \yr2023\mo09\dy11\hr23\min46\sec03}{\revtim \yr2023\mo09\dy11\hr23\min46\
sec03}{\company }{\manager }}
\sectd \pgwsxn11906\pghsxn16838 \margtsxn1440\margrsxn1440\margbsxn1440\
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 2023-09-11}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Hall: 6 Booth: 6B21}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 New plasma power source K 200}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Kjellberg is expanding its portfolio for plasma cutting with the new
power source K 200 which will be presented live.}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 With the K 200, users can focus on the essentials of plasma cutting:
optimal and reliable cutting results with easy operation and low investment and
operating costs.}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 The power source cuts with oxygen, air and nitrogen in the material
thickness range from one to 60 millimetre with a maximum cutting current of 200 A.
In addition, the K 200 has a marking function. It has integrated automatic gas
control and a torch with direct connection. A manual torch extends the range of
application to manual cutting and gouging. Overall, the user benefits from low
investment costs and easy installation, operation and maintenance of the system}}\
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 The K 200 can be fully integrated into CNC guidance systems or
controlled and monitored via smartphone. The accompanying app also allows the user
to see all parameters and settings at a glance and customise cutting data.}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Visitors will be able to experience the new K 200 power source live
cutting mild steel several times a day. The functional scope of the app will also
be presented at the trade show.}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Contact:}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Kjellberg Finsterwalde Plasma und Maschinen GmbH}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Frau Ines Lehmann}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Oscar-Kjellberg-Stra\uc0{\u223}e 20}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 03238 Finsterwalde}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Germany}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Fon: +4935315000}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 Fax: +493531500151}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 E-Mail:}}\par
{{\cf0\f0\fs22 ----------------------------------------}}\par

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