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What kind of person do you think an audience most likes to see giving a
presentation: a confident person, a knowledgeable person, a funny person, a
sincere person? Of these qualities, which is most appealing to you, and why?

The effectiveness of a presentation can depend on both confidence and sincerity,

and it often varies depending on the context and the audience’s preferences. But for
me, a balance between confidence and sincerity is essential. Too much confidence
without sincerity can make the presenter seem insincere or detached from the
audience’s needs. On the other hand, excessive sincerity without confidence might
lead to a lack of impact

2. Make some brief notes to present what you do for a living or what you are
studying. Explain some surprising things about your job or studies - what
people may not know about it - and/or the aspects of your job or studies that
you like or dislike.

Good morning, miss Selvi and my dear classmates. Did you realize that we have
been studying for 4 weeks this semester? I was surprised that time went by this fast.
So I will tell you about what I did during the 4 weeks of studying here. Before that, let
me introduce myself first. My name is Veronica, I still remember the first day I started
my lecture, I walked alone from the lobby to the elevator to wait in line. That day I
arrived quite early because I was afraid that if I arrived late I would have difficulty
finding a parking space. The lecturer on the first day in the first hour was quite
friendly so that the learning was not too tense. After the first class is finished, there is
a 4 hour interval to go to the next class. I decided to go home and take a rest. I don't
have a side job. So after coming home from campus, I made notes about my
assignments, and I did the assignments at night. An interesting fact about me is, I
don't want to collect SKKM points this semester. Why? because I focused more on
my final grades to continue the scholarship that I got when I was still in high school.
So, during 4 weeks of studying here, I got new experiences that I had never had
before in high school. I’ve become more independent, more able to control financial
inflows and outflows, and more responsible to myself and others. I think that's all my
presentation, thank you and I would apologize if there are any mispronunciations or
unpleasant words that I have said.

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