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1. What kind of school did you go to as a child?

As a child, I attended Tan Thoi primary school. It was a school that meant a lot to me because I
encountered a lot of friends at my age and was taught to write by friendly teachers for the first time.
And, I hope to see my teachers again soon.
2. Did you go to a co-educational school?
No, I didn’t. However, I am extremely hopeful that my old school will teach students more about the
outside world than the theories they only learn in school. Thanks to that, students can increase their
awareness of real-life scenarios and educate them on how to behave properly when living
independently in modern society.
3. What was your favorite subject as a child?
My favorite subject was Math because I nearly did well on all tests at school and I liked numbers so
much. Math brought a lot of joy to me when I learned it in my childhood.
4. Who was your favorite teacher?
Ms. Trang who taught me in Grade 3 was my favorite teacher. She was very friendly with us, and she
regularly organized several extra-curriculum activities for us to comprehend more about the outside
world. As a result, I was able to acquire better communication skills and build lasting friendships
with many peers.
5. Where do you study now?
I am currently enrolled in Tran Quang Khai High School, my favorite school. There are plenty of clubs
for me to join in this school. I strongly believe I can obtain numerous opportunities to discover my
own abilities. In addition, there is a large schoolyard in my school, so everyone can unwind together
after a long day at school. I'm hoping to learn a lot of new knowledge at this school.
6. What’s your university/college/school like?
The University of Economics is my favorite one. I hope I will be able to hone my expertise in this
school to become a successful entrepreneur. As a result, I am able to earn money to support my
parents and myself.
7. What subject do you like best? Why?
Literature is my favorite subject due to the fact it provides me with such a lot of inspiration and
helps me enhance my vocabulary. I usually achieve good marks in this subject, which helps me to say
more meaningful sentences in real life.
8. What subject do you dislike? Why not?
Physics is my least favorite subject because memorizing formulas is really difficult for me. As a result,
I frequently receive low test scores, and my Physics teachers are strict all the time. For these
reasons, I have no interest in this subject at all.
9. Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school. You should say:
• When and where you started studying it
• What lessons were like
• What made the subject different from other subjects
• and explain why you enjoyed the subject
Literature is my favorite subject due to the fact it provides me with such a lot of inspiration and
helps me improve my vocabulary. I started studying this subject in Grade 1 and fell in love with it in
Grade 6 because the texts I studied bore profound meanings. It could help me to learn better
concepts like gratitudes, reading habits, etc. In fact, I absolutely enjoy studying literature because I
believe it is easier than other subjects. An illustration of this is that I have always achieved high
scores on this subject. Besides, I am really keen on the subject because of my eighth-grade literature
teacher. She was always enthusiastic in her teaching method, and she taught me in a very easy-to-
understand way. Therefore, I have been extremely confident in writing and revel in this subject since
10. How are education priorities today different from those in the past?

11. Is a good education more important to a boy or a girl? Why?

12. How well do you think schools should prepare young people for working life?

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