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• Read each question carefully.

• Choose the best answer from the options provided.
• Check your answers at the end of the google form.

1. Which phrase is not used to ask for an opinion?

a) What do you think about having a holiday at Kuta Beach?
b) Do you think that dancing is a good hobby?
c) What is your opinion on this pizza?
d) Personally, I think that this fried rice is too spicy.
2. When someone asks for your opinion, you should:
a) Keep your opinion to yourself
b) Share your honest thoughts respectfully
c) Pretend to agree with them
d) Change the subject

Dialogue for no 1-3

Samantha : "I'm thinking about traveling to Europe this summer."
Alex : "That sounds exciting! Where in Europe are you considering?"
Samantha : "I'm torn between Italy and France. What do you think?"
Alex : "Well, in my opinion, both countries have their charms. Italy offers amazing
food and rich history, while France has beautiful architecture and art. It
depends on what kind of experience you want."
Samantha : "That's true. I love food, so Italy might be a great choice."

3. What is Samantha considering for her summer travel?

a) Staying home
b) Traveling to Asia
c) Traveling to Europe
d) Traveling to South America
4. Where is Samantha thinking about going in Europe?
a) Italy
b) Asia
c) South America
d) Australia
5. What does Alex mention as an attraction of Italy?
a) Beautiful architecture
b) Amazing food and rich history
c) Art
d) None of the above
6. According to Alex, what is an attraction of France?
a) Amazing food and rich history
b) Beautiful architecture and art
c) Traveling to Asia
d) Staying home
7. Why does Samantha lean towards choosing Italy?
a) Because it has beautiful architecture
b) Because it offers amazing food, which she loves
c) Because it has rich history
d) Because it's Alex's preference
8. Which of the following phrases is commonly used to ask for someone's opinion?
a) "Can you tell me what you think about this?"
b) "I don't care what you think."
c) "You shouldn't have an opinion."
d) "Opinions are unnecessary."
9. When giving your opinion, it's essential to:
a) Use complex words to sound smart
b) Be concise and clear
c) Avoid eye contact
d) Ramble on without a point
10. What's a suitable response when someone asks for your opinion on a topic you're not
familiar with?
a) Make up an answer
b) Give your opinion on a related topic
c) Politely express your lack of knowledge
d) Laugh and change the subject
11. Which non-verbal cue often indicates that someone is listening attentively to your
a) Rolling their eyes
b) Yawning
c) Nodding
d) Checking their phone
12. When someone says, "In my opinion," they are:
a) Stating a fact
b) Sharing their viewpoint
c) Keeping their thoughts to themselves
d) Lying
13. What's a good way to start a sentence when giving your opinion?
a) "You should..."
b) "I believe that..."
c) "I don't care about..."
d) "Let me think..."

Dialogue for No. 14-16

Ilmi : Hey, Nabila!
Nabila : Yeah?
Ilmi : What is your opinion about jogging?
Nabila : In my opinion, jogging makes us healthy. Besides we get the fresh air, our legs
become stronger.
Ilmi : Absolutely! How about jogging at seven o’clock?
Nabila : I’m afraid I can’t. I must accompany my sister to the bookstore.
Ilmi : You can go after jogging.
Nabila : No way, the bookstore is only open at four o’clock. Did you get it?
Ilmi : Yes, I got it.
Nabila : What if we jog at five o’clock in the morning?
Ilmi : That’s a good idea.

14. What does Nabila think about jogging?

a) It makes the bookstore open the whole day.
b) It makes the body healthy.
c) She thinks she cannot run.
d) It can help her sister shop in the bookstore.
15. What time will Ilmi and Nabila go for jogging?
a) At 5.00 a.m.
b) At 5.00 p.m.
c) At 6.00 a.m.
d) At 6.00 p.m.
16. From the italic sentence, we know that …
a) Ilmi state his opinion.
b) Ilmi asks for Nabila’s opinion.
c) Nabila asks for Ilmi’s attention.
d) Nabila appreciates Ilmi.
17. Which word is often used to express a strong opinion or belief?
a) Perhaps
b) Maybe
c) Definitely
d) I don't know
18. Which of the following is a way to politely ask for someone's opinion?
a) "What's the right answer?"
b) "Tell me what you think."
c) "I don't want to hear your opinion."
d) "Opinions are irrelevant."
19. How can you show that you value someone's opinion in a conversation?
a) By ignoring them
b) By making fun of their opinion
c) By actively listening and asking follow-up questions
d) By disagreeing loudly
20. What's the primary purpose of asking for someone's opinion in a discussion?
a) To change their mind
b) To evaluate their intelligence
c) To understand their perspective
d) To prove them wrong

Attitude is number one. Attitude shows your class.

So, be an honest person, okay? Good luck!😉

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