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Title: The Magical Garden

Cheanich and Moniroth were best friends who lived in a small village surrounded
by lush green fields. They shared a deep love for nature and spent their days
exploring the woods and meadows.
One sunny afternoon, while wandering through the forest, they stumbled upon a
hidden garden. It was unlike any garden they had ever seen, with flowers of every
color imaginable and trees that seemed to touch the sky. In the center stood a
magnificent fountain, its waters sparkling in the sunlight.
As they explored, they heard a soft, melodic hum. Following the sound, they
discovered an old woman tending to the flowers. Her name was Elara, and she was
the guardian of this magical garden.
Elara welcomed Cheanich and Moniroth with a warm smile, sensing their love for
nature mirrored her own. She taught them the secrets of the garden, showing them
how to coax the flowers to bloom even more brilliantly and how to speak to the
birds and butterflies.
Days turned into weeks, and Cheanich and Moniroth's bond with Elara deepened.
The garden became their sanctuary, a place where they could find peace and
One day, as they sat by the fountain, Elara turned to them and said, "You have
brought so much joy to this garden. It is time for you to take its magic with you."
With a wave of her hand, Elara bestowed upon them a small crystal, its light
shimmering with the colors of the garden. "This crystal holds the essence of our
magical haven. Carry it with you, and you will always find happiness in the beauty
of the world around you."
Cheanich and Moniroth left the garden with grateful hearts, carrying the crystal
with them wherever they went. They brought the magic of the garden into their
village, filling it with vibrant blooms and a sense of wonder.
And so, Cheanich and Moniroth's lives were forever touched by the enchanting
garden and the wisdom of Elara. They learned that true happiness could be found
in the beauty of nature and the connections we make along the way.
Vocabularies explained
1. **Lush**/lʌʃ/: A place that has lots of healthy, green plants and trees.

2. **Exploring**/ɪkˈsplɔːrɪŋ/: When you walk around and look at different things because
you're curious.

3. **Meadows**/ˈmɛd.oʊz/: Large, open fields with lots of grass.

4. **Wandering**/ˈwɒndərɪŋ/:: Walking around without a specific plan, just enjoying what's


5. **Through**/θruː/: Going from one side of something to the other.

6. **Stumbled Upon**/ˈstʌmbəld əˈpɒn/: Accidentally found something you didn't expect.

7. **Hidden**/ˈhɪdn̩/: Something that's not easy to see because it's purposely kept out of sight.

8. **Magnificent**/mæɡˈnɪfɪsənt/: Something that's really, really amazing and impressive.

9. **Fountain**/ˈfaʊntən/: A structure that sprays water up into the air, often for decoration.

10. **Sparkling**/ˈspɑːrk.lɪŋ/: When something shines and gives off little bright lights.

11. **Melodic Hum**/məˈlɒdɪk hʌm/: A pleasant, musical humming sound.

12. **Tending**/ˈtɛndɪŋ/: Taking care of something or someone.

13. **To Coax**/tuː koʊks/: Encouraging something to happen in a gentle and kind way.

14. **Bloom**/bluːm/: When a flower opens up and looks really pretty.

15. **Bond**/bɒnd/: A strong connection or friendship between people or things.

16. **Sanctuary**/ˈsæŋk.tjuə.ri/: A very safe and peaceful place.

17. **With a Wave of Her Hand**/wɪð ə weɪv ʌv hər hænd/: When she moved her hand in a
special way.

18. **Bestowed Upon**/bɪˈstoʊd əˈpɒn/: Given in a really special and generous way.

19. **Crystal**/ˈkrɪs.təl/: A clear, shiny material that can be made into beautiful things.

20. **Shimmering**/ˈʃɪmərɪŋ/: When something shines with a soft, wavy light.

21. **Essence**/ˈɛsəns/: The most important part or quality of something.

22. **Vibrant Blooms**/ˈvaɪbrənt bluːmz/: Really colorful and lively flowers in full bloom.

23. **Sense of Wonder**/sɛns ʌv ˈwʌndər/: Feeling amazed and curious.

24. **Touched By the Enchanting**/tʌʧt baɪ ðə ɛnˈʧæntɪŋ/: Feeling very moved and
fascinated by something magical and charming.

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