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. Parents should limit their children’s access to media?

Discuss this idea in your essay by giving specific reasons

and examples.

1. Aileler çocuklarının medyaya erişimini kısıtlamalıdır

cocugun kucuk yasta gorup etkileneceği seylerden
cocugu korumak gerekiyor ama tam olarak da
kopmamaldır ki hayatın gerçeklerini bir kenara

2. Ornegin aynı sartlarda ama farklı erişimlerde

yetiştirilmis uc çocuk düşünelim birisinin haberlere
mediaya erişimi hic yok diğer cocuguın sinirli
diğerinin ise cok erişimi var erişimi kısıtlanmış
çocuk dünyanın gulluk gülistanlık bir yer olduğunu
dusunup hayaş dunyasonda yasayacaktır bu çocuğa
ileriki hayatında cok buyuk zararlar verir cok erişimi
olan cocugun da gordugu seylerden psikolojisi
bozularak sıkıntılar yasayabilir. Çocuğunuz
erişimden ne uzak kalmalı ne de cok fazla erişime
sahip olmalı

3. Kısıtlanmalıdır
Parents should limit their children’s access to media.
Children can see bad things on media, this situation can
effect a child in bad way. If you do not want your child
to be affected by this situation you must be careful.

For example, think about three children who lived in

the same conditions but their access to media were
different. The first child does not have access to media,
that child will live in a dream world, the child to break
away from real life in the future and then children have
a difficult life with these problems. The Second child
has access to media without any limit this child will be
very affected by the bad things he or she sees and
hears. This situation can be psychologically challenged
and the things the child sees will weigh heavily. The
correct one is the third child who has limited access to
the media, is far from things like sad news but it's not
enough, at the same time the child must not break
away from life either.

All in all you must limit your child access to media but
do not forget to be careful about children’s psychology.
Your child deserves to learn everything about the world
if this situation effects children’s life then you must be
considerate about that.

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