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1. Dustin, a front desk cashier, is awarded as the Employee of the Month for
July in STI Hotel Bangkok because of his excellent and customer-centered
service. He delivered zero error on guest billings each shift he is in. Which
aspect of service quality is evident in the scenario? Why?
 Yes, as front desk cashier Dustin is doing a great job. He had the confidence to
inspire trust in what he was doing. As a result, he received a reward for his
exceptional service.
2. During slack periods, Chantilly Cove Hotel's Reservations Manager Leah
would rally her team to upsell rooms and group packages. It has been a
struggle for most hotels in their area to keep up with occupancy levels in
offsetting low-generating weekdays to not so performing weekends.
Which characteristic of hotel operations is evident in the scenario?
Explain your answer briefly.
 The employee’s seasonality with the company is one of the features of this
situation. The management manages the workers in this way by scheduling
them on weekends. That the worker must show there on time and stay on
3. John is a project developer of small commercial hotels who scouts for
sites where there are high volumes of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. He
considers the movement of people passing by the area as one of the
criteria in determining whether a new project is feasible or not. Which
characteristic of hotel operations is described? Why?
It is a procedure or action used to determine whether or not a branch,
location, or business has the capacity to produce and obtain the intended goal
income. Site review is one of the key elements of a feasibility study for a hotel. It
is a process that assesses an area’s performance while taking into account its
residents, neighboring facilities, economic stability, and business influence. John
is the project developer for the small commercial hotel, and this area is listed as
having possibilities for new hotels.
The aspect of service quality
describe in this scenario is the
facility lay out which is the
equipment, furniture and fixtures
are most appropriate to use which
can meet the
customer satisfactions. It generally
refers to the way in which
machinery, equipment,
and furnishing are under corporate
planning and development
division. It has ability of
these item to facilitate customer
satisfaction and expectation
The aspect of service quality
describe in this scenario is the
facility lay out which is the
equipment, furniture and fixtures
are most appropriate to use which
can meet the
customer satisfactions. It generally
refers to the way in which
machinery, equipment,
and furnishing are under corporate
planning and development
division. It has ability of
these item to facilitate customer
satisfaction and expectation
4. Grace works in 129 Resort Hotel as an architect under the corporate
planning and development division. She is mainly consulted as to which
equipment, furniture, and fixtures are most appropriate to use and where
these should be placed considering its shapes and sizes. Which aspect
service quality is described in the scenario? Why? Explain briefly.
 The facility layout, which includes the best furniture, equipment, and fixtures
to use in order to satisfy customers, is the aspect of service quality described
in this scenario. It mainly relates to the method that the corporate planning
and development division handles machinery, equipment, and furnishings.
These items have the capacity to facilitate client expectations and satisfaction.
5. STI Hotel Malaysia is awarded as the #1 Hotel in 2018 in terms of service
quality. This distinction is evident as all its employees epitomize courtesy
and confidentiality in their dealings with their guest and the
management. This, in turn, justifies a good return rate of guest for the
hotel, which gives a 90-95% occupancy level across that year. Which
aspect of service quality is described in the scenario? Why?
 The guarantee provided by the personnel is that they are confident in their
knowledge and good manners. Additionally, they should feel secure when
dealing with hotel staff. The personnel responsiveness is also demonstrated
by their willingness to provide excellent customer service.

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